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Trial for Ex VI Premier Andrew A. Fahie set for January 9, 2023

Former Premier of the [British] Virgin Islands Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) and his co-accused are set to appear in a Miami, Florida Court on January 9, 2023, for the start of their trial. Photo:GIS/File
Kadeem S. Maynard, left, and his mother, former BVI Ports Authority Managing Director Oleanvine Pickering-Maynard are also scheduled to appear in court for the start of their trial on January 9, 2023. Photo: Team of Reporters
Kadeem S. Maynard, left, and his mother, former BVI Ports Authority Managing Director Oleanvine Pickering-Maynard are also scheduled to appear in court for the start of their trial on January 9, 2023. Photo: Team of Reporters
MIAMI, Florida, USA- Former Premier of the [British] Virgin Islands Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) and his co-accused are set to appear in a Miami, Florida Court on January 9, 2023, for the start of their trial.

Court documents, which were filed on November 17, 2022, showed the case is expected to be heard during the two-week trial calendar that begins on January 9, 2023.

The case will be on the docket for each successive trial calendar until it is resolved.

Fahie, former Managing Director of the BVI Ports Authority Oleanvine Pickering-Maynard and her son Kadeem S. Maynard are accused of several crimes including money laundering, conspiracy to import drugs into the United States via the Virgin Islands and Interstate and Foreign Travel in Aid of Racketeering.

Fahie is out on US $1,000,000 bail but is restricted from leaving the US.

Trial delay request

The defense attorney representing Mr Fahie had asked a federal judge to delay his July 18, 2022, trial date.

Fahie’s attorney, Theresa Van Vliet, asked that the court rescheduled the trial no sooner than January 16, 2023, to give the defense more time to prepare, and to resolve various issues.

Fahie had waived his rights under the Speedy Trial Act, and prosecutors did not object to the delay, according to the motion filed Tuesday, July 5, 2022.

28 Responses to “Trial for Ex VI Premier Andrew A. Fahie set for January 9, 2023”

  • BREAKING NEWS (23/11/2022, 07:58) Like (3) Dislike (16) Reply
    Multiple people in Virginia Chesapeake shot dead in mass shooting at Walmart on the US east coast!

    • Virginia (23/11/2022, 09:34) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
      It was a store employee that did it and 6 are dead. The coward killed himself after he did his damage. The shooter in the Colorado gay club did not get a chance to kill himself because the drag queens stomped his behind out and held him down until the police arrived on the scene. Don’t mess with those drag queens cause they will stomp you out with their platform heels.
  • resident (23/11/2022, 07:58) Like (29) Dislike (2) Reply
    If you are guilty of the charges well you have to face the penalty. This is sad because as the leader of the country you did not need the extra money. Not when you have so many persons who cannot afford to put food on their table. I feel for your daughters who have to live with this the rest of their lives. I pray that you have a speedy trial and lessons are learned.
  • not nice (23/11/2022, 08:14) Like (15) Dislike (46) Reply
    All three just keep faith the lord Will see You though
  • To The LADY (23/11/2022, 09:07) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    We could of been nice music together , what a pity , all that food just waiting away CHILD you need a good cut *SS
  • run boy run (23/11/2022, 09:31) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Time to slip away Big Man.
  • Rubber Duck (23/11/2022, 09:42) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply
    wtf is Honourable about him?
  • Wellmehboi (23/11/2022, 09:42) Like (13) Dislike (8) Reply
    3 Fat Fools hungry for more food
    • @Wellmehboi (23/11/2022, 21:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Da one mix in nice .. and btw not nice has right to free speech! Over zealous religious followers.
  • De 5th (23/11/2022, 09:45) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I Wonder if He's going to take the stand.? " Too much talking make many mistake."
  • jack (23/11/2022, 09:46) Like (16) Dislike (16) Reply
    Can’t wait for fahie to be free and come back home
    • @Jack (23/11/2022, 12:59) Like (9) Dislike (24) Reply
      Don’t waste your time waiting for fat Albert to be free, WO WO WO, even if he is free and he is from here he don’t control and give orders like he use to. He is better off staying in Florida.
  • Really??? (23/11/2022, 10:27) Like (16) Dislike (16) Reply
    If the two of them each get one year for every pound they are overweight they will be in prison for a LONG time. The greed of these people is written all over their fat bodies.
  • Arrion (23/11/2022, 11:09) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    I remember when her son was born. How did mother and son become partners in crime?
    • @ Arrion (23/11/2022, 12:21) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      that's what happen when people do not put down their foot in discipline and make a joke of everything their children do, condoning wrong or not talking about it with them for instruction and not seeing to it that kids be kids that's what happen. That there is just 1 example, look at our society today what do you see. No moral conscience in the grown up so what do you expect from the younger generation. Just sad! :(
    • WOWW (23/11/2022, 14:15) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
      Her eyes remind me of miss piggy loll
  • Interested (23/11/2022, 11:59) Like (36) Dislike (2) Reply
    Let us pray for them instead of preying on them. We all have family members.we do not know what they are involved in. Show compassion.
  • h ead coach (23/11/2022, 12:22) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    my people pray for me
  • SAGGERBOY (23/11/2022, 14:05) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Maynard didn't have to be in that position but I heard that she took the place of someone else who was supposed to have gone to Sea Trade. Is that what you call greed?
  • hm (23/11/2022, 22:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Black ma jin bu. Is that even his final form?
  • justin (24/11/2022, 00:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    don't know what the coach did them but the system going after him hard[Racketeering is a very slick charge]
  • TskTsk (24/11/2022, 03:06) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    colin must be rolling in his grave .For how she treated him now to see her and her son like this.
  • WEW (24/11/2022, 14:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Andrew still addressed as Honorable ?

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