Gov’t issues vacancies for members Parole & Public Assistance Appeal Boards
The vacancies came via a press release posted on the website of the Government Information Service (GIS) on Tuesday, November 28, 2023, for qualified persons to fill the various roles.
For members on the Parole Board, Under the Parole Act (2009) and Parole Amendment Act (2014), Section 4 (1), the Parole Board should comprise of no less than five and no more than seven people.
“Persons eligible for the Board must have held a judicial office or an attorney not regularly engaged in criminal practice, a psychiatrist and a member of the Dental Council, has knowledge and experience in the supervision and aftercare of discharged prisoners, is a minister of religion experienced in counseling, has knowledge of the causes of delinquency, a social worker or is able to represent the interest of victims of crime and offenders,” the vacancy noted.
Board requirements set out in law
For members on the Public Assistance Committee according to the Public Assistance Act, 2013, Section 3 (2), the primary objective of the Committee is to review and decide on applications and grant financial and in-kind support to poor and vulnerable individuals and households, to enable them to meet their basic living expenses.
The Act stipulates that the Public Assistance Committee shall comprise of not less than seven, no more than nine members appointed by the Minister with approval from Cabinet, and the ideal candidates are expected to be willing to carry out the functions of the Public Assistance Committee attend scheduled meetings, possess leadership skills and experience in areas relevant to the Board’s functions; commit to confidentiality, integrity, and good governance as well as exercise discretion and good judgment.
Meanwhile, for Members of the Public Assistance Appeal Board According to Section 32 (1) of the Public Assistance Act, 2013, after hearing an appeal, the Appeal Board is expected to affirm the decision appealed against, vary the decision appealed against, or set aside the decision appealed against and remit the matter concerned for reconsideration by the Committee.
“In addition, the Board must forward notice of its decision together with statements of reasons to the appellant and to the Chairperson of the Committee unless otherwise directed by the Committee,” the notice detailed.
Persons interested in filling any of the three vacancies can head to the GIS website for more details.
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