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Where you born is not where you from, according to the VI Constitution

Jefferson J. Knight. Photo: Provided
By Jefferson J. Knight

Before I begin to write what Her Majesty-The Queen declared in Her approved Virgin Islands Constitution, shall we pray?

“Heavenly father, maker of heaven and earth, and creator of mankind [human beings] give us the health, strength, knowledge and understanding to read and interpret the Constitution, as written, and not based on our personal views: I pray for those in authority: H.E the Governor, the Deputy Governor, the Commissioner of Police, the Commissioner of Customs and the Chief Immigration Officer: Give them the health, strength and knowledge, to continue their service to Her majesty-The Queen. They are all Honourable servants of Her Majesty, and I pray that the citizenry will respect them in their position of authority: Heavenly father, protect the people who try to hurt me and destroy me verbally and physically: Let them understand that others have tried and failed, because I am blessed with the power of the Holy-Spirit: Bless them oh god, and bless their families with protection: Amen.”

The Law-

Statutory Instruments 2007 No.1678

Caribbean and North Atlantic Territories


Made - - - -13th June 2007

Laid before Parliament - - - 14th June 2007

Came into force - - -             15th June 2007



Let us now look at the sections in the Virgin Islands Constitution, where it declares that “WHERE YOU BORN IS NOT WHERE YOU FROM”

[Interpretation 2(2) on page 6-7 of the V.I Constitution] Her Majesty-The Queen declares-

“For the purpose of this Constitution, a person BELONGS to the Virgin Islands if that person-

(a) is born in the Virgin Islands and at the time of the birth his or her father or mother is or was-

(i) a British Overseas Territories citizen(or a British Dependent Territories Citizen) by virtue of birth, registration or naturalization in the Virgin Islands or by virtue of descent from a father or mother who was born in the Virgin Islands; or (ii) settled in the Virgin Islands; and for this purpose “settled” means ordinarily resident in the Virgin Islands without being subject under the law in force in the Virgin Islands to any restriction on the period for which he or she may remain, but does not include persons on contract with Government of the Virgin Islands or any statutory body or Crown Corporation;

(b)   is born in the Virgin Islands of a father or mother who belongs to the Virgin Islands by birth or descent or who, if deceased, would, if alive, so belong to the Virgin Islands;

(c)    is a child adopted in the Virgin Islands by a person who belongs to the Virgin Islands

(d)   is born “outside” the Virgin Islands of a father or mother who is a British Overseas Territories citizen by virtue of birth in the in the Virgin Islands or descent from a father or mother who was born in the Virgin Islands or who belongs to the Virgin Islands by virtue of birth in the Virgin Islands or descent from a father or mother who was born in the Virgin Islands

(e)    is a British overseas territories citizen by virtue of registration in the Virgin Islands;

(f)    is a person to whom a certificate has been granted under section 16 of the  Immigration and passport Act 1977 of the Virgin Islands(in this subsection referred to as “the act”, and reference to the Act or to any section thereof include reference to any enactment amending, replacing or re-enacting the same) And has not been revoked under section 17 of the Act; and ( without prejudice to the right of any person to apply for the grant of such a certificate under the Act) a British overseas territories citizen by virtue of naturalization in the Virgin Islands has a right by virtue of this Constitution to apply for grant of such a certificate;

(g)   is the “spouse” of a person who belongs to the Virgin Islands and has been granted a certificate under section 16 of the Act; or

(h)   was immediately before the commencement of this Constitution “deemed” to belong to the Virgin Islands by virtue of the Virgin Islands(Constitution)Order 1976(a)”


In 2007 and beyond, Is the VI governed by the British Nationality Act of 1981? NO! Not any more!

Prior to the VI people applying for a Constitution, Order of 2007, the VI as a Dependent Territory of the U.K, was governed by the Legal  principles and concepts of the British Nationality Act of 1981,as it related to Citizenship and who BELONG.

  Let us read:

Part II-of the B.N-Act for-British Dependent Territories Citizen:

Section 15 [Acquisition by birth or adoption] as written in the British Nationality Act of the UK Stated-

 “(1)  A person born in a Dependent territory after commencement shall be a British Dependent Territories Citizen if at the time of the birth his father or mother is-

(a)    a British Dependent Territories citizen; or

(b)   settled in a Dependent Territory.

(2) (b) to have been born to a parent who at the time of the birth was a British Dependent Territories citizen or settled in a dependent territory”.


What did the VI do in its new Constitution Order of 2007?

In the year of ordinary times, 2005 a Constitutional Commission was appointed to review the Old VI Constitution of 1976, with a view to Amend by addition and to repeal by deletion; some sections in the VI Constitution:

On 13th June 2007 [six years ago] the VI Constitutional Commissioners and a Delegation from the VI went to Buckingham Palace UK and they presented to:

The Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty in Council, a proposed draft of what the VI Constitution should be:

And Her Majesty-The Queen, was pleased with the draft, and She, with the ADVICE of Her Privy Council agreed and ordered the Virgin Islands Constitution Order, 2007: In that NEW VI- Constitution- Order, no enactment is declared in section 2 (2) of the Interpretation, and as defined, that a child born in the VI of expatriate parents, belongs to the Virgin Islands! So,the VI Constitution of 2007, “did not make provisions for children born in the VI of expatriate parents, to be deemed to BELONG or to be recognized as Belonging to the Virgin Islands.

Why blame the Immigration Department and Passport Office for their Policies?

