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October 24th, 2024
BVIEC Career Expo 2024 set for November

LONG BUSH, Tortola, VI- The British Virgin Islands Electricity Corporation (BVIEC) will host the BVIEC Career Expo 2024 on November 29, 2024.

December 7th, 2022
Montserrat’s civil servants plan public protest for pay increase tomorrow

BRADES, Montserrat- Public servants in Monserrat have been called to engage in a public demonstration in protest of the non-commitment of the government to approve a salary increase.

June 6th, 2022
Bishop Cline slams Gov Rankin for suggesting majority in VI open to direct rule

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Outspoken clergyman Mr John I. Cline has slammed the Virgin Islands' Governor, H.E. John J. Rankin, CMG for suggesting that the people of the Virgin Islands (VI) are willing to accept direct rule.

May 12th, 2022
New Gov't 'doesn't mean direct rule off the table'- Via C. Donovan-Hodge

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The [British] Virgin Islands public has been told not to get complacent in thinking that direct rule is off the table just because a new government has been sworn in.

May 10th, 2022
Another public demonstration against possible UK direct rule planned for tomorrow

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Protesting and advocacy against the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) recommendation to impose United Kingdom (UK) direct rule on the Virgin Islands (VI) as well as suspend the local constitution will continue with another public demonstration outside the Office of the Governor from 4:00 pm on Wednesday, May 11, 2022.

May 10th, 2022
Petition of over 1000 signatures against UK direct rule submitted to VI Governor

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- A petition that appealed to Governor John J. Rankin, CMG and United Kingdom (UK) Overseas Territories Minister Hon Amanda A. Milling to reject the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) recommendation of suspension of the [British] Virgin Islands (VI) constitution and imposition of direct rule from London garnered over 1000 signatures and was submitted to the Governor on May 4, 2022.

May 3rd, 2022
PHOTOS: ‘I was born free!’- VI residents slam likelihood of UK direct rule

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Scores of Virgin Islanders and residents on Monday, May 2, 2022, publicly demonstrated their objection to the likelihood of direct rule by the United Kingdom (UK) as a recommendation coming out of the recently concluded UK-sponsored Commission of Inquiry (CoI), and its report suddently published on Friday, April 29, 2022.

May 2nd, 2022
Big demonstration against ‘direct rule’ in RT today May 2, 2022

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The people of the Virgin Islands will be stating their objection to any direct rule by the United Kingdom (UK) loud and clear from 8:00am today, Monday, May 2, 2022, at a demonstration slated for the parking lot of Government House in Road Town, Tortola.

October 23rd, 2021
HMS Medway arrives in VI for 4-day visit & demonstration

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – UK offshore patrol vessel, the HMS Medway has arrived in the Virgin Islands (VI) reportedly for a 4-day visit, during which the ship will demonstrate its Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief capabilities of its military passangers.

June 12th, 2020
March against racial injustice being planned for VI

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- As demonstrations against racial injustice spread across the globe following the death of African American George P. Floyd Jr after a white police officer in Minneapolis, USA, knelt on his neck for over 8 minutes on May 25, 2020, a group of young persons in the Virgin Islands has decided to organise a march to allow persons in the Territory to support the movement.

CG Insurance Office Move

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