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January 21st, 2025
UPDATE: Case should have never been brought against Walwyn- Attorney Williams

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- In an exclusive interview with Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) moments ago, lead defender Mr Terrence F. Williams told our newsroom that the case against Sixth District Representative Hon Myron V. Walwyn, should not have been brought against him.

November 27th, 2024
Magistrate Tamia N. Richards suffers broken leg; Cases moved to 2025

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Word reaching our news centre from attorneys and residents affected is that Senior Magistrate Tamia N. Richards fell and broke her fibula (calf bone) last week. The fibula is the smaller of the two bones in the lower leg.

May 13th, 2024
‘Concerned Citizen’ saddened about individual rights violation

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- In a social media message circulating today, Monday, May 13, 2024, on Facebook and the WhatsApp platform, a resident describing themselves as ‘Concerned Citizen’ has raised many issues over what they said is “unconstitutional to have individuals rights continuously violated.”

April 26th, 2024
Rosan believes Sr Magistrate Richards should be sent home 'under review'

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Talk show host Rosemary L. Rosan aka ‘Cindy’ has accused Senior Magistrate Tamia N. Richards of abusing power in the case with Wade N. Smith where Justice Sonia Young on April 24, 2024, found the actions of the Senior Magistrate unreasonable and lacked substance and not justified.

April 26th, 2024
Another court blow to CoP Collins as Ex Deputy CoP James' ammo charges squashed!

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Police Commissioner Mark Collins, who is currently under investigation over some 55 charges brought against him by his own police officers, and now has a reputation for injustice, no respect for the rule of law and allegedly spearheading a target list of Virgin Islanders to arrest and damage their characters, including fellow police officers who signed the petition against him and members of the media, is at it again.

June 16th, 2023
Big court win for Wade N. Smith! Sr Magistrate & CoP dragged before court

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- In a strong ruling handed down on Thursday, June 15, 2023, High Court Judge Sonya Young agreed with Attorney-at-Law Terence F. Williams in his request for a Judicial Review (JR) over the alleged illegal search of the home of Comptroller of Customs Wade N. Smith.

October 17th, 2022
Sr Magistrate blasts Gov’t for poor roads & alleged reckless spending

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Senior Magistrate Ms Tamia N. Richards has blasted the Government of the Virgin Islands for deplorable road conditions, reckless spending, and the non-working asphalt plant to repair said roads.

March 30th, 2022
US$805K found on vessel in June 2020 forfeited to Crown; Duo found guilty

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- US Virgin Islands (USVI) national Kemel Stefon Wilson and Dominican Republic national Alberto Campusano Valera, who were arrested in June 2020 on a vessel where US$805, 370 were recovered by HM Customs, have been found guilty of several charges by Senior Magistrate Tamia N. Richards.

December 1st, 2021
Bail denied for boat captain & helper who allegedly smuggled 28 Illegal Immigrants into VI

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Senior Magistrate Tamia N. Richards said she could find any conditions suitable to grant two men bail who are accused of smuggling 28 illegal immigrants into the Virgin Islands.

April 14th, 2021
‘We are not able to build a wall & ask Mexico to pay for it’- Magistrate

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- "Our borders with the US are porous, and we are not able to build a wall and ask Mexico to pay for it,” stated senior Magistrate Tamia N. Richards as she remanded Olicity M. Lanns, 24, to Her Majesty’s Prison yesterday, April 13, 2021.

CG Insurance Office Move

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