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And the truth shall set you free!

- A Commentary on Black History Month
For those who are interested in Plantation history, however, I find there is too much willingness to focus on “how Massa treated the slaves”, rather than how the slaves survived and prospered. Yes, I mean “PROSPERED”. Photo: Internet Source
By Sandra P. Hodge

There’s a Bible verse that I often use to remind myself whenever I find myself doubting the things I want to believe: “Without faith, it is impossible to please [God], for he who comes to God must believe that He is…” (Hebrews 11:6)

Every year, “Black History Month” is celebrated, and it is usually a time to try and fill in the blanks in our education about our (people of colour) history. I cannot deny that there’s room for improvement about World History in our schools, including African History (or Black History as it is commonly called). It is true that most of the writers of the history books are not Africans, or African descendants, although attempts have been successfully made by some in the last century to bring balance to the diet of what has been the common staples for generations.

Generally speaking, many are not concerned about any history; not about their own family history, or ‘living’ elders, much less the history of ancient ancestors from the Continent of Africa. Some may be more interested in their European ancestors because it feels better to associate with the powerful property owners, than with the enslaved captives. What’s more, history is being made each and every day, and we also contribute to it. Still, many are irresponsible about what they do, not caring about how it affects others now, and/or in the future.

For those who are interested in Plantation history, however, I find there is too much willingness to focus on “how Massa treated the slaves”, rather than how the slaves survived and prospered. Yes, I mean “PROSPERED”. And no one was preaching “Prosperity gospel” at the time (I don’t think). It was something deeply ingrained in the human psyche… a spiritual will to “overcome”. Where has that “Overcoming spirit” gone? The human soul is meant to be aligned with God, and through God, it was and still is, possible to overcome.

Blessing in Disguise

Critics of the era (Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Plantation period) have vilified the early Missionaries for introducing Christianity to the slaves. They say it was the “white man’s religion” used to keep the slaves from rebelling against the system.

But accounts tell of numerous “uprisings” during the period, despite the fact that slaves were told about the teachings of the Bible. Not everyone, even today, follows Bible principles, even those who know the Word.  However, those who learned about the God of Love learned also to have “hope”…there was a sense of hope, rather than hopelessness, which contribute to prosperity. When you have hope, you can endure, because you have faith…and between Faith and Hope, there is Love…Love is the greatest. And where there is love, there is Peace.

Introducing the Christian doctrine to the slaves, and ex-slaves was a blessing in disguise. Although those who introduced it may not have practised what they preached, to the letter, they shared the Word, and each person, slave or free, is exhorted to “work out [his or her] own salvation”.

The verse in Hebrews 11:6 also says that “God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him”. God is characterized by these qualities – Love, Truth, Life and Light. I believe that these are the prerequisites for overcoming any evil. And that is where the focus should be for anyone who has been victimized or offended. The fact that God is a “Rewarder” means that Justice is included in the ‘Reward” where merited. That’s why having faith is so important.

Seek truth

Regarding the myth that Christianity is a ‘white man’ religion: according to the Scriptures, after Jesus Christ gave His disciples the mandate to spread the Gospel all over the world “to every nation and every generation”, some of His followers travelled overseas from Jerusalem and Judea to the outer realms of the region.  The Apostle Paul took the Gospel to the Greeks and the Romans.  What we now know as the Catholic Church evolved from there.

Christianity vs Egyptology

Today, some people of colour look to Egyptology as an alternative to Christianity, because they are convinced that the Egyptians were black, and represent the essence of “Black History”. Egypt was the centre of witchcraft and slavery. What some call “High Science” is based on idolatry and sorcery. It was out of Egypt that Jehovah God had to rescue the children of Israel. People who cling to Egypt, spiritually, are in direct disobedience to the Word of God.

I encourage anyone to read the Holy Bible and study the teachings of Jesus. Through grace, and all that He stands for, one can truly become free…truly overcome the past and live in a better present.

Prove it for yourself.

5 Responses to “And the truth shall set you free! ”

  • @Sandra P. Hodge (15/02/2019, 10:16) Like (10) Dislike (7) Reply
    Before you come on a public forum please be well informed and have common sense, we have Christianity today and what help has it been? none!, we had it back then (slavery) and what help was it? None! we are going to have it tomorrow and for the next 100 years possibly, what help will it be? NONE!

    It befuddles me when people propagate this Christianity trash when the "Christ" him self never mentions the word or even give a label but like headless chickens you accept this label, maybe just maybe as a people we might get somewhere if we actually read the build and truly understand it we might get to a better place in society, but we will never get any place with people like you that say slavery was a blessing in disguise, rubbish woman stop preach or tell people nonsense, all the then good Christian slave died on them knees begging in stead of fighting for the freedom of them wife kids mothers fathers and the countless generations we lost because of people with you level of thought.

    have you ever heard a Jewish person say that the chambers was a blessing in disguise, or a Arab/middle-eastern refer to their destruction as a blessing. Have you heard anyone in the USA refer to Sep. 911 a BLESSING IN DISGUISE,,,,,,STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT, take that crap down for our burden is beyond Christianity and all its dogma. we suffered a human injustice that could never and may never be accounted for, and no level of compensation could ever amount to the lost. so DO NOT make slavery to be the means to a better end or reduce its impact as it was nothing in comparison to our benefit of Christianity or any other religion, and STOP relegate black history to a *%#$ Month, its over 20 thousand years plus old STOP IT! Don't come back on here if you not properly read, informed and speaking the truth, even if it is to POWER!

    All in love sister, Hodge
    • READ AGAIN (15/02/2019, 16:45) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Before you rant and rave, read the article again. It says nothing about slavery was a blessing in disquise. from my understanding, the reference is made to the Bible teachings aks Christianity that the slaves received, that is what can be seen as a blessing in disguise
      When people quick to condemn they make themselves seem like fools who cant understand.

      All in love too, whoever you are.
      • @read again (18/02/2019, 09:44) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        sorry but this news site does not provide braille for the blind.
  • 123 (15/02/2019, 11:54) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    a great read
  • Rolling My Eyes (15/02/2019, 17:41) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Tis people like you who woulda rat out Harriet Tubman. Christianity worships the Son (Sun). The council of Nice' (sp) is where the content of the Bible stems from. King James was a Slave owner, yet he has a version of the Bible, Go figure. The Dominant Society really did a number on us, Brainwashed 101.

    This is the same people who have Jesus as a Blonde hair, Blue eyed man, when clearly he was of color. Why lie for something so simple? For control that's why. You see a white man and you automatically associate him with Jesus, and for them it gives them a God like superior complex.

    BLESSING IN DISGUISE, LMAO..... Hell, I guess it's still a disguise.

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