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‘We must never assist the colonialists’ to take away freedom- Cromwell Smith

- called for VI to unite to resist ‘colonalists regressive impositions’
A son of the Virgin Islands soil who has always advocated for the empowerment of locals and persons of African descent, Cromwell Smith aka Edju En Ka, has warned Virgin Islanders to be wary not to facilitate nations that once enslaved our ancestors to make a repeat of history. Photo: Facebook/File
The Facebook post by Mr Cromwell Smith aka Edju En Ka on January 15, 2022. Photo: Facebook
The Facebook post by Mr Cromwell Smith aka Edju En Ka on January 15, 2022. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- A son of the Virgin Islands soil who has always advocated for the empowerment of locals and persons of African descent, Cromwell Smith aka Edju En Ka, has warned Virgin Islanders to be wary not to facilitate nations that once enslaved our ancestors to make a repeat of history.

Mr Smith, a commentator of social and political issues affecting the VI, made the comment on the backdrop of the Virgin Islands awaiting the report of a controversial Commission of Inquiry (CoI) sponsored by the United Kingdom (UK).

Controversial CoI

The CoI was called by ex-governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert, who it was revealed shared a strained relationship with the Government of Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1), who had accused Governor Jaspert of trying to bully the government and frustrate its policies for local empowerment and self-determination.

Many view the CoI has an opportunity for the UK to impose direct rule on the VI and undo its constitutional progress, while seeking to carry out its agenda under Global Britain.

“We must come together as one United people and resist the colonialists regressive impositions and then deal with the behaviour of our government. We must NEVER assist the colonialists, whether with words or deeds with their actions to take away our freedom that our fore-parents fought so hard to achieve,” Mr Smith wrote on his Facebook page on Saturday, January 15, 2022.

Education reform needed

Mr Smith’s comments drew support from several persons including a Janice Stoutt, who said “True, Brother, but many do not understand this. So many are still with whitewashed brains, they are still asking their God to bless the Colonists, and not themselves,” Stoutt said while adding that education reform is very important.

A Vernon Blyden added: “If we don't educate them they will run with whatever education they have, We educate them to be our biggest impediment to our self-determination.”

Mr Smith said he agreed with Mr Blyden “except to suggest that we don’t educate ourselves we are a part of a system that trains us to be “cogs in the wheel” of the perpetuation of global white supremacy.”

The question was then asked by My Blyden whether the VI is in control of its education system. “If we are why are we afraid to make it suitable for who we are? It seems a lot of times even if we have the right or the power we are afraid to offend our colonial masters. For example, we say we have a Constitution when in fact we have a dictate issued by the UK as to how we should behave. We have Constitutional reviews that deal with supervised permissible oversight and not devolved power exchange for self-determination.”

According to Mr Smith, he agrees that sometimes we are afraid to offend the colonisers.

“I think we have more courage when we act collectively. Also sometimes the system is so ingrained in us that we think it’s the only one and we don’t know how or what to change. I think as a group the lack of confidence in ourselves and in each other prevents us from seeking greater autonomy. I believe that that lack of confidence stems from our training in our current education system.

‘We all have flaws’- Smith

Meanwhile, the issue of trust in the local people to manage the affairs of the VI was raised, with the suggestion of corruption being an area of concern.

According to Mr Smith, he is not saying that our own people don’t have flaws, “we all have flaws. We have all been trained by the same system. My position is that I am not assisting any foreign entity to chastise or punish my brothers and sisters, especially an immoral one.

“Marcus, Malcolm, Elijah, Martin, Waymut and a host of other freedom fighters have advised against it. And would not like it,” Mr Smith stated.

Ironically, the UK government, which has sponsored a CoI in the Virgin Islands in the height of the global coronavirus pandemic, continues to be called out for corruption and being a law unto itself.

There continue to be calls for embattled UK Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson to resign.