If the Immigration Department implemented a policy advising that a child born in the VI of expatriate parentage must be granted time to remain in the VI, and the time-granted must be paid for by the parent, it is my respectful submission, based on the Constitution, that the Immigration Department’s Policy is Consistent [in accordance] with the VI Constitution, because it is not written in the VI Constitution of 2007, that a child born in the VI of  expatriate parents, Belongs to the VI.

According to the expressed interpretation in the VI Constitution; children born in the VI, receive “Birth-Rights from their parent or parents”, because children cannot make decisions at birth. It’s the mother’s and or father’s citizenship that is recognized by the Constitution!

The Constitutional Declaration sounds rather strange-

But, it’s the Supreme Law of the Land, and we all must obey and abide by the


 It’s time to put this Constitutional matter of born here but not from here to rest:

The legislators cannot Amend the VI Constitution, in the House of Assembly of the VI.

It can only be Amended by Her Majesty-The Queen, at the Court-at Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom:


Protection  of the right to Education-Section 22(1) of the V.I Constitution.

Section 22(2) of the V.I Constitution states “Every child of the appropriate age, as provided by law, SHALL be entitled to receive primary education which SHALL be free”.

So according to the interpretation of section 22 of the Constitution, with-reference to education, even though a child was born of expatriate parents in the VI, that child still has the RIGHTS to free-primary-education: The child is not deprived of anything as a child!

Can we now debate on the Topic based on the LAW and with respect for each other?

