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UPDATE: Motion to review VI’s financial management for HOA today!

Opposition member, 3rd District Representative Hon. Julian Fraser RA, will move a motion in the House of Assembly for a Special Select Committee to be appointed to review the Protocols for Effective Financial Management. Photo: HOA
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Due to the lengthy session last Friday June 29, 2012, several motions, including one for the review of the Effective Financial Management Protocols, which was signed on April 23, 2012 between Premier Dr. D Orlando Smith and United Kingdom's MP Henry Bellingham, will be heard today July 3, 2012 in the House of Assembly (HOA).

The sitting begins at 10 a.m.

Opposition member, 3rd District Representative Hon. Julian Fraser RA, will move a motion in the House of Assembly for a Special Select Committee to be appointed to review the Protocols for Effective Financial Management to determine the implications for the borrowing privileges of the Territory.

When the motion is moved, the committee, following their review, is expected to report their findings to the House.

Meanwhile, Premier and Minister for Finance Hon. Dr. D. Orlando Smith will also move a motion in the HOA to expand the list of Pioneer Services and Pioneer Enterprises provided in the First Schedule of the Ordinance. The motion is to accommodate new and emerging services and enterprises aimed at encouraging investment and enhancing the development of the Virgin Islands by allowing tax and customs duty relief to certain services that were not included before.

In addition, the motion to declare Gun Greek as a Customs Port will also be brought before the House.

Please see the HOA Order Paper here. Order Paper for the 7th Sitting of 1st Session of the 2nd HoA

12 Responses to “UPDATE: Motion to review VI’s financial management for HOA today!”

  • Q-Tips (29/06/2012, 07:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    frazer tis dey boss yall
  • foxy (29/06/2012, 08:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good move Mr Fraser....they say the opposition dead but keep mekin we proud!!!
    • NDP to the bone (02/07/2012, 23:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      This man really has a lot of nerve....Frazer need to go sit down as he and the VIP left the country broke!
  • game on (29/06/2012, 11:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    that ting as dead as an opposum! payback is a b*^ch!
  • Diaspora (30/06/2012, 00:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why weren't The Protocol for Effective Financial Management not vetted or discussed in HOA before it was executed. Such a critical document that changed the form and function of finacial management in the BVI needed to have vetted by all elected members in the HOA. Were opposition and backbenchers aware of this document before it was executed? If so why are they trying to close the stable door after horse has gallloped out of it. Was the BVI out negotiated on this protocal?
    • man rat (03/07/2012, 01:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      of course if you send Orlando and Marlone to negotiate for you the results will be in questions.
  • tops (02/07/2012, 15:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now now Frazer is you the new opposition leader?? lol
  • sea cows bay massive (02/07/2012, 22:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    no matter what ayo ndp crazy people say..and how much committee meetings Billy calls for OJ like the one this evening julian fraser will be in office for a long long long may i say damm long ayo better get use to it!!!!! BAM hit the right spot!!!!!
  • confisious (03/07/2012, 00:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    frazer your back is to the road boss
  • Real Talk (03/07/2012, 10:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Where was the motion from Fraser to avoid us getting into this mess in the first place. These people make me laugh. You waste the money, breach the agreed guidelines, max out our lending ability then when the new Government signed revised guidelines to facilitate borrowing, that's a concern? LMFAO!!!! My goodness when will we learn common sense in this place and stop being so phucking illiterate, stupid and petty? This is all hot air! This type of move should've been done years ago, not now. When Malone and Christopher made their case against borrowing until they get things in order, you all wanted them eaten alive. But now the almighty whiskers made an announcement, he's the next Mandela and Fidel in one. What a crock of bullshit! And those making a stink about who voted against the CDB money, they didn't vote against getting money, their concern was about the current debt and the fact that no plan was in place on repayment, there is a plan now!
  • public (03/07/2012, 18:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    tell um fraser

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