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Report to go public on police tasing & brawl between 2 officers– CoP Matthews

From left: Yakeem Frett and Matthew W. Hart were tased by police on separate occasions on Tortola in April 2020 and were both been charged with Breach of Curfew. Photo: Team of Reporters
Police officers Glenn Callwood aka ‘Supa Cop’, left, and Alwyn M. St Hillaire, right, have been reassigned duties pending investigations into their public spat. Photo: VINO/Facebook
Police officers Glenn Callwood aka ‘Supa Cop’, left, and Alwyn M. St Hillaire, right, have been reassigned duties pending investigations into their public spat. Photo: VINO/Facebook
Police Commissioner Michael B. Matthews has told the public, while appearing on a special edition of Honestly Speaking on Friday, May 8, 2020, hosted by Claude O. Skelton-Cline, that the reports on the police tasing of two unarmed civilians and an incident in front of a local grocery store where two police officers were engaged in a verbal altercation, will be made public. Photo: VINO/File
Police Commissioner Michael B. Matthews has told the public, while appearing on a special edition of Honestly Speaking on Friday, May 8, 2020, hosted by Claude O. Skelton-Cline, that the reports on the police tasing of two unarmed civilians and an incident in front of a local grocery store where two police officers were engaged in a verbal altercation, will be made public. Photo: VINO/File
Constable Glenn Callwood aka ‘Supa Cop’, right, has been reassigned a desk job at the Road Town Police Station while Sergeant Alwyn M. St. Hillaire, left, has been reassigned to the police marine base at Road Reef until the outcome of the investigation. Photo: Team of Reporters
Constable Glenn Callwood aka ‘Supa Cop’, right, has been reassigned a desk job at the Road Town Police Station while Sergeant Alwyn M. St. Hillaire, left, has been reassigned to the police marine base at Road Reef until the outcome of the investigation. Photo: Team of Reporters
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI- Police Commissioner Michael B. Matthews has told the public, while appearing on a special edition of Honestly Speaking on Friday, May 8, 2020, hosted by Claude O. Skelton-Cline, that the reports on the police tasing of two unarmed civilians and an incident in front of a local grocery store where two police officers were engaged in a verbal altercation, will be made public.

Mr Matthews, who has 11 months left on his second contract as the Virgin Islands top cop, said once the internal investigations are completed and the report is sent to Cabinet and the National Security Council it is his hope that they will be made public.

However, he did not give a time frame for when the public may have access to the internal reports. 

Police Brutality?

It was a few weeks ago when a young man was tased on the eastern end of Tortola for allegedly refusing to comply with the curfew. A few days later, a mentally challenged man was also tased in the Scatliffe Alley area of Road Town.

Both incidents had been circulated on social media and were met with outrage by the public and the media, as residents took to social media and online news with stinging criticism over what they alleged as police brutality.

In addition, the report of a public verbal brawl that could have gotten physical between a police sergeant and a constable in front of a local grocery store on Tortola will also be made public, according to Mr Matthews.

The incident resulted in both officers being reassigned.

Both Officers reassigned-CoP

It is our news centre's understanding that Constable Glenn Callwood aka ‘Supa Cop’ has been reassigned a desk job at the Road Town Police Station while Sergeant Alwyn M. St. Hillaire has been reassigned to the police marine base at Road Reef until the outcome of the investigation.

Commissioner Matthews told the host it is his intention to make the reports available to the public after the internal investigations of the three incidents.

25 Responses to “Report to go public on police tasing & brawl between 2 officers– CoP Matthews”

  • Fatter (10/05/2020, 13:39) Like (40) Dislike (1) Reply
    Callwood going to get even fatter sitting at a desk all day.
  • long wait (10/05/2020, 13:48) Like (17) Dislike (4) Reply
    we will wait to see both reports just like we saw the one when they shoot and killed the Spanish man
    • say what (10/05/2020, 14:02) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
      @ long wait you have psychic powers because your grandchildren will have grandchildren before such report comes to the public
  • Diaspora (10/05/2020, 14:08) Like (15) Dislike (6) Reply

    I think this Police commissioner is loosing credibility; he has wore out his welcome; he is two f**ed he in b*d with the go***** but publicly sing another tune

  • @say wat (10/05/2020, 14:40) Like (2) Dislike (14) Reply

    Yeah like wh**** trash ...