47 Responses to “Where you born is not where you from, according to the VI Constitution”

  • rr (13/08/2013, 19:24) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    tell that to Myron!
  • Than you (13/08/2013, 20:54) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    well i believe you did a good research on the bvi constitution and the british nationality act and accordingly,what i read here tonight now make me understand that it is our own bvi constitution that say to us as a people that if a child born here from expat parents that child doesn't belong to the say it right "why blame the immigration"? the minister of education told us recently that it is the british nationality act have us enslaved with such a law. but i am now reading the law from the bvi constitution. it is our bvi constitution,and we have to respect the constitution. mr knight rider,they can say what they want about you for being a out spoken person in bvi society but i see you as a gifted man with high level of legal skills.your opening statement with a prayer,is very touching showing that you have nothing against any one..good luck in this life on earth sir,,,
    • time will tell (14/08/2013, 10:35) Like (2) Dislike (17) Reply
      And you still don't understand. This exactly what I mean by uneducated and misinformed. Anybody could lead you people astray. The BVI as a British Overseas Territory cannot have a Constitution that is not compatible with imperial legislation. Tell Jefferson Knight go sort out Dominica problems and leave us with ours. Anger grows like a vine within a person and makes them ugly. He need to let go and be gone.
      • time will tell (15/08/2013, 07:56) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
        you are dam wrong.why dont you make a law to deport all the expats in the bvi back to their country of want to mess with a born dominican,well what you wish for us will come back to you with your own vengeance. he was born in dominica but he belongs to the virgin islands under the constitution and he will not go dominica to work obeah on you evil people who dislike him..he never serve in dominica,he was injured in the line of duty as a policeman while trying to save the life of elton leonard in the year 1999.he have a bullet inside his hand and today elton leonard is alive because of him;and don't say he was only doing his job as a police man because he could hav run for cover instead he run to danger to save the life of elton.his blood is spilled in bobbys parking lot.his blood is in the bvi and his physical disability and injury will always make him remember the bvi,but jefferson always say,those who wish evil on him and his family and friends will face evil themselve and many years i see his saying come to pass.we know some of you hate him for doing his job but we love him as a human being.take yr hatred to the dev and will face yr evil wishes. dominica's problems is not his problems.he is like stranger visitor to dominica.the gunshot from tortola that criple him for life,is his problem.dig your pit deep for you and yr family;you evil.Time will tell
      • this is Jefferson Knght (15/08/2013, 09:03) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        Time will tell:
        I see the venom in your eyes with your heart pumping with anger as you wrote your vexatious blog,with yr past dislike for KnightRider:I am a child of god.My earthly sins have been forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ.My social sins may never be forgiven by mankind like you in the BVI.Why are you attacking me personally,under the a blogname,for printing a section of my BVI Constitution to my people,so that they can read for themselves,their Rights,guaranteed to them by Her Majesty-The Queen?.All I did was read-out to the Public,what is WRITTEN in the BVI Constitutio of 2007,and how the New Constitution of 2007,came into force.That's all I did!I never said that it is incompatible with the old UK British Nationality Act of 1981,which of course, the latter is an Imperial Legislation:Chapter 1 interpretation 2(2) of the NEW 2007 BVI Constitution,is a[Part-DERIVATIVE of what the British Nationality Act,directed on ALL the British Dependent Territories; before 2007.But the same British-law [imperial-style-legislation] is NOW WRITTEN in the BVI Constitution for the BVI, with expressions to suit the BVI! So because I publish what is written in a BVI law,"YOU VEX"? Well stay "VEX"! "I doh hav no DAM problem to sort out in Dominica".Everything that I own in this life on earth today,came from BVI Money.Today,the lord has blessed me with earthly wealth,and it is because of BVI Money.My BVI People are the ones maintaining me on behalf of Her Majesty-with BVI Money.I am in possession of an official document from the ["Secretary of State-Home Office-United Kingdom,which declares that Jefferson Knight is a citizen of Her Majesty's British Overseas Territories of the BVI,and Jefferson Knight Belongs to the BVI"] Ah from HeHH
        I got Dominica citizenship by virtue of my mother who was dominican at the time of my birth:If Dominica have problems,the Dominicans who work there,and are affected by the problems,will deal with their problems.I don't work there.I am a retiree-pensioner from the BVI-Not a retire-pensioner from Dominica!Get your facts and come again.
        • I got yr point knight (15/08/2013, 12:38) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
          I am a young lady,studying to be a lawyer.I learned something from today mr knight.So when the constitutional delegation went to the uk in june 2007,one of their drafts was how citizenship should be acquired in the bvi? and that draft had some similar wording with what was written in the british nationality act of 1981,which deals with citizenship for dependent territories in general? so the queen and her excellent majesty in council, accepted it because i guess it was consistent with the british national act? but now that it is written in our own vi constitution of 2007 it is now a bvi supreme law.i read the british.n.Act,and it made mention of dependent territories-all of them, but the vi constitution makes mention of the Virgin Islands/bvi the law is no more a uk law to control bvi; it is now a bvi supreme law of the vi constitution.I got yr teachings mr knight
          well sir you use to be a policeman and a serious officer in the court system,you prosecuted a lot of criminals and some had to pay for their crimes,so u wil hav some enemies,such as blogger"time will tell"and you were very vocal in songs on lawlessness and social injustices in the bvi;u once sang on the topic,as all of us believe that where you born u should get immediate citizenship but our new constitution doesn't declare u want us to accept it as the law of the land and put it to rest.when i read the comments of(time will tell) i see is a person who know you and doesn't like you personally but as a child growing up in bvi,i know you and u seems to enjoy criticism;like you don;t care who Criticize you.u sound like a god-fearing person who believe in god,so with that i say,god make us in our own image and he loves us for who we are and how we look;i find you to be a nice guy,who looks physically good,kool and well,when i saw you recently at banco popular you looked all right to me with strong physics with yr police-looks.u were laughing and chatting away with everybody.continue to be who you are and not how some people want you to be,because they don't like your style.good luck sir.
          • knight is our boy (15/08/2013, 15:59) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
            this man is different,specially created.this mangot shot at in shootout and years later, was shotin his arm.we all boarded speedy's and went tortola to see him in hospital but he never gave up;he use to sing calypso and because of his lyrics people curse him and say all kind of bad things about him but kept doing his job as a policeman and still living good with his bvi friends;i remember hearing this man crying to his mother in v.g about how he does be in pain from an old gun shot injury but this man continue to serve as if he is a soldier who refuse to fall.knight is a social person,he will always write and blog on social is just hurtful to me that everytime the man say something on our news,some body have to find a way to curse him;but that will not stop him,that's just how he is.he will not talk about harming people with violence,but he will tell you "Beat them with the law".knight is not a threat to the bvi people,he is well loved by us.if some of you don't like him,identify yourself and come publicly and say it. dont hide behind a blog like cowards.he put up his picture and his name and as he always say""once I en't committing a crime in the process of talking and I not insulting or defaming people,I will write or say what I have to say""u cannot hate a man because he is different from others.leave our boy alone in bvi..
      • it was told (15/08/2013, 10:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        put your picture on vino,declare your name and explain us about the imperial law and how it have effect on our new bvi yourself you coward
  • ok minister of edu (13/08/2013, 21:12) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    the VI Constitution en't make law to say that a child born here by expat parents is from that is the min of edu, as a lawyer why you didntt tell de lady that is the v.i constitution say that dem children doh have bvi birth rights because the mother herself doh have rights...instead you on platform saying you doh agree with the law, is british law blah blah blah...wait wait,de minister is chastizing his own constitution...bossman i doh fancy that law too much but law is law,you as a minister should not criticise our constitution..maybe he never read that part in bvi law..
