Nathaniel Issac Sr resigns as BVIPA Board Chairman

It is unclear at this time the reasons for Mr Issac Sr's resignation and when exactly it was tendered.
Mr Isaac Sr's appointment as BVIPA Board Chairman was approved by Cabinet in May 2019.
The now resigned Mr Isaac Sr had replaced Mr Wendell M. Gaskin as BVIPA Board Chairman.
The sudden resignation of Mr Isaac Sr comes on the heels of the resignation of BVIPA interim Managing Director (MD), Mr John M. Samuel, who resigned in March 2020.
Mr Samuel had taken over in January on a 3-month temporary appointment from St Lucia national Mr Lenius Lendor, who was hired as BVIPA MD by the National Democratic Party (NDP) in 2018 after they refused to renew the contract of a local resident.
Both Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) and Mr Issac Sr had not responded to our queries at the time of publication.


89 Responses to “Nathaniel Issac Sr resigns as BVIPA Board Chairman”
People stop taking the bait for these hate mongers. It's so lame and tired now.
VINO please delete such hate comments. It is not helpful. Please be a responsible new site
Hope they don’t give it to C******. Nathaniel should not have been their in the first place. VIP you all need to do better, be more prudent MAN.
Putting square pegs in round holes never works but we keep on doing it and expecting progress. I pray that they do not put the loud-mouth p........ anywhere near this position as that would be another recipe for disaster. Lord help us all!
That lady in there making all of them resign y’all know who I talking about.
He was a waste of time there and C........S***** will be too so don’t even think of putting him in there now. It done full a drama he will add more on top it
That big whale in there need to be remove
A person who has managed to bankrupt their own finances can teach me how to do my job?
Using obscenities, starting rumors, being unprofessional, bullying, plotting, forming a coup, being unethical and slave driving is not fixing a system.
They provide them with the tools and support needed to carry out their functions. They don’t belittle and demotivate or influence them to be unethical.
These people think government own them anything. Government gives you all permits to work you all should be thankful because you even cannot get a decent job in you all countries.
Another one bites the dust at ports. They have now gotten rid of at least 9 managers and now a chairman. T
Mr. Isaac BELONGS to the BVI.
The bvi so sweet,just to read these many bloggs,on this democratic news site. China and all these other socialist and communist countries must be jealous of our freedom in the BVI.
Well,I personally do not know too much about Mr.Isaac and his academic qualifications and work performances in that position,but I do assess him as an honest person in our society,with education and wisdom from God.
Additionally,from public knowledge,he belongs to the virgin islands,under section 2(2) of the bvi Constitution.
I note that some bloggers,exercising their freedom of speech,identified him as an islandman,I guest because he was born outside of the virgin islands,and at the time of his birth neither of his parents,belonged to the bvi.
Well, honestly,these word ['islandman'] should no longer be taken as an insult,to persons born OUTSIDE the BVI.
Because the BVI Constitution,has identified the ISLANDMAN,as a belonger,even in circumstances,where both parents are virgin islanders and the mother gives birth in the island of st.kitts (for example) that child,although born in the Island St.kitts,belongs to the virgin islsnds by virtue of parental rights in the virgin islands.
Hence, in the BVI Constitution,2007, Citizenship is not expressively mentioned in the INTERPRETATION and definition, but ["who belong"] is expressly defined,meaning it is clearly written. The word "citizen" is not written in the BVI law.
The British Nationality Act,1981,an Act of the UK Parliament, which superseded the BVI Constitution,clearly and expressly defined us in the BVI as [" British Dependent (Territories) Citizens"]…
This is how the BVI Constitution defines and identifies us:-
[" A person (BELONGS) to the VIRGIN ISLANDS,if that person--and the constitution went on to name the classes and categories of persons who ("BELONGS") to the Virgin Islands. And that includes Mr.Isaac.
So,no one is classified as a "Citizen" of the BVI, under the BVI Constitution: Mr.Isaac BELONGS to the Virgin Islands,under the BVI Constitution, which is, The SUPREME Law of the BVI, and Mr. Isaac is a BRITISH OVERSEAS TERRITORIES CITIZEN (BOTC) and also,after 2002 He became a CITIZEN of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, by virtue of the "British Overseas territories amendment act, 2002.Uk Parliament.
Previously, Mr. Isaac,who was born as an ISLANDMAN,in a British COLONY ,overseas,had the Citizenship at birth under the British Nationality Act,of 1948-1982,called the ["CITIZEN OF THE UNITED KINGDOM & COLONIES"]
So, Mr. Isaac was a British Citizen at Birth,but he lost that citizenship, when his [ISLAND] country of birth became independent from Great Britain.
