Public Service Terrorism & Children of the Future
?? Wooden Glasses or 20/20 Vision??:
Following the last article some local parasites called me stupid because I refuse to beg for what should be my natural right - I pity their mentality on behalf of their Children and Grandchildren … I still recall one of Mandela’s finest moment; when he refused to thank the South African Government for releasing him from Prison after taking away his freedom… He was so right!
Mandela knew who feels it knows it and some of us have been there and seen there so Today I will try enlightening those who think my list of Groups seeking to harm and hinder our People is too long to be true… While Town and Country Planning, Labour Department and Courts may appear to lead in Bias and Corruption my list is actually shorter than what many of you have told me.
Then again, some who call themselves friends and family would like me to shut up while others liken me to some Religious Prophet with a special message that can only be delivered by me… Not so; I’m simply Alred Frett - no better or worse than you and the message I bring in my words is the same message you carry in your mind- We only differ in our respect for the lives of others.
In your effort to grab all for yourself you cloak selfishness in false humility even as you condemn my independence for refusing to bow to Oppressors and determination to share whatever there is… Rather than being your Brother’s Keeper you block Knowledge from reaching Children and opportunities from the Poor – You seem to fear they may challenge your Crown of Ignorance.
Not all Persons reap what they sow:
After all, for Centuries our Parents have been fooled and ruled as the blind polluted our children’s mind but you are so fixated on being wrong and strong that instead of bringing a solution you have become the problem… You appear to awaken every morning just to make the lives of others miserable yet you pretend to be upset because I say you are destroying the lives of our Children.
You like many in Authority are quick to blame poor Parents and everyone but yourselves for the decline of Today’s Youth when in fact it is your actions that corrupted the Process and force Children into becoming criminals and social misfits… This is magnified by the fact that while your influence runs far and wide you have limited the influence of Parents to their Doorstep.
These are the Facts and if you truly cared there would be no need for me to speak but in this deafening silence I am morally compelled to speak because someone needs to tell the Youth the truth… I look forward to when others finally recognize these major threats to the future of our Children… Maybe the Financial Secretary has taken that first step in support of things I’ve said.
Maybe he realizes those in charge not only live in a mirage where Leaders mislead, our Country is broke, the future is bleak and our Children facing social decline and extinction, however, instead of being your Brother’s Keeper your actions encourage Homicides, Genocides and Suicides… You destroy not only Sisters, Brothers, Fathers and Mothers but your own Children and those of others.
When the Children of Tomorrow look back at our Today:
The more Times change the more Fools cling to the past while Wise Men prepare for the future.
As Oppressors you should be terrified about explanations you will be required to give; five, ten or twenty years from now when the Children ask why are so many Brothers and Sisters destitute and locked up in prison and who made them Strangers and Beggars in their own Country?
Remember, these Children will have even greater access to information via Internet or some more modern source so they will search for the facts and learn the truth… they will find that their sufferation was not only caused by blind and corrupt Preachers, Lawyers, Judges, Civil Servants and Politicians but most of all that you, their own People, supported this Wickedness and Evil.
Even after you and I are long dead and gone they will see through your ‘Pis-story’ and recognize true ‘History’… They will realize that you hated yourself enough to curse their Destiny and you became their perpetual root of oppression and … They are watching and waiting and sooner than you think your judgment Day will not be by St Peter but by your Children and their Children.
We know not all are guilty - some within these Departments, Groups and Bodies not yet consumed by Bias and Corruption but far too many Heads and Seniors are perceived as being for sale… While it would be best if all saw the light and changed from their wicked ways, History shows it is most difficult for Persons over forty years to be willing or able to unlearn wrong lessons of the past.
This was dealt with in the Bible by having the Israelites lost in the wilderness for 40 years so that generation of stiff necked fools could die out before entering the Promise Land… This is modern times and you can learn if you choose to… You are ‘one of us’ even if you chose not to act differently and we still love – what we dislike is the evil you have allowed to infest you.
We even understand the difference where progressive thinkers rely on provable information whereas you have chained yourself to the imaginary… Your covet destination is in the Pulpit and Front Row Seats in Poor Man’s Rotary Clubs… You think your place is at the Right Hand of some Imaginary God and the Poor are unworthy unless they bow to you for permission to enter.
Welcome to the Arena of Public Service Obstacles:
Children of Tomorrow will need to know these foolish truths and willful Lies so I will continue fulfilling this need by Researching and Reporting on Bodies, Departments and Individuals who have chosen to destroy our Children and Country… I do thank the Sources from which you are now receiving this information - Tomorrow’s Children will be thankful for the role you played.
These Children will learn how in our struggle to save them we begged to be left alone in order to do their work and even crossed the Road time and time again to avoid Conflict but instead Forces of Evil, along with the most Powerful Lawyers in the Territory, crossed over time and time again to use their Offices and the Legal System in their quest to block and Destroy B&F and AC Frett…
Their apparent plan was to use the Court System to benefit financially off the backs of the People but a funny thing happened on their way to the Funeral… Their wrong and corruption is so evident that so far they have been losing both Money and Credibility… Nonetheless, they still appear intent on searching the Courts for biased and corrupt judges to delay and deny the passage of Justice.
These Kids will see how Labour Commissioners, Medical, Dental and Nursing Council Officers colluded to break and abuse Laws as they used their positions to deny access to information thus effectively denying the poor Medical Care, Basic Opportunities and their pursuit of Happiness.
Children will even see how other Offices contributed to this Arena of Public Service Obstacles.
They may be surprised at how the Complaint’s Office played its part in Bias and Corruption by harassing me to allow them to fight my case which they claimed was so unfair to me; although I declined their help they persisted only to later try painting me as being at fault… Apparently their decision was hinged on the hope that without ZBVI I would be silenced - They were wrong.
These tribulations are but a few facing our Nation and if our Generations are to survive then our People must be informed… While it is good that the words of the present Financial Secretary bring fulfillment to my own there is still much more work to be done by those we pay to know better and do better… The FS has made a step; let’s see if he too will be fired for speaking truth.
PS:… I will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programme
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