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‘What start wrong, can’t end right’- Hon Turnbull blasts changes to Register of Interest Bill

-call on Gov't to ensure bill is properly done as per CoI recommendations
Opposition Member of the House of Assembly, Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) has criticized Amendments to the Registers of Interest Amendment Bill in keeping with CoI recommendations stating that he cannot support the bill in its current form, as it is not comprehensive for public officers, rather only for members of the House. Photo: HoA/File
Hon Turnbull speaking during yesterday’s March 8, 2024, Continuation of the Ninth Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth House of Assembly said enough consultations did not happen on the way forward for the amendments to take effect properly, which would mostly affect members of the House. Photo: Facebook/file
Hon Turnbull speaking during yesterday’s March 8, 2024, Continuation of the Ninth Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth House of Assembly said enough consultations did not happen on the way forward for the amendments to take effect properly, which would mostly affect members of the House. Photo: Facebook/file
ROAD TOWN, Tortola VI – Opposition Member of the House of Assembly, Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) has criticized Amendments to the Registers of Interest Amendment Bill in keeping with CoI recommendations stating that he cannot support the bill in its current form, as it is not comprehensive for public officers, rather only for members of the House.

Hon Turnbull speaking during yesterday’s March 8, 2024, Continuation of the Ninth Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth House of Assembly said enough consultations did not happen on the way forward for the amendments to take effect properly.

He said for senior officers like Permanent Secretaries, Financial Secretary and others on statutory boards, the amendments won't apply to them. 

Further, the legislator complained that the original Registers of Interests bill that came after the CoI had no consultation then and had to be sent back to the drawing board.

“We are here yet again with another amendment and this time it seems that adjustments have been made to not include all public officers, but to include a select few,” he said about the current amendments.   

Bill must be done properly - Hon Turnbull 

Meanwhile, Hon Turnbull added that while he will not go against further measures that would protect, promote, and preserve the VI, he cannot support the bill in its current form.

He detailed that the bill must be done properly to ensure all types of public officers are covered under the new amendments.

"I'm not going to go against any measure that is in the best interest of the people of the VI, but what I'm going to stand up on the side.... to ensure that while we are putting good government measures in place, that we are executing it properly, transparently and ensuring that the education and understanding of those who will be affected are clear," he said. 

The amendments to the bill also face criticism from other members of the opposition who called for more to be covered. 



13 Responses to “‘What start wrong, can’t end right’- Hon Turnbull blasts changes to Register of Interest Bill”

  • help us (08/03/2024, 23:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    They put rat to mind cheese. That Registrar of interest
  • Dirty deeds (08/03/2024, 23:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Done dirt cheap
  • resident (09/03/2024, 00:28) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    aya politicians need to stop hiding aya hiding aya business interests, many of you all have conflicts of interest
  • The watchdog (09/03/2024, 02:32) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Tell them Mitch
  • Weak Governor. (09/03/2024, 05:28) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    Turn bull is 100% correct. For example the register of interest bill passes in St. Kitts include some 200 plus includes politicians, High level civil servants and board members and they have a deadline or risk getting prosecuted...We are not serious about good governance, corruption is now part of our culture and this is because of weak Governor/s.
  • We can't accept this (09/03/2024, 05:34) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Tortola people soft, just bla bla, we need to get some Haitians in here. .Permanent secretaries and some Board members in some situation got as much power or more than politicians to corrupt. How and why are the exempted?
  • FACIAL EXPRESSIONS (09/03/2024, 07:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • NezRez (09/03/2024, 08:14) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    Not true. When things start wrong and you notice it, you can quickly turn it around and make it right. To continue on the path of wrong only means you have no interest in correcting it, which means you have no vision for a bright future.
  • Clocks ticking (09/03/2024, 09:56) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    A lot needs doing before the May deadline stop sulking and get on with it.
  • bvibuzz (09/03/2024, 10:18) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Let my people go! Free the drew
  • SAME SO (09/03/2024, 12:58) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Greedy Bill did not start right neither, but no complaints was heard from you then, so why complain now? However, you have a point, it should be according to the COI recommendations, as everything else in the recommendations.
  • Google (10/03/2024, 02:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    He is right..for example tere are persons on BVIPA board renting space at the pier park which is crazy!

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