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UPDATE: Police Sgt charged for perjury granted $40K bail

- Accused allegedly lied about a police officer’s involvement in criminal case, court hears
Marley Sebastien was charged with perjury and perverting the course of justice and appeared before Magistrate Khadeen Palmer on Thursday, March 3, 2022. Photo: VINO/File
Head of the Premier's security detail Marley Sebastien was allegedly arrested on Tuesday afternoon, March 1, 2022, and charged for perjury. Photo: Team of Reporters
Head of the Premier's security detail Marley Sebastien was allegedly arrested on Tuesday afternoon, March 1, 2022, and charged for perjury. Photo: Team of Reporters
The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), which is the responsibility of the Governor, is headed by UK national Mark Collins. Photo: VINO/File
The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), which is the responsibility of the Governor, is headed by UK national Mark Collins. Photo: VINO/File
Attorney Richard G. Rowe is representing police sergeant Marley Sebastien. Photo: VINO/File
Attorney Richard G. Rowe is representing police sergeant Marley Sebastien. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Police Sergeant Marley Sebastien allegedly lied about the involvement of another interdicted policeman who is currently on trial at the high court with another colleague for alleged offences of theft and conspiracy to steal during their time of active duty.

The Greenland resident and Dominican native who is also part of the Premier’s Security Detail was charged with perjury and perverting the course of justice and appeared before Magistrate Khadeen Palmer on Thursday, March 3, 2022.

Virgin Islands News Online had broken the story about the arrest of Mr Sebastien on March 3, 2022.

The criminal matters are indictable and therefore it was only read for his information in court yesterday. The matters will be heard at the Supreme Court.


The allegations, according to Crown Counsel Lyn Dailey, are that on February 22, 2022, Mr Sebastein, the accused, attended the High Court to give evidence in the retrial of the interdicted policemen.

During the 2019 trial, the accused gave evidence under oath and was again subpoenaed to give evidence on February 22, 2022, where he allegedly gave evidence contrary to his initial evidence in 2019.

He made a statement in which he described the activities and actions of one of the accused officers in detail contrary to statements he made in 2019 where he omitted the said officer from his description from the relevant events.

Reluctant to give evidence

The Crown Counsel said when he was subpoenaed, he stated that he was reluctant to give evidence in the matter.

However, the defence counsel wanted the accused to testify and he was subsequently called to give evidence.

On February 22, 2022, prior to going on the stand, he told one of the Crown Counsels that he did not feel comfortable with the statement that he gave and claimed that he told this to the Prosecutor.

He then stated that he was not going to give evidence according to the statement.

The court heard that the transcript from the first time he gave evidence showed that he was sworn in and during cross-examination, he stated that the statement that he gave was accurate.

Following his evidence, he was reported to the Commissioner of Police and an investigation was launched.

On March 1, 2022, the accused was arrested and cautioned and he gave a no comment interview and was later charged with the offences.

He has since been suspended from active duty.

Attorneys Richard G. Rowe and Allyeh George represented him.


The Crown did not object to bail and Sebastien was offered bail in the sum of $40,000 with one surety.

Among his bail conditions, he is to surrender his travel documents and not to interfere with the investigation or witnesses.

The matter was subsequently adjourned to May 12, 2022, for report.

See previous article published March 3, 2022

Police Sgt Marley Sebastien arrested & charged for alleged perjury!

- Sebastien is accused of giving false information in an ongoing police High Court case

Word reaching our news centre is that police sergeant in the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) Marley Sebastien was arrested on Tuesday afternoon, March 1, 2022.

The police have charged Mr Sebastien with perjury for allegedly giving false information in an ongoing High Court police matter.

Mr Sebastien has retained Attorney Richard G. Rowe of Silk Legal. Mr Rowe, speaking exclusively with Virgin Islands News Online, confirmed the arrest and charges.

However, Mr Rowe is concerned about the lack of justice as it has been almost 48 hours and there has not been a court appearance as his client is still in police custody. Attorney Rowe said he has full confidence that his client is innocent and will be vindicated.

Mr Sebastien is the head of the Premier’s security detail.

The RVIPF and UK Nationals

Many critics have alleged that the new police commissioner, Mark Collins QPM, is doing a purge of the RVIPF in an attempt to replace the “so-called corrupt officers” with nationals of the UK.

The RVIPF is under the jurisdiction of the Governor, a UK national, and the police commissioner is also a UK national. Both have not been held accountable for the state of the police force, but the blame is most often placed on the Government of the Day for high crime and low morale in the RVIPF.