  • from buckingham? (13/08/2013, 21:57) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    what am i reading? in 2007 a delegation from bvi went to buckingham palace to get a new constitution for the bvi and to remove us from the british nationality act? how comes no body tell us that before?no teacher never teach me that in school.i left highschool in 2011; i doh have a copy of the v.i constitution but all ministers of government and teachers should have a copy.ah born in st.thomas but my mother from here,so i from here too..all the time i there saying is people down here coming up with their own policy, now i know better,is the v.i constitution we have to read...hey hey,i want this man who write this article to run at large in the 10th district. create a district for this man..this is good educational stuff...this man know bvi law to the bone..
  • keep it like that (13/08/2013, 22:28) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I really hope that we have arrived at a new era of blogging,where a good topic such as this one about a law in our constitution,is blogged upon clean and nice.this is not the time to curse each other;we now have clarity as written in the vi constitution that is parents who give rights to a child..i know how some of you expat ladies feel,but look a writer research the constitution and is sharing with us what he read in the v.i constitution. we cant fight against a constitution of a one is running the expat children and their mothers from bvi but sorry,u have to put the child on yr time..and u hav to pay for the time..yes the child born here but the law is that,your child have to get yr rights not bvi rights..i agree with Jefferson,is time to put the matter to rest..and lets move on to the next chapter.when the child acquire the age of 18,he or she can apply for belonger the mean time the child can go to school love..
  • manabout town (13/08/2013, 22:42) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    My beloved citizens and visitors of our beautiful Virgin Islands, I am graciously pleased to exercise my Constitution rights pursuant to article 23 (2) (a) of the Virgin Islands Constitution Order 2007. Which states, “A person’s freedom of expression includes freedom to hold opinions without interference?
    freedom to receive information and ideas without interference, freedom to disseminate
    information and ideas without interference (whether to the public generally or to any person or
    class of persons) and freedom from interference with his or her correspondence or other means of
    communication”. Therefore the Virgin Islands are a free and democratic Territory where the fundamental right to freedom of expression is held in the highest esteem by the Constitution. However, this right is qualified by the fundamental requirements to protect the rights and freedoms of others, and to protect the public interest. In my opinion the article published on this media site for the purpose of the general public in regards of, “Where you born is not where you from, according to the VI Constitution”. I fully support the law, it has been written. The opinion of the Honorable Minister has no legal effect. The duties of an elected democratic Government are to provide transparency to the people and for the people. I smell a rat!
  • Teacher (13/08/2013, 23:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    this is a brilliant story on a good topic
  • Thanks (14/08/2013, 06:57) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    you mean to tell me.since 2007 we have this new constitution and we in the dark all the time on what our constitution directed..from what i read here,we are no longer governed under the british nationality act of the uk. our politicians need to educate us on the constitution,because during our emancipation celebration this year,i heard the edu minister saying that we are not free under the british nationality act..clearly,the edu minister was not aware of this chapter 1 section 2(2) of the v.i constitution..accordingly,the british nationality act,made mention of all dependent territories,including the bvi..that was then but in 2007 the v.i constitution was created for the bvi only.i have to thank the former police prosecutor for using his legal skills and knowledge to research the laws and to publish it so that our people in the bvi can be informed of their rights,and to let us know who belong to the v.i under the constitution. that is a good gesture for the young people of the bvi.we all should accept the law as it is,and respect the law..i hope the comments in the blogs will be as decent as the article..thank you singer......
  • Mango Monkey (14/08/2013, 07:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    So Born Here means nothing anymore. Good to know
    • yes mango monkey (14/08/2013, 08:42) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      Correct,is not about where u born,is where yr parent (s)have citizenship.I read the law in the constitution as is clearly define in the constitution that is not where you born that give you birth right for the bvi,is if your mother or father was a belonger/citizen at the time of your birth u will be a citizen,so all those children who born in usvi of bvi mothers or fathersbare citizens of the bvi by virtue of their parents' the law.same thing,the vi constitution is saying to expat mothers in the bvi,if you give birth to a child in the bvi and you are not a belonger/naturalized/citizen at the time,your child will not be a bvi citizen;yr child will be a citizen of the country where you have citizenship;
      I dont see anything wrong about that law in the constitution,for a child to receive its mother's citizenship;government officials should make pamphlets with a printed copy of the section in the bvi law.
      • @yes mango monkey (20/09/2015, 15:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        I knew of this so long now and I am sure that the Passport Office informed the expat's mothers about the same. Still many have chosen to continue to have their children in the VI waiting out the 18years. I would like to see an article that interviews the mothers and ask them why they continue to practice this and the effects 'if any' it is having on their offsprings.
  • v.g citizen (14/08/2013, 08:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    only a man who call himself a north sound virgin gordian can write a piece of law like bro tell u just june,when i saw u in the valley,we want u to be our councilman;u laugh thinking i was joking. i read your article 12 times and i kept on say""this man is not a lawyer but he sound like archibald"". 1 want your adopted family in north sound to read this..
    my opinion is that,the constitutional delegation who went to the uk in june 2007,should have put a little law in the constitution to say that ""all children born in bvi from expat mother/parents,will be exempted from paying for time to remain in the bvi"" we no longer governed under the british nationality act from the uk.
    the delegation didn't tell the queen to put that in the vi constitution so that means they didnt want that for the bvi..i don't see it as discrimination,because those children still have rights to go to school under the law
    all and all;this is story is very educational for people to read and understand the law..good research..
  • POPE (14/08/2013, 08:18) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    You are right on point..can’t believe Myron say he is a lawyer..but then again he just looking votes
  • respect b.v.i law (14/08/2013, 09:32) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    if a expat mother go to a minister of govt to complain that her children born here but because she don;t have belonger status,immigration tell her that those children have to be on her time and she must pay for the time.all the minister had to do,is take up his VI constitution book and read chapter 1 section 2(2) and explain to the lady that according to the supreme law/bvi constitution of the land,the immigration dept was right and appropriately correct and is within the line of the VI Constitution,to make a policy that all children born of expat parents must be granted time to stay in the BVI, because according to the Constitution law,the children don't belong to the BVI.They born here but the VI constitution did not make them belonger/citizens. Doh blame the BVI law on some out dated old British Nationality Act.of 1981.We are now governed under the brand new VI Constitution of 2007.we have our own BVI constitution now.This article is very educational.I commend writer for that article.You teach me something i didn't know.
  • history! (14/08/2013, 10:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Did someone hide the VI Constitution from the people and residents of the BVI? As a young person,this is the first time i am reading about VI Constitution.From school days I did hear about british nationality act and how we are governed by that UK Act.but i am reading now that in 2007 we ask the queen for a new constitution for bvi and we got a vi constitution?This is history to me;and the other day for festival the edu minister told us that expat virgin islander children are enslaved by a policy that is governed by the British Nationality Law?I am confused.History. the british N Act of 1961 make mention of dependent territories.but our Vi constitution of 2007 make mention of Virgin Islands or British Overseas Territory of BVI.
    The Governor and Premier should clear this up.
    Are we governed under the British Nationality Act of 1961? or Are we governed under the VI Constitution of 2007? I am confused..........................................
    • Answer... (20/09/2015, 15:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Always question lawyers and politicians honesty...and he holds both titles.
  • dude (14/08/2013, 11:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Makes sense to me.

