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New initiative tackling colonialism & inequality in US Territories

Over 98 percent of those living in Puerto Rico, the USVI, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa – the five United States territories – are people of color, placing in stark relief the racist underpinnings of the Insular Cases, according to Right to Democracy. Photo: VIC

FREDERIKSTED, Sr Croix, USVI- A new organization vowing to confront American colonialism launched on Wednesday, April 26, 2023, determined to fight to change the way the United States deals with the approximately 3.6 million people living in its territories — including the US Virgin Islands — in regards to democracy and self-determination.

“It’s time we call it what it is,” said Right to Democracy in the press release announcing its launch.

Over 98 percent of those living in Puerto Rico, the USVI, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa – the five United States territories – are people of color, placing in stark relief the racist underpinnings of the Insular Cases, according to Right to Democracy. This series of decisions from the United States Supreme Court has been condemned by current Justices of the court, both liberal and conservative.

Despite its recent rhetoric, the Supreme Court nevertheless has opted not to rule against its 1898 incarnation. The US Department of Justice continues to defend against challenges to the Insular Cases, and the United States Congress has yet to condemn the racist rulings. “All this reflects perhaps the most insidious aspect of the Insular Cases - the creation of a culture of acceptance and normalisation of an undemocratic colonial framework,” Right to Democracy says.

This has led to various inequities between residents of US territories and those living on the mainland — less federal support for vulnerable demographics and the lack of equal political representation in Congress, for example.

Co-founded by Adi Martínez-Román and Neil Ware — both of whom have long histories of working to empower communities and strengthen democratic values — the organization hopes to build a coalition of people across the five US territories that will work to confront and dismantle American colonialism in a way that harnesses “common ground solutions or strategies between us,” Ms Martínez-Román said during the group’s launch on Wednesday.

11 Responses to “New initiative tackling colonialism & inequality in US Territories”

  • Youth (27/04/2023, 18:36) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    The Governor position needs to be an elected position.
  • my view (27/04/2023, 18:38) Like (12) Dislike (4) Reply
    Immediate elimination of Orders in Council because it is a modern version of a slavery whip.
  • Okay then (27/04/2023, 18:40) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Let the UK name the full process for each Overseas Territory to get independence from them and the timeframe it will take so the different Territories can make informed decisions and not be held by a chain any longer.
  • justice (27/04/2023, 18:47) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Govenor and all UK officials working in each UK dependent Territory should be made by law to register locally in the Territory they are serving their interest, assets, and bank accounts balances (worldwide & locally) including that of immediate and close relatives, before taking office and after taking office in each Territory they serve. Too many, rumors about questionable behavior and wealth are swirling around in these areas of people but no one can look into them, but they can look into everyone which is not right and does not reflect good governance in its purest form.
    • Common Sense (29/04/2023, 07:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Suggest you go back to school. The BVI is a British territory, the Governor works for, and, reports to the King, not the BVI. If the BVI was independent then that would be a different matter, but, IT’S NOT.
  • Rubber Duck (27/04/2023, 19:22) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    the bvi needs tons of lessons as they fight for independence
  • ok (27/04/2023, 22:12) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Legalize weed and end ideological colonialization. There is no scientific bases for prohibition. Alcohol prohibition was a disaster and it made more sens as a potentially fatal and mind altering drug. Drinks on the house.
  • Statehood of USVI (28/04/2023, 06:05) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Clear to see, these islands should have been given statehood a long time ago.
    • @Statehood of USVI (28/04/2023, 09:44) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      You seem to be the only one thus far who understands that we are UK related and not US related! It boggles my mind that their are some individuals living in the Virgin Islands (British) who do not know under which sovereignty they fall.
  • Native Tongue (29/04/2023, 06:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is an article about the US Virgin Islands....why all the comments about the dam BVI? Uncle Sam is a demon so is John Bull.

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