“Showtime ain’t sleeping!” says Juggo
Over the years, Sprauve said, the fans have kept them together and going forward, which served as motivation. “Every song, every lyric, every piece of music put together is done with the fans in mind,” he added.
Juggo also stated that the band went in with confidence and a strategy but expected anything to be possible at anytime during the competition, declaring that they basically went into things with an open mind.
He mentioned that lead singers in the band, himself, Eustace Freeman and Renrick “Mac Daddy” Massac were normally responsible for their individual song writing which he felt added to the flavour of the band in some regard.
“There are always plans to take the band movement a bit further,” he noted, suggesting that the band will take things from here and see where they are headed. He welcomed the competition they had for this year and urged that they continue to bring it. He warned however that “Showtime ain’t sleeping”.
Ottley Hodge, member of the band and Parade Committee Chair, commenting on the issue of conflict of interest which arose as a result of his position in the band and on the committee said he took the role of Chair as a result of his love for music, his country and the festival in general. He saw the role as a challenge and took it up after he was recommended for the post. There was no campaigning on his part he noted.
Any issue of conflict he suggested was a matter of perspective, simply because he has faith in himself to be impartial and a fair judge.
Hodge said the band plans to continue bringing music to the people and there are hopes to take the team to the international level. “We will continue to rep the BVI as best as possible.”



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