    Now all you "Born here!!!" Bloggers & Talkers p ut that in your pipe and smoke 80% from Vincy
  • high hope (14/08/2013, 16:37) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Mr. Knight you are absolutely right
  • Knight Rider (14/08/2013, 18:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It was not my planned intention to blogg on this topic,at this democratic news site.because; I am the author of the article.However,there may be some people in our beautiful BVI who,as always will misinterpret my intentions of such article written from the VI Constitution.The written words in the Constitution are not words of Knight-Rider. These are words of Her Majesty,The Queen; as declared at Buckingham Palace on 13th June 2007.You see,I live a very happy life after retirement:I always go to sleep,with god on my mind,calling on the Holy Spirit to protect me in sleep:I don't cast evil aspersions on people,or wishing for their downfall:And some of my happiness come from the love of many BVI People[citizens of BVI] ,who unselfishly demonstrate that BVI people are indeed loving people with a good heart. But what I see and hear everyday,especially on blogs,would cause outsiders overseas ,to believe that there is a CIVIL WAR IN THE BVI between expats and belonger/citizens.Which is not true! The BVI is one of the most peaceful nation on earth,and it is your respect for each other,which made it so peaceful;where expats and citizens live in harmony.We don't fist-fight over ethnic differences:we don't Insult each other's religion;so we do live as brothers and sisters:But the problem I see,is-Some people do not want to accept,that the Constitution of a Country made certain declarations,giving certain RIGHTS to its CITIZENS ONLY;and WE as an Expats must abide,and understand that Citizenship to the BVI is granted by The Home-Office,United Kingdom,on behalf of Her Majesty-The Queen; to certain classes of persons,in the BVI, as Described and Defined in Chapter 1 interpretation 2(2) of the VI Constitution..And if you or your children are not Qualified for citizenship,as defined in the VI Constitution of 2007:A politician cannot give you citizenship! then STOP fighting over BVI LAWS! Don't let some high people in authority fool you and mislead you,to make you believe that you and your children are qualified for citizenship;when in fact;the VI Constitution DISQUALIFIES you! If you only have a work permit,or a resident card and permission to reside, Enjoy your stay in the BVI. You are free to stay!My good BVI friends always look-out for we the expats:When you become qualified to apply for higher status, belonger or citizenship;you will apply to the appropriate authority,but in the mean time,just live good with my BVI people,and god will send blessings on all of you.STOP FIGHTING OVER BVI LAWS.
  • oh,oh, (14/08/2013, 20:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    that's another martin luther king;who vex lost,this man telling us how he see it;while some of us using blognames,this man feeling free and expressive.ah like that,if that is how you see it,say it...dem just there fighting with each other in the bvi and dem ent know what dem fighting for.One nation,one people one CONSTITUTION under one god.Sing a calypso man......
  • Get it (15/08/2013, 04:30) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