Mr Nathaniel Isaac is a BORN "British Subject" of the United Kingdom and colonies, who was born as a ["ISLANDMAN"] in a British Island [british territory] outside the British Island of TORTOLA.
Mr. Isaac, BELONGS to Her Majesty's BVI.
british oversea territory citizen? or belonger,so all you is belonger, no name of nationality.i is a islandman and say I Vincentian or kittitian and so on,,,i want to hear a tolian say his nationality bcuz tortola is just 1 island in the whole bvi.
ah ah, all of ah you hate uk but ah you british oversea territory citizen,
Blogging is not open to the public,so its very easy for us to sit behind a computer or cellphone and give you words.
May be tomorrow,some of us might see you and tell you to your face that you did a good job,not realizing on bloggs we blasted you.
Legal team is still proud that,the headlines did not accuse you of any corruption or criminality in your position.You resigned honourably. Your family must be proud.
That's not the end of your life and your journey on earth.God will decide that.
One love.
Don't miss my point: We in the BVI love expatriates..Some bloggers are trying to cause international-mischief.
My BVI people and my ISLANDMAN people, please go back to 1949 of your political history and identify yourself from your own corrupt and enslaved mentality,and read up on british colonization of the west indies [Caribbean] & BVI, and when you do,you will be ashamed to call Nathaniel Isaac,an Islandman [meaning a none british citizen] or a nonebelonger, and you will also be ashamed to call a BVI citizen, TOLIAN.
Are you suggesting that children born in St.Thpmas, st.croix,puerto rico and other USA-Territories from BVI parents do not belong to the BVI,under the BVI Constitution? Yes they do.
And under the British Nationality Act,0f the UK parliament, fromk1949-t0-1981?
Because the USA and its Territories ARE NOT british territories,and were not part of the United Kingdom AND Colonies, Under the British Nationality Act, which included The BVI and St.Kitts and Nevis ["st.christopher"] in the latter country,where Nathaniel Isaac was born as a Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies.
St.Kitts became an independent country in September,1983, so when Isaac settled in the BVI many years ago,he had come from A British UK and Colony territory and "settled" in a British Uk and Colony territory of the BVI.
We all were classified and categorized as one ["UNITED KINGDOM & COLONIES.
The UK,is crying shame on our teachers at our educational institutions for not teaching bvi children about British Colonization of the west indies.
Instead, we are teaching themabout [" ST.THORMORSS"] United States Virgin Islands.Did you read my spelling? Not St,Thomas,but we saying ["ST.THORMORSS"].
We in the BVI are PROUD of our own UNITED KINGDOM & COLONIES CITIZENS, our "down-island" uk citizens, but everyday,we bigging-up USA citizens from st.thomas,because they allowed us to use their USA Dollar.
Isaac, if any person call you islandman with discriminatory remarks,remind them,that under the British Nationality Act,you were born as a [ CITIZEN OF THE UNITED KINGDOM & COLONIES]
That's your citizenship AT BIRTH! We like to in the BVI ["where you born,is where you from"]
Let's all unite in love and harmony
Isaac was born british citizen in stkitts he come to a british country in bvi and you all calling him island man from outside when your own history revealing that he was born british long before some of you in bvi born.isaac is not a outside he is a british belonger bcus he was born british now he belong.i learn something today that bvi children never learn in school history..good,,,,,
Legal team and associates reached out to Mr.Isaac, by telephone, to thank him for his service to our beloved bvi for over 30 years continuing and we all should be grateful to Mr.Isaac,for making the BVI his home and for living in peace, as a law-abiding-citizen, and respecting the rule of law in the BVI. Look at his family: Nice,loving people.
Mr Isaac is one-of-us, in her majesty's overseas territories, of the bvi, who started from scratch,doing basic domestic work,like all of us, and with his ambition and pride,he rose in society,with respect for the dignity of the human person.
He was not ousted for any wrong doing.He made a decision to resign,but all of you,always use our social media to show that a few pockets of person in the BVI would ridicule others.
We virgin islanders know that it is not in our culture to hate persons with expatriate background.And Mr Isaac is well loved by the people of the BVI and by the people of expatriate background.We all operate differently in a position of authority.and Mr.Isaac is no different.
If they attack you verbally and call you I-LAN-MAN,go to the local british embassy [The Governor's office] and you will be welcome there,because you are a Citizen of the United Kingdom & Colonies, and belong to the Virgin Islands.
["Stop playing politics because Andrew fahie had selected a good virgin islander, Isaac, to be chairman"]
One love..