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October 3rd, 2023
Former USVI Senator Alicia Hansen aka 'Chucky' has died


FREDERIKSTED, ST Croix, USVI- The political landscape of the US Virgin Islands (USVI) changed on Monday night, October 2, 2023, with the passing of Alicia Hansen aka 'Chucky', a former senator and an emblematic figure in the territory, following a tenacious battle with cancer. She was 70.

April 9th, 2023
VI is a ‘rich country but the richness’ is skewed- Karen C. Vanterpool

VALLEY, Virgin Gorda, VI- Independent At Large candidate Karen C. Vanterpool launched her elections campaign in Valley, Virgin Gorda last night, April 8, 2023.

March 31st, 2023
Unapproved ‘erection of election campaign billboards is strictly prohibited’- T&CPD

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Even before the elections season switched into high gear, billboards were springing up across the territory and many have since been utilised especially by the main political parties.

March 26th, 2023
‘Yes, I’m running!’- Hon Fraser to launch elections campaign April 1

SEA COWS BAY, Tortola, VI- The man who has represented the Third District for some 24 years, is not ready to hand over the baton just yet.

June 17th, 2019
2019 VI elections campaign was the ‘most aggressive’- EOM Report

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The final report of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) British Islands and Mediterranean Region (BIMR) Election Observation Mission (EOM), now available online, has made seventeen (17) recommendations to improve the electoral process and conduct in the Virgin Islands.

CG Insurance Office Move

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