Losing our ambition, freedom, youth & country
Alred C. Frett
Turning Bad Conclusions into Good Solutions:
We are in the last days of the 1st Month in a New Year, and those who survived the past year may give thanks and praise to their leaders and Gods of mercy, while those who did not, may have a totally different opinion... It may be nice to be optimistic, but we live in a real World, and we should reason according to the evidence... Our failure to make it what it could be, means that others will make it what it shouldn’t be.
It’s hard to be born in sadness & die in madness
Alred C. Frett
Beware, lest we attend Funerals & Weddings without knowing the People:
A major reason why we failed ourselves for generations, and still remain the Victims of Everyone, is because ‘we want to hear what we want to hear, rather than what we need to hear’… I will not be your enabler because this is ‘Truth for the Youth’; and not ‘Fool You to Rule You’... I welcome all opinions, but I avoid arguments with persons who seem more comfortable hiding their criticisms behind fake names.
Borrowed coat strings don’t last long
Alred C. Frett
Minimum Wage or Maximum Rip-off:
Some say Good things never seem to last, and some say, the good Lord giveth and the Good Lord taketh away... I do not have all the answers but I may have a few, and just as Day follows Night, Night follows Day, and, not all Days are bright, and not all Nights are dark... However, even with all the differences between our Ambition and Ability, the God of Nature and Laws of Balance still brings equality for one and all.
Losing a country & turning bread into stone
Alred C. Frett
The Promises & Projections of Politics:
Thanks for your comments about the Broadcasts and Articles... It is good to know that you read and listen, even if you disagree... The subjects are always open for debate, and it’s always good to spread the Word and hear the opinions of others... For Centuries, those in Power replaced Truth with Lies and we suffered for it... Perhaps Today will be a brand-new beginning, and a time to finally release our Chains.
Gov’t will ‘put our money where our mouth is’ for education – Hon DeCastro
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Minister for Education, Youth Affairs and Sports, Hon Sharie B. de Castro (AL) says the Government will continue to invest heavily into education, recognizing its impacts on youths and the local economy.
‘Take your mind off mele & pray for the deliverance’ of VI- Sandra Phillip-Hodge
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Virgin Islands has been told to pray against territorial spirits and evil strongholds that are attached to the land.
No more ‘fly by night’ elected politicians in the HoA– Skelton-Cline
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI– Talk show host Claude O. Skelton-Cline has called for an end to how the people of the Virgin Islands (VI) select its leaders, declaring that the territory has reached a point where it has outgrown the selection of ‘fly by night’ politicians who are elected simply for being liked.
Accepting the lies or repeating the truth
Alred C. Frett
Don’t tell us we are wrong or, you will hurt our Feelings:
Persons are quick to express concern that things they heard before are being repeated but hesitate to say whether they are learning from the provided information… Many seem to have developed an allergy to Truth and by seeking to avoid or discredit facts, they expose their own Children to the dangers and fantasy of lies while making themselves deceivers and misleaders of this and successive generations.
‘Come to the people with solutions not just criticisms’- Julian Willock
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI- Former Speaker of the Virgin Islands House of Assembly (2019-2022) Mr Julian Willock said voters and residents must look for persons coming with solutions and not just criticisms to lead the territory.
What’s next for government?– Expecting a fix
Alred C. Frett
Opinion or Facts?
After 400 years, we still live in denial of our own denials and, because we refuse to think for ourselves, we are back to putting our trust in Colonial Masters… We reject Truths that challenge our intellectual laziness and would rather pretend to be so special that life owes us more than we owe ourselves… In this way, we ignore opportunities, misplace priorities and are misguided by emotions rather than led by reasoning.