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May 16th, 2015
Jack’s small business test!

BY Dickson Igwe

The small business is the pulse and heart beat of the national and global economy. The health of the small business, including the sole proprietor, or one man business, is used as the benchmark for successful economies.

May 9th, 2015
Jack & Jill Prosper

By Dickson Igwe

The materially contented working man and woman drive economic growth. Spending by the working and middle class is the panacea for a strong economy. Prosperous societies comprise of working men and women who live well above minimum wage subsistence. The working and middle class spender is the true driver of aggregate demand. Consumer demand is central to modern economic thinking on how to build economic growth in a world where deflation is rearing a head.

May 2nd, 2015
Global Culture Wars

By Dickson Igwe

Underlying all conflict and instability on the planet is the war of values and cultures. And even within countries, state power may pass laws protecting minority groups, always a useful thing to prevent hate based crime. However, unless there is a change of hearts and minds, change is a mountain climb.

April 25th, 2015
Orlando the flamboyant & Karl the trustworthy

By Dickson Igwe

Two party politics in the British Virgin Islands is getting increasingly entrenched into the social geography this early 2015. The two main parties are led by two men who, apart from the unexpected, will go into the next General Election leading their troops against the army of the other.

April 18th, 2015
Honourable 15%: greed is never satisfied

By Dickson Igwe

A story on corruption in the British Virgin Islands states that the one effective way of defeating the corruption beast is at the ballot box.

April 11th, 2015
On Virgin Islands Party at large nominations & demographics

By Dickson Igwe

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Virgin Islands Party delegate will make a second critical decision with regard to the 2015/16 General Election very shortly. That decision will be the selection of candidates to fight the British Virgin Islands General Election in the coming months. The first decision was appointing Honourable Julian Fraser RA, its leader, a few months ago.

April 4th, 2015
Shaina & the National Democratic Party

By Dickson Igwe

Shaina Smith is an attractive and intelligent British Virgin Islands television and media personality. She is an engineer, popular Op Ed journalist, and political party candidate. The following article is first of two stories shining light on the two main political parties in the British Virgin Islands.

March 28th, 2015
Green shoots & the feel good factor!

By Dickson Igwe

During a recession or a long period of economic stagnation, the "green shoots" of recovery are a sign of better times ahead. These green shoots begin with increased consumer spending. An increase in consumer demand points to rising consumer confidence. The Green Shoots Phenomenon starts with a general feeling of optimism.

March 20th, 2015
Social time bomb

By Dickson Igwe

A generation of children and youth coming from social dysfunction has begun to negatively impact Virgin Islands society.

March 14th, 2015
Virgin Islands National Debt: Is it a problem?

By Dickson Igwe

A story in BVI News of March 11, 2015, stated that the Premier revealed that the British Virgin Islands possessed a national debt of just over 134 million USD. That is a lot of “cash@. But what does this debt mean in economic terms to Laypersons? How would this debt impact the economy in terms of economic and job growth?

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