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June 5th, 2013
Will months of disasters bring a collapse of our Pillars??

By Alred C. Frett

From Social to Natural Disasters:

As we leave the Month of Seniors and enter the Hurricane Season we can never predict the future but based on the treatment of our Seniors we should prepare ourselves for any disaster especially when, on the last day of Seniors recognition, our Local Leaders (sans Archie’s late arrival) couldn’t spare time or effort to visit the Home for the Elderly as a token of appreciation.

March 13th, 2013
The real killers of VI National Health Insurance

By Alred C. Frett

Are BV-Islanders wrong to seek Truth and Facts??:

Following our last article concerning perceived Dangers of National Health Insurance, I was accused of opposing this Scheme and I will not deny this but it should be clear that my opposition is based on their failure to provide necessary information concerning the Sustainability, Costs, Principles, Objectives and Bylaws governing this venture.

February 13th, 2013
21st Century Blacks should stop blaming Whites for their Plight

By Alred "AC" Frett

Black Man needs no help from the White Man in destroying himself:

February 2013 has arrived and again we celebrate another Black History Month which implies some inherent degree of Affirmative Action and Racism… However, while we should never forget the injustices of Slavery, it would be equally wrong to become stuck in the mentality of blaming the White Race and others for the devious actions or in-actions of our own Brothers and Sisters.

January 29th, 2013
Public Service Terrorism & Children of the Future

By Alred 'AC' Frett

?? Wooden Glasses or 20/20 Vision??:

Following the last article some local parasites called me stupid because I refuse to beg for what should be my natural right - I pity their mentality on behalf of their Children and Grandchildren … I still recall one of Mandela’s finest moment; when he refused to thank the South African Government for releasing him from Prison after taking away his freedom… He was so right!

January 15th, 2013

By Alred C. Frett

A Voiceless People is a Choice-less People:

Welcome to British Virgin Productions where Truth is selected & Lies rejected… Against all odds we still come to you ‘Live’ on Saturdays at 6:00pm on ZROD Radio 103.7 FM & ZVCR Radio 106.9FM…. In addition our Truth for the Youth Articles appear on BVI News OnLine, Virgin Islands News OnLine and ‘Alred AC Frett’ Facebook Page - Thanks for your interest.

January 9th, 2013
ARE YOU CRAZY?? - Kings & Queens do not give up their thrones!

By Alred 'AC' Frett

When False Tales turn Jackals into Jacka$$e$:

Persons claiming to be in the know have told me that the Big Ones have been listening to what I have been saying and things will be corrected very soon so I should ease off the B&F Building’s Case and the mishandlings within the Labour Department especially since the Judge’s decision regarding the High Court's Judicial Review should be delivered this month.

December 11th, 2012
Public Service Terrorism...Part 2

By Alred 'AC' Frett

Who thinks our suffering is in accordance with the will of God??:

Wake up my People! – The World is in a state of unrest Locally and Internationally from Egypt to Tortola… Whenever Governments as makers of Laws become breakers of Laws, systems are corrupted and even Sheep resist Rods & Staves... There is a secret battle being waged against us so prepare your armor and steady your arms for Wolves in Sheep Clothing are out for the kill.

November 20th, 2012
BVI's progress halted by Greed, Envy & Corruption

By Alred 'AC' Frett

Who cares if the loss of a Child is the loss of a Future?:

Persons insist on asking why bother to bother with Children who evidently care nothing about themselves… This is a question I often ask myself especially when so many of our Children are dying of grown-up diseases and we appear headed back to Old Testament corruption where crime was directly linked to God’s Rulers and Brother killing Brother was a formula for success.

October 8th, 2012
Free Land By Prescription… Part 1

By Alred Frett

Reading is Fun-dam-ent-al:

Innocent Broken hearted Mothers and Saddened Father seem stuck in Limbo as those they trust to save them betray them and those they pay to save them sell them out… Everyone is rushing to give advice but no one is staying to lend a helping hand so Prisons and Graveyards are becoming over populated with their Sons & Daughters as fake friends are too busy or selfish to really care.

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