24 Responses to “‘We must never assist the colonialists’ to take away freedom- Cromwell Smith”

  • NB (17/01/2022, 15:48) Like (36) Dislike (3) Reply
    What is your definition of Freedom sir? You come on here talking about it but have you look around you and realize that your thinking still has you in captivity? And that’s not all, slavery still exist. You the people who are descendants of slaves are now the slave masters to us, your fellow black man or down island or Caribbean people. Whatever you want to call me. There is no brotherhood or being your sisters keeper. If you not from here you guys bash us. I’m black, I’m not from here, my great great grandparents came on the ship too. Maybe mine sat next to yours. It is our mentality that is giving the colonists the power and assistance to take away freedom. Take a seat sir or come back with a better view, one that is meant to unite, not one that will continue to fuel segregation
    • NOTdifferent (18/01/2022, 11:05) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      @NB, not justifying the behavior but I have travelled to many countries including several Caribbean countries and have experience the same things you are complaining about. I have been told to go back to my countries, so please let us not act like you are so different.!!!
    • Tired (19/01/2022, 03:47) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      I wonder what it’s like to spend so much time complaining about historical problems. It must be exhausting. Smile, rejoice in the reality that we are ifree to vote as we want and stop blaming everything on others. Life is good.
  • Cookie Jar (17/01/2022, 16:01) Like (26) Dislike (2) Reply
    Is the saying we need freedom to stick our hands in the cookie Jar whenever we want?
    Listen, there will be no independence until the majority of the people ask for it.
    Wish all you want, the cookie Jar restriction will remain and wisely so.
  • Klass (17/01/2022, 16:13) Like (4) Dislike (18) Reply
    Babylon must fall. Fire burn them. Time to reverse the mental slavery. Educate yourself and your family. Let go the lady and unite. Encourage other Caribbean countries to do the same.
  • All of us (17/01/2022, 16:15) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
    Every human being, a member of the genus homo sapiens, is of African descent
  • facts (17/01/2022, 16:29) Like (21) Dislike (32) Reply
    Tell it Comwell let’s fight the power get rid of white supremacy
    • africa (18/01/2022, 01:42) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      My beloved Africa although a very wealthy continent have the most extreme poverty, Why? Politics, corruption, nepotism and cronyism and because politicians feel they should be able to do whatever they want.
  • facts (17/01/2022, 16:34) Like (2) Dislike (10) Reply
    tell that to C***y; How she feels about the BVI, it’s people and the country “ copy and paste from she herself “ Crab in a barrel mentality. The BVI is the most ghetto looking Caribbean island. Looking out to the sea and saying beautiful, isn’t beauty.

    Then the BVI should do her a favor and send her back down the islands where’s she’s from “Period”
  • U surprise me.. (17/01/2022, 16:52) Like (36) Dislike (3) Reply
    Action has consequences. Stop sounding like britain coming to take over for no reason...Our Leaders messed up..and instead of been humble and diplomatic they became war like...Speak straight like a man.
  • KMH (17/01/2022, 17:56) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    @NB Cromwell Smith is all about segregation.

  • @ CROMBLE WELL (17/01/2022, 18:23) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
  • big show (17/01/2022, 18:46) Like (65) Dislike (0) Reply
    Talking some foolishness for talk sake and to keep yourself in the spotlight is not helping anyone or anything. Until we are prepared to deal with the truth we will continue to clutch at straws and be nothing more than a talking poppy show.
  • Crs (17/01/2022, 19:20) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    Mr Smith people thinking like you is why the world has so many problems.
  • Corruption (17/01/2022, 20:31) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Confronting corruption is in no way a regressive step
  • The take over (17/01/2022, 20:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is from the one percent through and by the corporation....wake corvid 19 is the distraction...
  • Over the BS (17/01/2022, 22:51) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply

    Don’t you people have anything to do but talk sh** about take away freedom this and that. All of you need a damn muzzle on your mouths.