    The minister is against the law because he was an EXPAT baby and did not come by his citizenship until he was 18. He had to get a passport from his mother place of birth until his 18 birthday. Then he get a BVI Passport. Myr relax they will eventually become citizen.

  • bam (15/08/2013, 04:36) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thanks for clearing this up mr knight it has too much bush laywer in this country hungry for votes
  • Our Prince (15/08/2013, 06:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am calling on the Governor to remove the Prince of North Sound V.G Knight Rider and send him to V.G..We in V.G want our own Constitution.We will appoint the prince of North Sound to be the head of a delegation to Buckingham Palace,where the prince Knight Rider will present to Her Majesty the Queen, a proposed Constitution for Virgin Gorda. As a Virgin Gordian,know one had told me that I got my citizenship from my mother;because I keep on saying "ah born here" when in truth and in fact "born here" is of no effect..I am a bar tender,what de hell I know about constitution? You mean to tell me since 2007,we have a new constitution to tell us who belong to bvi and how we belong and who not belong and children born from expat parents not belong but nobody publish that section to us? It had to take the Prince of North Sound,Honorable Knight Rider,to take it own his own accord,to read the law to us as a people and to inform his expat friends that the constitution did not make law for their children to be citizens even though to children "bahn Heh".And for all the good service the prince of North Sound did for us in V.G and Tola, ah you still want to crucify him in Tola?We doh want Knight Rider in Tola..Depot him to V.G and we will induct him into the V.G Hall of fame..Teach them so call lawyer my boy,your adopted mother and family in VG are proud of you. "Knight Rider come home to VG and leave tortola people business alone""tell lashing dog to sing that song again.
  • come clean (15/08/2013, 07:22) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Walwyn needs to learn that when you own your house (BVI) you have house rules (laws) set in place for guests (work permit holders).
  • Local (15/08/2013, 07:32) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    read Mr. Natalio Wheatly take aLSO HE IS ON POINT!!
  • Imperial Legislation? (15/08/2013, 09:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    i read a blog from the blogger """time will tell""" and as a bvi lawyer myself i have to give my views on what ""time will tell"" attempt to say.i believe that """time will tell""" got it a bit wrong.the writer Jefferson J Knight of the article ""where you born is not where you from"" extracted an excerpt of the supreme law of the bvi,the constitution,and he simply published what the constitution directed.He also publish an excert of the old British Nationality Act,of 1981..from his publication of the british nationality act 0f 1981,there seems to be some similarity in the draft of the new bvi constitution and the old british nationality act of 1981.but what i learn from mr.knight is that because the same draft is written in the new 2007 constitution for bvi only,it is now a bvi is no longer a uk law for the bvi. mr knight is legally correct. i worked in magistrate's court and defended clients with mr knight as the realise that he does not have a law degree but he is so brilliantly knowledgeable and fluent on bvi laws and interpretation,and his command of the english language; i see his legal talent as a gift.that publication of chapter 1 interpretation 2(2) of the vi constitution,should be seen as national news.i listen to mr talk in the knight always think good of the bvi and its people.i don't think it is fair to say to him,to deal with problems in dominica.may be he wants his expats friends to accept that they can't fight for birth rights for their children,if the constitution-law does not qualify them to be belongers. it's his rights as a citizen of the bvi to publish a legally-based-document of national interest.the document is good public news for the bvi.thanks Jefferson,we miss you..
    • come with the law (15/08/2013, 11:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      walwyn say "some hide behind comfort of british nationality act" but we now hearing about a bvi constitution act.tell us the truth. walwyn say on 1 july 2013 during emancipation celebration at noel loyd pak"he felt all children born in bvi SHOULD be given automatic citizenship" he also say "he wasn't in FAVOUR of the British Nationality Act that governed the policy". now we reading that the POLICY is governed by our own BVI Constitution.Did the minister misinform the public during a public statement? The minister needs to clear the air..You people taking this thing light.Who to blame? British Nationality Act of 1981 or BVI Constitution of 2007.I want my child in high school to know which law to follow.This is not a joke...
  • it's now clear (15/08/2013, 15:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The law is now clear to all of us in the b.v.i. for 37 years since 1976 we hearing about the british nationality act,and how we are governed by this british act. still in 2013,we still talking about british nationality act,when we have our brand new constitution for our governance and we have elected representive who suppose to be telling us about our birth rights and who doh hav birth rights etc..and instead they tell us the truth,they up and down talking a set of nonsense making island people and tolians fight over nothing and because this sensible guy come and wrote a nice letter to vino to educate us on our births rights and who dont have birth rights,some of you who may be dont like the gentleman come saying some negative things about him..shame on we;it take a man who settle in bvi for many years to spell out the law to ah you politicians and historian.i congratulate this gentleman for telling his own expats people to stop fighting for what you can't get,and just take and accept what you can get in bvi. after you retire,you can stay or leave.we accept expats in our country.I heard about the guy but this letter to vino is the best news i read about for this year.he did not critcise our law or say how he feel about the law.he let us know that is our law and we should read it and undertstand it.what hell british national act. is bvi constitution time..
  • What about USVI? (15/08/2013, 16:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I read this article from the gentleman with a lot of interest.I look closely at the section (b) of the part in the VI Constitution that he published on who belong to BVI.That means these birth rights are extended to third-generations born outside the BVI; because I was planning to register my grandson as a BVI Citizen.From what i read here,i can do that under this new bvi is unfortunate though that the new BVI Constitution did not make provisions for children born in bvi from expat parents;but i can see the intention of the parliamentarians from the old british Nationality act,in the first place,and obviously the bvi must adopt the same principles and intention.I must say,this article is very informative,but i would have hoped that an elected representative of the bvi parliament would come forward and confirm the law more officially as the gentleman read it;i mean this gentleman in the photo is just a citizen expressing himself in a respectable manner,sharing his knowledge and education with his bvi people.good gesture though.I don't see why any one should be upset with him for such an informative news broadcast unless u have a personal score to settle with him.was he a cop?it doesn't appear as though he was a bad cop from what i read..he looks like a kool dude to me;calm and kool..
  • Legal Team is Back!! (15/08/2013, 19:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wow,I have a lot of fans:Enemies too! Wow:
