Gov Duncan shamed the entire VI- Claude O. Skelton Cline

Mr Skelton-Cline was a guest of the radio show, Umoja, with host Cromwell Smith aka Enju Enka on on ZBVI 780 AM on Thursday March 23, 2017.
He was speaking on the issue of Governor Duncan using his reserved power under Sec 103 (b) of the constitution to take $800,000 from the government coffers and place in the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force’s budget.
Was it justifiable?
“Was the action taken by the Governor a week ago today a justifiable action? We had a matter in the room…some roaches were in the room, we could have dealt with the roaches by just spraying some Baygon and you took out the nuclear bomb and blow up the whole floor, the whole building. You called the entire government and the entire BV Islanders into question as to their own capacity and their own priorities,” Mr Skelton-Cline said.
The former BVI Ports Authority (BVIPA) boss, who has sued his own NDP Government after his contract as General Manager of the BVIPA was not renewed, called on the Territory’s leaders to address the issue regarding the Governor.
“What I am asking our leaders to do is to address the matter on its merit. Bring some light to the subject, bring the facts. The governor injects himself into the politics, almost makes himself a politician by doing what he has done.”
He said the Governor it appears is no longer able to be partial and if that is the case, he is no longer suited to be in that office, since he has affected the social environment in the Virgin Islands, “that’s a serious issue.” Mr Skelton-Cline also mentioned that his move raises some serious questions especially coming from the same man who speaks of good governance, transparency and accountability when he bypassed the National Security Council, the Cabinet or the House of Assembly to invoke his powers.
“And what I am asking us to do is wake up from your sleepy self, wake up with this cowardliness, come and speak to this matter on the merits, and if what they told some of the group is true, not the warrant that was sent to the Ministry of Finance is more than the $800,000 if that is true come and let us know, and tell us why? And what that means and the implications of that. I think you owe it to your people that elected you to serve, to tell us what’s happening in their territory so that they can make informed decisions and not a reaction to everything that is taking place.”
Close ranks & fight the real war
According to Mr Skelton-Cline, it is not about any one particular person or political organisation.
“Let us close ranks and fight the real war that’s raging and that’s is our loss of our territory, a loss of even the constitution, come together and have some meaningful conversations that will catapult us forward and do not just bring heat to a conversation. So the people who are going to do news stories, so the people who are going to blog, this is not about the individuals, this is not about politics, this is not about who is sitting in power now, what has taken place trumps all of that. This is who are we going to be as a people and as a territory in these Virgin Islands,” he concluded.
Mr Skelton-Cline also urged Premier Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith to make an official complaint to the British Government about the behaviour of the Governor.
Gov’t needs to explain a number of things
Meantime, Cromwell smith remarked that at times there are about four officers in a squad car seeking out persons who are not wearing a seatbelt to be ticketed and is questioning how the resources in the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force are being allocated so that there is the maximum benefit to these allocations.
“And do we really need this additional money?” he asked, adding that as far as he is concerned if the police are in need of more funds, the government has been known to facilitate them.
“I agree with you,” he said to Skelton-Cline, “more needs to be done in terms of communication. I think everybody in the country is saying that our government needs to communicate with people much, much, much more. There are a number of things that needs to be explained not just this one thing, and let the public know why things happen the way they happen and what needs to be done to rectify it so that the people can make decisions based on the facts,” he argued.
Be less trusting to the Brits- Edju Enka
“So hopefully in the days ahead, we will see some action around getting the people to really understand what is going on with what the problem is with the Governor, because I suspect that the Governor got some problems and I suspect that the UK itself has some problems in implementing what I see is a desire to re-establish that colonial empire.”
Mr Smith further said the UK is “desperately” in need of economic stabilisation, “so they will take it from where they can get it. So I think that we can understand that as a people be less trusting of countries and people who have treated us as slaves. Our historical heritage has been a massa-slavery relationship and we need to be less trusting of persons who engage in that history,” he pointed out.



49 Responses to “Gov Duncan shamed the entire VI- Claude O. Skelton Cline”
I didn't know he still exists!!!
