Losing our ambition, freedom, youth & country
Turning Bad Conclusions into Good Solutions:
We are in the last days of the 1st Month in a New Year, and those who survived the past year may give thanks and praise to their leaders and Gods of mercy, while those who did not, may have a totally different opinion... It may be nice to be optimistic, but we live in a real World, and we should reason according to the evidence... Our failure to make it what it could be, means that others will make it what it shouldn’t be.
For years I have warned that we should prepare for the dangers of Trumpism, which you may have taken lightly, but it has arrived, and the World is now on the Road to Regression... It hardly matters that the Election was stolen, and instead of being the Solution, your Imaginary Friends seem to have helped to create the Problem... Again, the failure to address Reality, is likely to result in a rule of Immorality.
Perhaps you are finally believing the things I say, but that is not my objective... Never take my word as gospel – instead, look around and see for yourself, because it means nothing if you fail to use the knowledge you possess... As we enter a World where Demons are in control, this could be a rough year, with every day becoming a challenge... Still, we can survive and progress by preparing ourselves well.
Much will depend on whether or not we continue as Sheep for slaughter, or try to rescue ourselves from destruction, with help from the real God of Nature and Laws of Balance... Unfortunately, as Descendants of Slaves, we are conditioned to believe in the Master’s Doctrines that were only created to fool us and rule us, and all needed was to block Education and erase our History - both still remain high on their Agenda.
Are we the Ones Misleading the Youth?
I still believe more in People than in Concrete and Steel, so my focus may be different from yours... That doesn’t make you wrong any more than it makes me right, as long as we are both aiming for the betterment of the People through improvement of their lives... Too often Money replaces Man, and we allow our Emotions to override our Character... Maybe we should try being better just a little bit harder.
This may be easier said than done because the processes have already started, and it’s not just by Trump and other malicious World Leaders, but very often, our own Leaders in Small Countries, play big Roles in the destruction of their own People... They create societies of Greed, Corruption, Depravation, and Dependencies that disenfranchise the Youth, and lead them into Criminal and Antisocial Behavior.
After this, their Solution is to follow the Slave Masters Playbook and employ Prisons as the answer... They totally ignore their own Mom’s lesson that Prevention is better than Cure, and they fail to realize that, Prison is nothing more than a University for Criminals, and that every job or opportunity that they helped to deny to the Youth, is another building block in the making of another seasoned Criminal.
Recognising the Problem & Applying the Right Solution:
Again, the VI is just a little ‘2x4’ Trickledown Territory, and for us, losing control of one inch of land is like losing control of many miles in other Countries, just like, losing a single Child is like losing a multitude in a big City... Maybe our Political ambition is so big that we are ready to squander big bucks so that foreign Professionals will supply us with foolish advice that will fail to work in their own Countries.
Thus, Labour Department remains a burden on the back of Productivity, simply because the inexperienced decision makers, insist on telling those who are living the experience, how they should get things done... Fact is, Permits should never take so long that the Business is dead before the Permit is even looked at, and the fact that Government is exempt from this same scrutiny, means that they know that it is wrong.
Meanwhile, their Health Sector appears riddled with Self-interest Associations, Committees and Councils that seem to take pleasure in creating policies, to block what may be considered as not in their personal interests… This is not unexpected, since, the ‘left-handed association’ is not there to help right-handed people, and we may think that we have Cats to stop Rats from eating Cheese, but Cats eat Cheese too.
No serious or sensible person will doubt the ability of “BV-Islanders” to develop their own Country, and they too would realise that; who owns the Land own the Resources, and who own the Resources own the People… It requires no Slide Rule to figure out that selling Belongers Rights to the highest bidder, is effectively selling off the birthrights of the Children… A continuation of the Palmgrove Centre Mentality.
Being Small is less Destructive than Playing Big:
This takes us right back to the fact that we are too small to alienate our lands and lose our children in order to satisfy the greed and misrepresentation of bad Leaders, whose Policies and actions hurt, harm, and hinder the well-being and progress of our Youth, People and Country… Even Trump is claiming a stolen America as being for Americans, so why are we ashamed to claim the VI for V-Islanders?
Our Youth are caught in a Paradox of Paradoxes, where what is, may not be so, as Man is replacing himself with Robots and Artificial Intelligence... Nations recognise the Political upheaval and realise that Stolen Elections are the tip of the Iceberg... As a result, Traditional Customs, International Treaties, and Monetary Values are collapsing as they no longer trust the commitments and sincerity of one another.
Once upon a time we could look to the Big Nations and Countries for Assistance, and Role Models, but that is over… They too are having their own struggles to the point where a Biblical Nation is being led by an Infidel, and another Nation that locked up our Leader for being a Criminal, is being led by a Convicted Criminal… Are we still doubting that we must first help ourselves before expecting anyone to help us?
Just think about it...
PS: Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments



5 Responses to “Losing our ambition, freedom, youth & country”
Evaluate and examine your life bravely and honestly,for the answer.
Only then your existence moving forward will change for the better.