The real killers of VI National Health Insurance
Are BV-Islanders wrong to seek Truth and Facts??:
Following our last article concerning perceived Dangers of National Health Insurance, I was accused of opposing this Scheme and I will not deny this but it should be clear that my opposition is based on their failure to provide necessary information concerning the Sustainability, Costs, Principles, Objectives and Bylaws governing this venture.
As explained in the last Article, self-defeating antics of the Labour Dept., Nursing Council and other Medical Boards and Councils have placed viability of the whole scheme at risk…
Unfortunately, instead of taking corrective measures the inherent tendency of Governments is to push Dead Elephants Uphill with promises of imaginary oasis on the other side.
Many will continue to hate these Truths I tell but we all know if these things were not based on facts the Oppressors would be all over me like White on Rice – Actually several have tried only to find the evidence of Fact is so great that they are beaten by their own admissions – In sarcasm they ask, if I did so much for People why is there no recognition?
Even that answer is simple because by now we all recognize the false praise given in Pis-tories and Eulogies as nothing more than Convenient Lies of Legacies… These stem from a quirk of Politics and Civil Rights where those who do less are praised more especially when the real Freedom Fighters seek no Trinkets of Treason and remain Not for Sale.
You would have seen this recently when the Regional contributions of Mr Chavez were downplayed and very few acknowledge the fact that Harry Belafonte and Fidel Castro did as much or more for Universal Civil Rights than Martin Luther King or Jesse Jackson in the same way President Johnson did more than President Kennedy for the same cause.
Different ways of Killing Countries without Skinning Cats:
No wonder the Struggle continues as many of our Leaders still sell us into 21st Century Slavery by programming our Brothers and Sisters to regard each other as socially worthless and born from their mothers just to occupy graveyards and prison cells… In fact Persons who treat their own in this manner are the real Demons and worse than those they crucify.
We see such Hypocrites daily as holders of high Offices but we are so colonialized not to trust our own lying eyes that we choose to live in denial… However, we can only survive by adapting to the real world; that’s why I stress the importance of attending Church (the Poor Man’s Rotary Club) but avoiding Religions that are designed to keep us in Ignorance.
It is unfortunate that many still continue to doubt this even after seeing the Pope and other Religious Leaders run from their Top positions because of their mal-actions and fear of exposure when Truth reaches the Youth… You may deny Truth but Leaders know the Facts so their backup plan is a younger Pope capable of reviving deception of the Masses.
Prepare for that Day when the Pen is Mightier than the Sword:
Fear not; this reinvention will not work - They have already lost control of the old practice where a Minority of Oppressors kept a Majority of the People in submission by silencing Freedom Fighters through imprisonment or blocking them from Information via written Word of Broadcast Media… This tactic was on Nelson Mandela as well as on little old me.
Thanks to Internet we are now in the Information Age where availability of Knowledge for those who seek it is a mere a Click away and we can recognize and confront the Oppressors. You and I have heard too many Persons, young and old, lament the loss of the ‘British Virgin Production featuring Truth for the Youth from the air waves of ZBVI Radio.
You may be pleased to know that I have taken your concerns and complaints so seriously I have written to Mr Herbert of ZBVI requesting immediate reinstatement of the Programme. You do matter to me and while you should expect no Miracles or have Great Expectation, it is important that those who seek to hurt, harm and hinder be accountable for their actions.
I speak as both a concerned BV-Islander and West Indian of African Descent who has seen other Peoples and Races unite for the Common Good while we remain hooked on separating ourselves for individual Greed… Instead of cultivating solutions we manufacture excuses simply because we fail to realize every Youth we lose to Crime and Prison is one too many.
Blind leading Blind:
We take foolish pride in becoming mimics and copycats for the worst examples in humanity without reasoning that by destroying our Brothers and Sisters we actually kill ourselves…
Our People deserve better for to constantly fool someone is to perpetually hate that person; thus when Leaders fool us it is always for their own benefit and never for our Good.
In this madness and badness we cannot and should not expect to get wrongs corrected if we insist on praising the Wrongdoers yet Persons want me to use good words to describe bad people… Maybe they are unaware of studies that revealed American Children were falling far behind because they are lied to and told how great they are doing even as they fail.
As a matter of fact we cannot truly love someone without trying to correct the wrongs we perceive in that Person and while we should give praise where praise is due if we fail to call Fools, fools and Parasites, parasites they will not recognize themselves… Besides even if I called them Honey and Pie they will still beat up on me up because that is their nature.
Beating me is their dream of denying access to Knowledge and Information simply because they regard your Ignorance as their strength… Our People deserve better and we should accept our own responsibilities without being shackled to the Corruption of others…
Please research National Health Insurance Schemes so we may debate intelligently.
PS:… I will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programme
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