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‘Festival is not to jump & whine up’- Radio show caller

- callers to 3D radio show said VI people need to better understand their history
According to a caller to the ‘3D Show’ radio programme aired on ZBVI 780 AM Friday July 7, 2017 Virgin Islanders need to recognise that Emancipation Festival is not to jump and whine up. Photo: VINO/File
Moko Jumbies during August Monday Parade 2015. Photo: VINO/File
Moko Jumbies during August Monday Parade 2015. Photo: VINO/File
It was in July 2013 that former legislator Eileene L. Parsons OBE complained that some of the festival parade costumes are 'too much'. Photo: VINO/File
It was in July 2013 that former legislator Eileene L. Parsons OBE complained that some of the festival parade costumes are 'too much'. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Callers to the ‘3D Show’ radio programme, hosted by Doug Wheatley on ZBVI 780 AM on Friday July 7, 2017 expressed their concerns about the Virgin Islands people not celebrating the Emancipation festival for its true meaning.

Posing a question to the host, the caller said, “I need some verification, what is the name of our Emancipation Festival? We need to develop an official name. Also, BVIslanders need to open there eyes and recognise that the festival is not to jump and whine up. We need to do better as a people and know our history.”

Another disgruntled caller commented that the people of the Virgin Islands should recognise that they are not truly free because they are still oppressed by the British rule.

“I want every black person to go into the dictionary and read what emancipation means, so people stop getting the impression that we free because this so called emancipation was taken from the man and given to the state. Their apprentice system is the same ‘dutty’ system that we living by now and we have to correct it because emancipation ain’t mean free like what we assume,” said a frustrated caller.

The caller continued, “We are not safe from the British oppression under this colonialism being imposed on us. It has our people on a trip to forever and we don’t know where that is. Black people won’t be free until black people make black people free.”

Skimpy festival outfits send wrong message

It was back in July 2013 that former legislator Eileene L. Parsons OBE complained that some of the festival parade costumes are “too much”.

She had stated that the costumes often leave little for the imagination and were too sensual and too sexual. “We could do better,” Ms Parsons had during a telethon to raise funds for the VI Festival and Fairs committee on July 9, 2013 on the Spotlight show that was hosted on a local television station and simulcast across several radio stations.

Ms Parsons conceded that there might have been a different generation long ago who did not witness anything of this nature but added, “we are so quick to adopt what isn’t our own and we have no sense of pushing what is ours…”

The cultural icon had also claimed that many VIslanders do not get involved in the festival parade and left it up to those who wanted to go, “we thank God for them, otherwise it won’t have a parade."

“As the man from Trinidad say: ‘Feathers and Flesh’. You don’t see the culture, a part of BVI culture coming out in the parade,” she had said.

15 Responses to “‘Festival is not to jump & whine up’- Radio show caller”

  • just asking... (10/07/2017, 17:28) Like (15) Dislike (4) Reply
    Why the hell i should be told how to celebrate my freedom?
    • answer (14/07/2017, 20:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      It's not only when you are on a sick or dying bed you should remember God your creator but in all things even to celebrate your freedom.
  • Oh yeah??? (10/07/2017, 18:01) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hmm, seems like this culture is dying, and we should embrace the new wave if you want to save anything. Headline of people not belonging here is changing the identity of patrions who attend these celebration. Why are we trying to preserve a ole mentality system of oppression? It's the same thing, you don't want us to jump up and whine but we must follow the ole way of celebration? I hope they don't include animals as a parade entry this year, like they always include truck and cars! How is that an entry? Cultraul imbalance and Suppression all over again.
  • DON Q (10/07/2017, 18:19) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Look food
  • streets (10/07/2017, 18:59) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
    Strupes..Nonsense.. Its a celebration of Fun in songs and eats and drinks and dance... Euphoria... Stop trying to dictate how people should celebrate. Do it your way and let others do it there way..Quit trying to control people....Can't stand dictators..
  • The Judge (10/07/2017, 20:14) Like (6) Dislike (9) Reply
    Nobody is trying to dictate to anyone how to celebrate, all that is being said is to know what the celebration is about. We can't change our history so how we could change the reason for the celebration. Every country has it culture and you don't change your culture to please people. Your culture and your traditions are priceless. Lets celebrate our emancipation in dignity. We are people that have arrived from a journey of oppression. Don't let money buy out your culture. Stand up for morality. Nakedness was never our culture and would never be. We don't live in the stone age, when didn't have clothes. Be decent and respectful to all those around you. Education is the key to real and true emancipation. We have to start by putting our people in all these top positions. Don't mine, we would learn. Rally our graduates and let them start to teach, training to be nurses, doctors, engineers, forensics, technitians. These head position must have the blessing of all the thirteen elected representative. We can't play politics with our people advancement. This is real emancipation.
  • so tell me (10/07/2017, 21:22) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    My advice to the local festival critics: Try working up like the people you are supposed to be representing. And quit whining.
  • HELL PLEASE (10/07/2017, 23:26) Like (8) Dislike (71) Reply
  • Like really (11/07/2017, 00:09) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    I am a proud BVIslander of many generations and it seem the naysayers want us to go back into slavery. You cant do this or shouldnt do that. I really wonder if you all realize the actual troupe entries have decreased drastically over the years. I look forward to festival and make do with whatever but these past few years I have been at hope and not joined any troupe. I have been playing mas for years but have been loosing interest due to the mentality of some BVIslanders who jus look at everything in a negative light always whinning. Its very sickening this is not freedom at all. I soon going go anguilla or antigua or barbados somewhere n celebrate their emancipation real freedom.
  • freedom (11/07/2017, 08:53) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    We BVIslanders are small-minded and continue to be small-minded which plays a role in our position on a global scale when it comes to development. We have exercised crab-thinking mentally from every angle. We have a negative view of everything, even if it has a potential to benefit us in the long-term. Why are we probably the only Caribbean country without a 5-Star Hotel? How can we accommodate an influx of people if we so want to expand our airport? How are we on a whole to survive if the Financial Services collapses? Why not encourage international investors if no locals are capable, which can in turn help the local economy with jobs etc.? We cannot continue along this road of we can't do this or we shouldn't do that. Let us celebrate FREEDOM and not dictatorship from amongst these crab-thinking people.
  • W*F (11/07/2017, 12:52) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    The slaves used to sing and dance to ease the pressure of enslavement. Now these politically correct blinded by religion wants to dictate how we celebrate our freedom. Yes, stay home under our blankets with long dress on, put on blinders and ear plugs. That's a real celebration. Fellow BVIslanders, visitors et al, Together we are going to jump, wine, dance, eat, drink and be merry to celebrate our God given right of BEING.
  • Hmm (11/07/2017, 14:39) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    she need to just stay home and drink her (spirits) and stop try to control what will happen for people to celebrate.. she did it already and the turn out was pisspoor. Be happy that we still have people that care enough to have troupes still some off the pass big ones are not even taking part anymore and she still trying to run the rest (to her grand kinds) tell her just stay out of it please!!!
  • Yes (12/07/2017, 22:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sharky belly lol

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