Fraser fires back at NDP’s “cast iron pipe” accusation
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Following claims recently made by Kevin “OJ” Smith of the National Democratic Party (NDP) that the pipes that will be used by BiWater are made of cast iron; Minister for Communications and Works Hon. Julian Fraser dispelled the claim, stating the pipes to be used are ductile iron pipes lined with epoxy.
UPDATE - OJ mocks Minister Fraser’s “one man comment”
SEA COWS BAY, Tortola, VI – The incumbent of the 3rd district, Julian Fraser, comment stating that “if he falls, the VIP falls” was ridiculed by his challenger at a tent meeting held in Sea Cows Bay last evening, November 3, 2011.
It’s official: Roger Allen Hodge Park!
SEA COWS BAY, Tortola, VI - The Sea Cows Bay softball field, where the late Roger Allen Hodge used as his playground and later taught youths the fundamentals of softball, was yesterday October 31, 2011 fittingly, historically and officially named in his honour at a well-attended ceremony and statue unveiling at ground site.