  • E. Leonard (17/01/2022, 23:58) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Every Democratic government should periodically conduct a self-assessment to determine if it is operating within the statutory and regulatory guardrail/framework. Additionally, it is also prudent and in the public interest and for the public good for it (government) to have independent audit(s), especially finance audits. Immediate action (s) should be taken to correct noted deficiencies. I have no clue if the UK started the COI under a predetermined conclusion or if it will assessed collected information and make evidence-based findings and offer reasonable findings and recommendations. I’m not condoning deliberative wrong doings. Appropriate and reasonable remedies should be taken to address wrong doings.

    Moreover, nevertheless, the purpose, attitude and behavior of colonialists cannot be whitewashed and swept under the rug. Colonialism/slavery created a caste system for the benefit of the elites of the dominant caste—Masters. Everyone in the dominant caste were lords. Slaves had to yield to the will of everyone in the dominant caste /lords. The institution of slavery was currency, machines, etc, that existed solely for the profit of owners. “The slave is doomed to toil, that others may reap the fruits,” a letter writer identified as Judge Ruffin (Caste—Isabel Wilkerson). As long as Blacks stay in their places, all is well. Advancement of Blacks equal to or surpassing the dominant caste is problematic, for it runs counter to the false, misguided belief. Slavery was abolished on paper but the legacy of slavery persists. The crab in a bucket mentality still exists among Blacks, retarding their progression. Blacks must work in unity and cohesively to shed the chains.
    • @E. Leonard (18/01/2022, 08:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @E. Leonard, lawd ah murcy! Slavery again, it seems as if you have a fascination for slavery. You and Ed Ju Enka were Major Bay Primary (Wiiliard Wheatley) were classmates and are Afrocentric. Slavery was in the past so let’s look forward deep into the 21st Century. Good points on government operations though, ie, self and independent assessments.
      • E. Leonard (18/01/2022, 14:04) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        Generally, I normally let criticisms from people who are not bold enough to use their actual name run their courses without a response(s). However, in this instance, I will make an exception to my rule. I will not say that I have a fascination with slavery. Nevertheless, I take issue with one race enslaving/displacing another race, treating them subhuman and exploiting them for their own personal wealth, status, power, privilege, false entitlement...etc at the expense of the enslave. Then trying to convince us that it (slavery) was a mirage and we should not trust our own 20/20 vision. Furthermore, some want to revise history to make believe that it was not real. How insulting. Slavery was real and slave labour built economies and personal wealth. Yes, slavery ended on paper but legacy and racial disparities as a result of slavery persist, ie, health, education, housing, environment, government, sport and entertainment, jobs/employment, armforces, social services.....etc. And though slave labour was instrumental in building economies and personal wealth, the UK and other advanced countries who benefitted from slave labour cannot bring themselves to creating programs to somewhat make descendants whole. Further, we also behave in ways that hinder our progression, ie, growth, development....etc.

        Moreover, the institution of slavery was extractive, not inclusive, creating economic and political institutions to benefit a small circle of elites. The elites are afraid of creating inclusive institutions, for the masses may benefit and they may loose power and control. Instead, they create, operate and maintain extractive institutions; extractive institution are a vicious circle. Colonialism was an extractive institution both economic and political. It is a fact European colonialism impoverished huge parts of the world, ie, India, Africa, Caribbean, South America....etc. Well, I can go on and on but Inwill take a respite for now. Yes, I went to Major Bay Primary.
  • Common Sense (18/01/2022, 07:29) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    It’s interesting we don’t see successful black people going on about slavery and other such racially persuaded antics, why is that. It’s generally only the poorly educated, unsuccessful black community who would rather blame white society for their lack of progress rather than accept that it’s their own failings that have landed them in the conditions under which they live. Which group does Cromwell Smith belong to.
  • John maxwell (21/01/2022, 05:52) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Cromwell have the guts to say what many prominent BVIslanders thinking but don’t have the guts to say. It’s a pity the VIP Government and the NDP placed us in the position we are right now where the colonialist will likely seize the opportunity to come in and take over our finances. I am vexed by those who advocate for this to happen. At the same time I am hoping and praying that eyes will open up to realize how stupid it was to advocate and support for the colonialists to come in here and do as they wish
  • @ FACTS (22/01/2022, 09:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

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