Premier Smith not ready for leadership – radio show caller
Maduro was discussing the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Final Report on the Cruise Pier Development Project, which he promised to elaborate on during his shows until he would have gone through the entire report.
“98 percent of the people of this country are a set of cowards,” said Mr Fletcher Scatliffe as he called into the radio show to encourage Maduro to keep up the fight.
“It is just a bunch of talk. Seven days and it finish. The people in authority know that and they going to continue to do what they want with the people of this Territory as they know nothing ain’t going to become of it,” he said.
“Eddie, what this sound like to me is a cowboy town. The Premier of this country…if this is happening under his watch, it is clearly showing that he is not ready for leadership and he should be disqualified,” Scatliffe said, referring to Premier Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith.
“If he allowed something like this to happen under his watch God be for all of us,” the man said.
"If this country allows this to go by without taking the necessary steps and doing something about it, it don’t make sense having any elections just let everybody do what they want,” he said.
“Because if you are going to have total disregard for law and order, what’s next?” he asked.
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