The focus should be on this trashy Government and not the Governor. There's a major problem with the current leadership. The BVI is not the same. It's a corrupt, disrespectful war zone loosing its tranquility and dignity because of a few bad men. Don't blame the Governor for your own downfall.
People are scared by colonialism rule but guess wha it's the ndp administration causing attempt for direct rule. Mr. Cline you make no sense but i can see your fear. Blame the ndp administration for all this mess. I can see why you sue them. The whole country should sue them for raping the people of their value, culture, pride, hardworking, successful and peaceful land their forefathers left behind.
Do it again Mr. Governor. Step on their dam ego. Set of Chickens this Government. What will they do go independent. This Government is nothing but destruction to the country.
Like like like like like like like like like like like like like likeLike like like like like like like like like like like like like likeLike like like like like like like like like like like like like likeLike like like like like like like like like like like like like likeLike like like like like like like like like like like like like likeLike like like like like like like like like like like like like like
The “Plantation Effect” all over again, gentlemen. An oppressive government made up of its own kind, paying no attention to its people, making decisions without the consensus of the people, and now, being chastised for its behaviour.
This is exactly how it feels when the wrong shoe size is placed on the other foot. It feels painful after a while, doesn’t it?
The Government must do some serious introspection and honestly work with the people to map out a way forward. If we are truly serious about Self-Determination, we need to know what that would look like and begin to prepare towards that vision.
First, how would we feed ourselves?
How would we strengthen our economic pillars and develop others for diversification sustainability?
Who are we going to align and partner with for mutually beneficial objectives?
What fiat currency do we intend to establish as our means of exchange and trade?
These are just a few that come to mind. Until such time, we had better understand our position and realize that we are still, up to this very day, dependent people on the plantation; and as such, we had better tread lightly and prepare for our children’s future-TOGETHER.
I have presented my case on behalf of my children and grandchildren. Signing off.
You have presented a good argument for all things physical, but allow me to impart some true wisdom to you.
There is a wise adage that says, “as above, so below.”
Everything reflected in the physical starts in the spiritual and mental realms. If all are not in alignment, the physical will not sustain.
Another wise adage, “not all that glitters is gold.”
One can never win someone else’s game without first understanding the game and the rules of that game. Nothing to water down in my first comment. It needs to be as harsh as I can express it.
Pastor J. Cline has identified the spiritual oppression that has been taken place. However, his approach may not be binding because it is limited in spiritual scope. Likewise, the mental oppression must also be addressed for a complete balance and alignment.
“Know thyself” first and unity will occur with least resistance.
Until then, “Unity” is just a sound good expression until we address the real issues facing us- that which is unseen. Meditate on what has been said here for some time; the answers might unfold themselves to you.
“As above, so below.” I rest my case.
The government is a disgrace, an embarrassment!
Govenor continue to do your job!
Please BVIanders do not let the government
put fear in you about colonization. The Turks and Caicos Islands government was corrupt, as our own now. The UK had to clean up the mess, for the sake and betterment of the people. They had there election last year to form a new government.
The gentleman who was a guest on the show, should be a shame of himself, preaching "bible" on one hand and justifing/ supporting corruption on the other.
God is not sleep!!!
“Was the action taken by the Governor a week ago today a justifiable action? We had a matter in the room…some roaches were in the room, we could have dealt with the roaches by just spraying some Baygon and you took out the nuclear bomb and blow up the whole floor, the whole building. You called the entire government and the entire BV Islanders into question as to their own capacity and their own priorities,” Mr Skelton-Cline said.
The former BVI Ports Authority (BVIPA) boss, who has sued his own NDP Government after his contract as General Manager of the BVIPA was not renewed, called on the Territory’s leaders to address the issue regarding the Governor. END QUOTE
So, let me get this straight, he is saying that the rampant unde-funding and de-prioritising of what amounts to our National Security Force was just a matter of a few "roaches" that needed some "Baygon" rather than dropping a "nuclear bomb" on the whole matter... but he couldn't settle his petty dispute with the same sitting Government but would rather drop his own "nuclear bob" of a lawsuit that would only harm the pockets of the average taxpayer?
There is a word for this... HYPOCRISY.