    Let us now read a speech from Buckingham Palace to the people of the V.I,dated 13th June 2007,before the 2007 Constitution was declared: Turn to Page 5 of the V.I Constitution.Let us all read-
    "[Whereas the people of the territory of the Virgin Islands have over centuries evolved with a distinct cultural identity which is the essence of the Virgin Islands;
    Acknowledging that the society of the Virgin Islands is based upon certain moral,spiritual and democratic values including a belief in god,the dignity of the human person,the freedom of the individual and respect for fundamental rights and freedoms and the rule of law;
    mindful that the people of the Virgin islands have expressed a desire for their Constitution to reflect who they are as a people and a country and their quest for social justice,economic empowerment and political advancement;
    Recognizing that the people of the Virgin Islands have a free and independent spirit,and have developed themselves and their country based on qualities of honesty,integrity,mutual respect self-reliance and the ownership of the land engendering a strong sense of belonging to kinship with those islands;
    Recalling that because of historical,economic and other reasons many of the people of the Virgin Islands reside elsewhere but have and continue to have an ancestral connection and bond with those islands;
    Accepting that the Virgin Islands should be governed based on adherence to well-established democratic principles and institutons;
    Affirming that the people of the Virgin Islands have generally expressed their desire to become a self-governing people and to exercise the highest degree of control over the affairs of their country at this stage of its development;and
    Noting that the United Kingdom,the administering power for the time being,has articulated a desire to enter into a modern partnership with the Virgin islands based on the principles of mutual respect and self-determination;
    Now,therefore,the following provisions have effect as the Constitution of the Virgin Islands]"
    And then the VI Constitution was declared at Buckingham Palace.So we now have the V.I Constitution Order,2007.
    B.V.I is a free country:Thanks to Her Majesty-The Queen.Let's enjoy the FREEDOM!
  • Closing Arguments by KnightRider (15/08/2013, 20:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Your Worship:
    We the people of the V.I need to close the chapter on the discussion of the BRAND-NEW V.I Constitution,of 2007,but not before we read the[Explanatory note] as written on page 56 of the BRAND-NEW V.I Constitution of 2007.Let us all read what is written in the V.I Constitution on page 56:-
    ""This Order [constitution order] establishes a NEW Constitution for the Virgin Islands,to REPLACE the Constitution OF 1976. The NEW Constitution includes,for the FIRST-TIME a chapter setting out the FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS and FREEDOMS of the INDIVIDUAL and provisions for their enforcement. It provides for a GOVERNOR as Her Majesty's representatives in the Islands, and for a PREMIER and Ministers who form a CABINET together with the Attorney General. It provides for an [elected House of Assembly]which together with HER MAJESTY forms the LEGISLATURE. The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court continues to have jurisdiction in the Islands. PROVISION is made for a Public Service Commission,a Teaching Service Commission,a Judicial and Legal Service Commission,and a POLICE SERVICE COMMISSION, to provide ADVICE on appointments to offices in these services. A NEW National Security Council is established,as is the office of Director of Public Prosecutions-O.D.P.P. Provision is also made for public finance,a Complaints Commissioner,and a Register of Interests]. Your worship-
    With these written Constitutional facts,I Jefferson John Knight, can say with authority,that the B.V.I is now being GOVERNED under a BRAND NEW CONSTITUTION of 2007:
    My people have now been enlightened on THEIR Constitution of 2007.Leave in peace and enjoy your Fundamental Rights and Freedoms,guaranteed to all residence and citizens of the Virgin Islands,by Her Majesty-The Queen...Bah bye Vino.My mission has been accomplished.Blog, but don't fight and don't kill each other for exercising their brand new Fundamental Rights and Freedoms!!!..............
  • Manabouttown (15/08/2013, 22:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    A speech from the throne: Good evening to our wonderful people of the British Virgin Islands. I bring you greetings and I urge our nation to remain calm and do not panic on the Issue raised by a member of parliament on the subject of Where you born is where you from. I am subjected to correction. My people we need to respect and abide to the rules of law at all times. General election is coming soon; therefore what is the reasons for to use your office to mislead the people of this beautiful Virgin Islands for the purpose of retaining your seat in the House of Assembly. We the people have a legitimate expectation to be properly informed of Government business, we have elected you to serve the country on our behalf and you are responsible to the people and for the people. This is good governance. I personally I extend appreciation to an admirable gentleman Mr. Knight and Family for educating the nation on a point of law. May God bless these beautiful Virgin Islands?
  • He want unity (16/08/2013, 08:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I have to squeel on my informant. knight is enjoying his retirement in peace,he did not just wake up and decided to expose the law to his people in the BVI, to cause confusion.plenty people called him to get his legal opinion and views on this issue of where you born is where you from,and he and his relatives read the blogs last week during person told him is immigration that make that law,and he became upset that some people are misleading his BVI people.he decided that he will give his views on the matter,but as always he will give it publicly on the law:he explain to his relatives overseas that BVI people and Expats residents are not at war with each other as the blogs may seem;and he try to convince them that bvi have no ethnic fight among people in the bvi.he say he will publish a copy of the Constitution for all to read,and after that he expect the people to be united over the issue because we all must respect the queen of buckingham palace;because it is the 2007 constitution which declared that a child born in bvi of expat parents,that child don't belong to the bvi and that child should be granted time to remain in the bvi; and people in authority should not make us believe that they can change the law.when i listen to my own family in v.g,talk about mr knight; if you say anything bad about mr knight in virgin gorda,the virgin gordians will eat you raw.he is their legal advisor,brother and son; since when he was in the police appears to me that his main intention for this article was to try and unite his people over the issue;is like to say to us, move on its the law we can't change the queen's law,we have to obey it and move on from the issue,law is law and stop cursing immigration and each other over a law.the cursing on blogs,looks bad from overseas..he wants unity among his people.look he is telling again,we are free,and we should enjoy our freedom....
  • free at last (16/08/2013, 11:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thanks for setting us free with the truth mr knight;we will continue to call you check on you and we love you plenty more
  • If it was obama (16/08/2013, 18:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    If it was the president of the USA,who have no ties to the BVI,had told us to live good with each other because our Constitution give all of us fundamental rights and freedoms,we would blog and say "Obama say to unit so lets unite" but because its a man we know call knight rider,who liberated our minds with our new constitution,we feel too ashame to accept that the man is a legal genious who can be an asset to the legal profession in the bvi. the man now read out to us what is written on page 56 of the new constitution which confirms without a doubt that we do have a new constitution that replaced the old constitution of is written in black and white.I have now read it,and I accept it.Knight rider is like a prophet.He cleared up an issue that was lingering with us for can't keep this man down..