  • @@say wat (10/05/2020, 14:43) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    U got to stick them with the fact. That it out cave there come to in a civilized world where there live among animals like there still do of there nature...of love for doggs
  • time longer than twine (10/05/2020, 15:34) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    A lot more need investigating from those immediately under him come all the way down
    • I agree (10/05/2020, 17:53) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ time longer than twine: we only inveterate certain sectors of our society those coming over from Europe we afraid to entertain certain levels of conversation with time or about them because they have more systematical power than any of us but we think because we born here we run things but I seriously question that: back in the 50s & 60s our people kicked @&$ but we getting our as& kicked
  • i from here (10/05/2020, 16:58) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    the promotion and recruiting system in the police force need to be investigated its corrupt to keep out locals
  • pat (10/05/2020, 17:09) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
    Super cop likes to eat his bigan choke and Roti
    With his glass of mauby
  • Cavity (10/05/2020, 17:41) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    Police officers are 2 corrupt and into illegal activities to much in the bvi and like point the fingers
  • Hire Locals Only (10/05/2020, 20:28) Like (9) Dislike (10) Reply

    Can’t wait for this foreign Police Commissioner to leave this Island. Waste of our money.

    • @ HIRE LOCALS ONLY (11/05/2020, 09:05) Like (7) Dislike (7) Reply
      Hire locals only so that you all can get away with all your illegal activities, I am happy to be able tp come here to make a living but you people need to appreciate immigrants more.
  • tretretrete (10/05/2020, 20:47) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    @CAVITY. I'm not here saying there is no corruption in the RVIPF but I can say if you know there is and you have the facts and proof why not help the situation by reporting such. I dont think it is fair to just make a blanket statement and no proof. If something happened to you or you witnessed something first hand confront the powers that is responsible for that department. Or confront the person because sometimes persons feel they are doing fine until someone points out our faults. If you do it in love I believe you would be helping one another.

    You may say that can't happen but more than likely we can gain one another respect by doing such. Let's help each other to make it through. We can only try and if we fail in our trying then go further.
    • Hmmmm ? (11/05/2020, 09:09) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      2017; members stole people’s merchandise from stores and that is common knowledge: it common knowledge police shot and killed a person and to this day no formal public document: what happens to large sums of cash confiscated by the enforcement: where is the dope confiscated: just as elected officials are accountable for tax money enforcement is accountable to the nation for all exhibits: where the public updates on tasing: have no issues with the department but must more disclosure especially when the public questions some procedures
  • Manabouttown (10/05/2020, 22:23) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    What is the Commissioner of Police statutory authority to go public on internal matters. Show it to me in statue, because I want to read it for myself.
    Mr. Commissioner I suggest that you take a different route or we will challenge the legality of you going public with internal matters. You have been forewarned sir.
    • @ man about town (11/05/2020, 10:13) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      we never now that the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force was a Private Enterprize (you sound like a criminal) You telling all the law abiding residents of this territory that the commissioner of police should not exposed unlawful conduct within the police department, you have to be using some serious smack: the laws of this territory are applicable to each and everyone within the jurisdiction inclusive of police or politician: mr commissioner in the very best interest of the people of this territory kindly expose those corrupt within your command: how can police come out and arrest residents for disturbing the peace and members within the police department out in public arguing and disturbing the peace: mr commissioner expose those who tamper with evidence and exhibits......
      • Manabouttown (13/05/2020, 08:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        People please do not do things based on your opinions.
        Laws were made for the peace and good governance of the Virgin Islands. See section 71 of the Constitution. Everyone one needs to get copies of the law and read. I will say that the Commissioner of Police has no statutory authority to take an internal matter public. If he do such he is in breach and so breached which will be resulting in civil proceedings.
  • the wall (10/05/2020, 23:28) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
    what happened to the invetigation into " the wall". thought that was going to be made public.....did that investigation just stop...or am i missing something
  • No Help (11/05/2020, 01:42) Like (12) Dislike (22) Reply
    Callwood cannot help himself , he will always embarrass himself and the police force. There is no place in a police department for someone so obnoxious and unprofessional. He always has something going on, out of one into the other.
  • sipping on tea (11/05/2020, 06:54) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    Where is the waste of time governor?
    • white house (11/05/2020, 09:39) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
      @ sipping on tea
      hosting A private party @ his official residence with some white friends
  • 15 (11/05/2020, 11:01) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Around 15 motorists on the road after 7 pm yesterday , no masks nothing , who control them?
  • YES SIR (11/05/2020, 16:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    @ hire local only I so proud of you so u octknogle that this is an island good for you that one should hold u

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