However, supporters of the Commissioner have said he has done a lot in his short time here, including to clean up the police force and restore confidence by the public.

We need a local as CoP

After years of UK Police Commissioners and many UK nationals in the police force being paid high salaries with specialties that they claim the locals don’t have, crime is still high.

Additionally, there remains a large number of unsolved murders, morale is low, the force is divided, and the public has no trust or confidence in the police establishment in the Territory, while taxpayers pour in millions of dollars yearly.   

There are also strong calls for a local to take over the RVIPF.

52 Responses to “UPDATE: Police Sgt charged for perjury granted $40K bail”

  • Thankful (03/03/2022, 09:30) Like (24) Dislike (7) Reply
    woooooow there is a god .
    • mistrial? (03/03/2022, 11:36) Like (16) Dislike (12) Reply
      dat sound like a scape goat charge.while the case going on dem charge a witness police?so dem cud not wait after the case finish?so if the magistrate say guilty,then the accuse can question how he guilty?and if say not guilty de prosecutor can because dem witness nah tell de truth?may be the police prosecutor see dat caase going nowhere so dem come with perjury,porjury,poor-jury
      • hmmph (03/03/2022, 12:51) Like (23) Dislike (2) Reply
        You're very smart.

        Why is he being charged DURING an ongoing matter? They want a way out of the other case but want to pin it on the Sergeant to avoid having to pay back the government for wasted time and money on a case that was mainly based on hearsay, he say she say.

        That to me is plot by themselves to overthrow their own case and blame somebody else.

        SO are the other police witnesses charged too or no?

        Won't this taint the jury pool?

        In fact the whole case?

        What is the delay in bringing him to court?
        • hmmm (04/03/2022, 20:46) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
          what really concerns me is the judgment and ability of the DPP - she seems to be very self important but not so competent.
    • Really? (03/03/2022, 14:43) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
      Remember that when you rejoice over another persons misfortune you are putting yourself in jeopardy. Do not take my word for it read it for yourself. You are evil and despicable and you will get your just desserts.
  • like i said (03/03/2022, 09:44) Like (26) Dislike (9) Reply
    The scales of justice are in motion....all that's in the dark, must come to light
  • what (03/03/2022, 09:46) Like (40) Dislike (13) Reply
    As much as i would like to see a local Cop, after Malone, the one that was there is who caused the whites to take over again. Malone set trends and he demoralized everyone causing the white Cop to look good, not even a local he promoted after 8 years. The whites coming in and working only 8-4 and making 3 times the amount that the locals making, yet they want the locals to work twice as hard.
    • @ what (03/03/2022, 10:04) Like (24) Dislike (17) Reply
      this case is not going any where and when will they investigate the white officers?
    • Colour (03/03/2022, 12:50) Like (95) Dislike (5) Reply
      Weeding out the bad cops and people still want to talk negatively about the commissioner. Regardless of colour he’s doing a great job and making the right moves! Well done Mr. Collins!! Ignore the racist few who make it a colour thing. All that matters is that job gets done right which is what is happening - thank you.
    • you forget (03/03/2022, 14:26) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      Frazer. Wasn’t Frazer after Malone. He was local
    • @wHAT (03/03/2022, 18:39) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      8-4 is a normal 8hr shift. Pay is based off of education n experience regardless of someone’s skin color. Just because you feel race has something to do with it doesn’t make true!
      • Yellow trousers (03/03/2022, 22:48) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        This is untrue. I know a Jamaican detective who came here and was put out on traffic duty and treated horribly.
        Lovely man who helped many after Irma, when we were in a state of emergency.
        Locals can’t take direction for any other race, for whatever reason.
        We need a big spring clean, as in many government departments.
        Let’s learn from whoever can teach and the Uk cops are a blessing.
  • UK (03/03/2022, 09:48) Like (12) Dislike (24) Reply
    They are not held accountable because they are white
    • Yellow trousers (03/03/2022, 22:53) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
      Perhaps the honkys they have a higher education and years of experience.
      The race card is the only one you have to pull and it’s getting really old.
      This is how the world outside the BVI operates and it’s this attitude that is holding this country back.
  • VOTER #6 (03/03/2022, 09:53) Like (24) Dislike (5) Reply
  • Real (03/03/2022, 09:57) Like (16) Dislike (10) Reply
  • asura (03/03/2022, 10:06) Like (16) Dislike (110) Reply
    if the legal system treating there own like this imagine the bull crap and lack of justice the rest of we have to face? this is another sad day in the BVI
  • testing 123!!! (03/03/2022, 10:15) Like (82) Dislike (4) Reply
    how can one fight crime when those responsible involved with criminal conduct: some pushing dope: some transportation dope: some body-guarding the dope dealers: where is the commission of inquiry into royal police force, if a local was in charge one would be hearing all manner of old-talk BUT white folks in command and we won't want to upset him(run talk that !!!
  • VOTER # (03/03/2022, 10:31) Like (8) Dislike (7) Reply