  • kool smile (16/08/2013, 18:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    i just heard about the news cast.the man look so kool in that photo,and inside that brain is pure talent and law knowledge;sometimes i see people perform in song on a stage or play sports with such physical expression,but i never read a story from a lawyer who would decide to come forward and share his education on a law,especially a law causing a little controversy because of misinformation and misunderstanding/but here we have this guy wrote a story on a constitution matter with such crafting explanation and intrprtation,and to be told that he is not a lawyer?this man may be fooling ah you and doh want ah you to know his business.this man got something.i mean you doh have to go to school to play sports,but you have to be dem good to know so many sections and chapters in a constitution;and while we thinking,he just kept on publishing more and more in blogs.he en't fraid to identify his self.dem;this is craftsmanship.for all these yrs we saying(ah boorn hare)but truly is not about where you boorn but is where one of yr parent belong;so if you boorn hare and yr parents are not belonger/citizen,then the child is not a belonger/ sound jokee but as i red it its the highest law in the constitution in the bvi;never did i kno;but i kno now,mehn,
  • Manabouttown (16/08/2013, 21:58) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr.Speaker according to parliamentary procedures I drawn your attention to article 117 of the Virgin Islands Constitution Order 2007 and in so doing I beg to move a motion. I beg that the article standing in the name of, “Where you born is where you from”, Published on this media site for the purpose of informing the nation being debated clause by clause for the purpose of the layman person.
    • read the topic (17/08/2013, 09:15) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      man about town, i like your parliamentary speech,but the topic is
      """""""where you born is NOT where you from"""and i am now mentally clear,that chapter 1 section 2(2) of the new BVI constitution of 2007,as the former prosecutor read out, is the supreme law that declared that,and is not immigration or passport office or the british nationality act who made the law.Immigration have to enforce the law..the bvi constitution implied"""""""""where you BORN is of NO constitutional significance because the B V I as a piece of land cannot give rights;;its your parents who instill rights on a baby child.A child cannot choose its rights at birth,, all citizens and expats are now clear on the law.knight rider is our new ambassadore;; o.k...
  • b.v.i police officer (17/08/2013, 09:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    let me give my piece on the topic and on the writer.
    Inspector knight is academically qualified as a police officer and as a prosecutor.he is not the kind of person that will go about the place boasting that he have a detective certificate,criminal investigation certificate, prosecution certificate;he attended h.l stout college,and he have a english diploma from a college in uk and completed a course on court prosecution from UWI campose right here in BVI.he always use to say {me en't bright,me en't no big degree man,but with my god given intelligence,ah can twist them degree holders like a tornado} Inspector knight have respect for her royal majesty the queen,and all his talking was about what her majesty declared in her bvi constitution,and that is why,when those sr.officers in the force try to oppress him,he wrote to the Governor and to england and complain to the queen of buckingham palace and to the foreign & commonwealth office in uk and let them know that he belongs to the v.i and he as a citizen have certain rights and just because he exercised those fundamental rights to speak and write,some in authority want to attack him.inspector knight believe in justice for all under the constitution.when he use to prosecute,his slogan was {i am serving my country bvi where i am deem to belong according to the bvi constitution,and i am serving her majesty the queen}he got the nickname {serving my country bvi}he is proud of bvi and its people.inspector knight is the first person who i heard say{if bvi people were bad people,none of us expats would servive in the bvi} and he said {bvi people and expats getting married every day to become families,that is a sign of god's love for each other,so what are we fighting about?we don't even know what we fighting over,we are just fools fighting for nothing,we curse each other for nothing} i live my life in the bvi as a police officer always remembering the words of inspector knight when he said{we live as one people,and we don't even know what we fighting over}i sense his articles is to tell us,{all of us have fundamental rights under the bvi constitution but not all of us have citizenship rights,and citizenship rights are for citizens only.expats have rights to reside and work and we must accept our status for the time expats must pay for work permit and pay for immigration time.i know inspector knight and how he think,i get his point.
  • legal team (17/08/2013, 21:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I didn't realize that VINO still had this informative news broadcast open to the general public to read of their rights on this democratic news site.I notice all my secrets of my earthly accolades,are out now:But I give god the praise and glory for all my earthly achievements,because my real achievement will be in heaven.Let me re-open my case by publishing in this democratic blog,the ["Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of everyone residing in the b.v.i,and all citizens residing outside of the B.V.I"] Read your RIGHTS carefully:-
    (1) Protection of right to life (2) Equality before the law(3) protection from INHUMAN treatment (4) Protection from slavery and forced labour(5)Protection of right to personal liberty(6)Provision to secure protection of law(7) Protection of right to prisoners to humane treatment (8)Protection of freedom of movement(9)Protection of family life and privacy of home and other property(10)Protection of the right to marry and found a family(11)Protection of freedom of conscience-Religion(12)Protection of the right to education(13)Protection of freedom of expression-speech(14)Protection of freedom of assembly and association(15)Protection from discrimination(16)Protection for periods of public emergency-disaster(17)Protection of persons detained under emergency law(18)Protection of the environment(19)Protection of children, and (20)Enforcement of protective provision.
    Her Majesty-The Queen,has now set us FREE in the B.V.I under the 2007 Constitution; with 20 Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Individuals,and those Individuals include[Citizens/Belongers,visitors-expatriates,workers and citizens of other countries residing in the BVI] It is now for you to "Go and ENJOY these RIGHTS" but, you all MUST Respect B.V.I LAWS!Finally,I must thank the Government of the year 2005 [N.D.P Government]for their VISION to replace the old Constitution of 1976,with a Brand-new constitution of 2007.Three cheers for Her Majesty...H H H
  • Manabouttown (18/08/2013, 01:19) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Speaker in my earlier motion moved standing in the name of. “Where you born is where you from”. I will like to make an amendment by inserting the word. “Not” between the words, “is and where”. Hence the motion should be read, “Where you born is not where you from”. I recognized the Honorable Member, “Read the topic “for his observation.

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