    • Lucy (04/03/2022, 15:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You have to call the chief or file a complaint with the Governor. They do worse and the reports are not recognized.
  • It’s (03/03/2022, 10:39) Like (10) Dislike (23) Reply
    Them need to lock him up and throw away the keys
  • Call me anytime (03/03/2022, 10:41) Like (23) Dislike (16) Reply
    All the Dominican them dropping out the rvpf of since there head gone no one to shield them, they didn’t realize that one day someone will catch on to them and their crooked ness. Sebastian am not a happy camper with you in this but when you do wrong things you must and will be punished .
  • It’s (03/03/2022, 10:45) Like (9) Dislike (17) Reply
    Richard G. Rowe Go and sit down look how many other people are waiting to get to court as well
  • Say what!! (03/03/2022, 10:47) Like (32) Dislike (1) Reply
    The way things going in the police force, it may soon have no officer left. My goodness! What is going on in the force buddy? Perjury by an officer of the law? I going drink some coconut water and mind my business.
  • Hmm (03/03/2022, 11:21) Like (37) Dislike (7) Reply
    Yal over here talkin about get the Commissioner out because he is DOING HIS JOB and cleaning up the police force. the same ppl that always in the blogs talkin about the police, they are criminals themselves, they cannot be trusted blah blah blah, but now u have someone doin the work, exposing the wrong doers and making them face prosecution for their alleged crimes, n is get the yt man out....and then yal wonder why our country is in the state that its in.
  • dpp vs cop (03/03/2022, 11:29) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    The uk-appointed commission of inquiry have the cop on high alert,because uk-appointed jaspert say is systematic corruption that cause him to call for coi against the corrupt black pple in de bvi?
    the cop and odpp tag up,because is governor appointing evrybody,and is governor to dismiss everybody,so if you carry out governor plan you good with the cop.
    look the cop was interfering with the police commission telling the police commission what to do and not to do and now the chair lady resign because the cop go telling lies to commission.
    cop vdpp and dpp vs is fight for control over the police force,because officers want a black commissioner but uk say they want white commissioner to watch for the governor.hmmmmmm
  • hmmm (03/03/2022, 11:43) Like (16) Dislike (5) Reply
    These locals are really stupid. The local Police officers are soo corupped that they are putting the young men behind bars to cover their behind. They are the ones out there reaping the benifits from the drugs and the money. Big apartment buildings on a meager salary. When they go to court they set them free while the young men wither away in prison. FREE OUR YOUNG MEN, STOP REUINING THEIR LIVES. LOCK UP ALL THE CORRUPT BULLING SO CALLED POLICE OFFICERS. CLEAN OUT THE POLICE FORCE.
    • @hmmm (04/03/2022, 09:35) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
      Where all those who got arrested and charged from. None of them local, if they happen to born here, there parents weren't.
      90% of the police force are not from here so what cloud you on?
  • YBM (03/03/2022, 11:47) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
    Govt. corrupt, the cops corrupt. Is the BVI one big free for all?
  • hmmm (03/03/2022, 12:08) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    He needs to be fair across the board. His own goes unchecked.
  • Yep (03/03/2022, 12:19) Like (7) Dislike (8) Reply
    He all time hurry goin nowhere well he wil have eno time to do security
  • IF HE GUILTY (03/03/2022, 13:14) Like (2) Dislike (18) Reply
  • cap (03/03/2022, 13:36) Like (20) Dislike (1) Reply
    How exactly can a governor and the COP, who have only recently arrived, be held accountable for the state of the police force? Surely the fact they they are making changes shows that they are doing exactly what they are here to do?
  • rubbish (03/03/2022, 13:40) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    It appears that he is a fall victim to the same sistem he is a part of, they need to lock up all the other who not only told lies but admitted to telling lies imagine someone stated that they told lord then and still telling lies now but you arrest someone else who you may or may not prove he is lying. Let’s stop judge and await for things to unfold.
    48hrs and can’t go before a court wow
  • Ddp (03/03/2022, 15:23) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    The head of the BVI ask for COI
  • Who to call? (03/03/2022, 16:22) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    So who should I call when I see a crime of the police are the criminals? Locals aren't going to be police because of the low pay. Expats will do it because where they come from, they can't get into those police forces and the requirements to be one here are so easy. These men want to be bailiff and driving the government's vehicles and they're worse than the people they're summoning to court. There's one who poses as a community assistant to young school boys, while in reality he's having sex with them and the courts and magistrates know this. The place will continue to have social ills because we have the wrong people in positions of influence.
  • Oh Boy... (03/03/2022, 17:09) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    These are sad, sad stories. True or not...Shaking my head in disbelief
  • Smoke in mirrors (03/03/2022, 19:35) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    They want local who they can use as a puppet, with an expat they can't. They can't get their way so they mad, thank God for this man for cleaning up the force. Who cares where he is from as long as he keeps the grass low, so the snakes will be exposed.
  • hmm (03/03/2022, 19:39) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply

    After knowing the facts of this case and seeing all the negative blogs against the Police officer, it is clear to see how much these people hate Police and foreigners.

    The person that is to be blame in this whole thing is the D*****O***P* who is playing a very very dirty and nasty game.

    In all my 60yrs and following court matters for over 35 years now i have never ever heard the Office of the DPP sent out a News release. She knows what she is trying and what she is up to.

    Also you want to tell me that he could not be given Police bail. 

    This conduct is unethical and has no integrity. Shame.

    Oh my God this is embarrassing for the legal profession.

  • rubber duck (03/03/2022, 19:54) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    I need a coi into the governor and the cop they have failed the bvi
  • Observer (03/03/2022, 20:35) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    The ammunition man should also be on trial with these two officers.
  • my cry (03/03/2022, 21:06) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Put a local to manage the force
  • resident (03/03/2022, 22:03) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    the police need a coi, it is full of rotten cops
  • legal team (03/03/2022, 22:39) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply

    Do NOT take my word for it here is the link to the statement the office of the DPP release:

    The two men before the court are being tried for conspiracy to steal which is one charge and NOT theft as stated by the DPP and was never before the court for theft not in 2019 and not in 2022 so why is the office of the DPP who would and should know better then release into the public domain a publication from her office with bearing its official seal and her signature which states false information. 
    In the above link the two men (whether you like them or not hate them to the core believe they did it or not ) are before the court for THEFT and Conspiracy to steal that’s what the link says but my spidy senses tingled and I did some digging and made a few xL telephone calls with my contacts within the court system and low and behold it (spidy senses) was right. It was confirmed to me by my sources that Neither in 2019 trial or currently during this 2022 trial were the two men ever before the court for THEFT. They are there on one count Conspiracy. It’s just a pity that the sitting jurors will now see all of this on the blogs and who knows how it could influence them or their decisions and what will be the outcome. 

  • question (03/03/2022, 23:12) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    How did they come up with the perjury charge against the serg when the court case is still ongoing?Hope the DPP/cohorts are prepared for what may come upon them if the he’s found innocent.
  • defence (04/03/2022, 05:47) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am against any form of crime. The Prosecution is behaving as though they caught on to something big. Persons have committed the offence of Perjury in the courts before and the Prosecution turned a blnd eye to it especially when it worked in their favour. In fact Police Officers have been told things like these amongst other things when presenting evidence " You have to change this" or "you can't say this otherwise the defendant would get away" so they, the Police would go ahead and say they cautioned when they did not, or that they followed a certain required procedure by law when they and the Porosecution knew they didn't. They would then go to court take the oath, give evidence, the accused person is convicted and sent to court. The Prosecution is happpy. Their main goal is not so much about justice but rather but rather about "winning a case". The Police and Prosecution have shot themselves in the foot. If this Officer is convicted then all the cases that he investigated or gave evidence in especially where persons have been convicted and sentenced should be looked into to ascertain that the same accusation or alleged offense was not committed. On another note from the position of a resident, this Commission is more successful and interested in prosecuting his Officers than solving the many crimes and offenses that are being committed openly daily. To the Officers in the RVIPF take this as advice clean up your act.The Commissioner obviously will not hesitate to ruin your carries in the name of " weeding out so called bad apples". It is part of a wider plot of what is happening within the territory to prove we are corrup.
  • @defence (04/03/2022, 07:41) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Had the jury return with a guilty verdict the Officer would not have bee arrested.
  • say what (04/03/2022, 09:41) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    the two former guys having an easer trial than the one giving evidence. here we have a trail for tampering with evidence which is very serious thing and the chaps walking free and will continue walking free when this judgment ends
  • blame dpp (10/03/2022, 18:39) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    i hear a letter is out..

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