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Ex FS lambasts Gov Rankin; Demands more respect for VI’s financial stewardship

- L. Allen Wheatley said VI Gov’t has been finding its own monies & passing its own budgets without UK’s help for over 40 years
Former Financial Secretary Mr L. Allen Wheatley, right, in a social media commentary today, December 16, 2022, said the UK and Governor John J. Rankin, left, need to show more respect to the Virgin Islands for its financial stewardship since coming out of Grant-in-Aid in 1978. Photo: Facebook/File
It has been over 40 years since the Virgin Islands came out of Grant-in-Aid from the United Kingdom (UK) and independently, without the help of the UK, began to successfully develop the Territory and making it an envy of the region. Photo: VINO/File
It has been over 40 years since the Virgin Islands came out of Grant-in-Aid from the United Kingdom (UK) and independently, without the help of the UK, began to successfully develop the Territory and making it an envy of the region. Photo: VINO/File
EAST END, Tortola, VI- It has been over 40 years since the Virgin Islands came out of Grant-in-Aid from the United Kingdom (UK) and independently, without the help of the UK, began to successfully develop the Territory and making it an envy of the region.

Now the UK, through a controversial and biased Commission of Inquiry (CoI), has marched in accusing the Virgin Islands (VI) of poor financial stewardship and threatening to suspend the local constitution for direct rule.

This 'march' is being continued by UK-appointed Governor John J. Rankin, CMG, who many accuse of running the territory via indirect rule and has been portraying himself like an elected official.

But according to former Financial Secretary Mr L. Allen Wheatley, in a social media commentary, today, December 16, 2022, the UK and the Governor need to show more respect to the Virgin Islands.

They need to go scatter- Wheatley

He also said a lot of persons in the VI wrongly believe that the UK gives money to the territory. He said this was discontinued when the Grant-in-Aid era ended in 1978.

“A long time now, since the 70s, we have been running our own budget, finding our own monies to finance our country and we have been financially independent since 1970 something. So, all this stewardship talk with the CoI, they need to go scatter.

“We been on our own a long time, doing what we have to do and now they coming here now and telling us how to manage money? They can’t even manage theirs in the UK but I am not going down that road.”

‘All UK does is build prisons’

He also questioned what good has the UK done for the VI since, adding that the help has come in the form of a prison. In most of the territories and some of the commonwealth countries, the UK’s main assistance has come in the form of prisons.

“My point is if we could be running our ship for over 40 years, keeping it viable, keeping it functioning, keeping the country going without begging the UK for a dime, and as Lucky Dube say all they do is build prisons, prisons, that’s all the UK ever did since 1970 something, is build one prison in Balsam Ghut, and look over the police.”

Police & Government House funded by VI

Mr Wheatley pointed out that even the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), which falls under the responsibility of the Governor, is being funded by the VI and not the UK.

It was noted too that the New Government House, where the Governor resides, was built by the VI government and not the UK.

“I was FS then, I said to them [UK]; well look, since this is your Government House that the governor is going to be living in then y’all should fund your Government House. You know what they told me? Y’all making too much money down there [for UK] to build any Government House.

“You see that new Government House that Rankin in? Ain’t no UK money build that. It is BVI money that built that Government House. So, he is in there living off of our money that we blood, sweat and teared for and now coming and telling us about we don’t have good stewardship.”

‘We deserve more respect’

The outspoken Mr Wheatley informed that there is a budget for the Governor that covers expenses that relate to the Governor and that the Governor actually gets a marginal amount of money from the UK to help with small things called Good Governance Funds.

“And other than that, the Governor of the British Virgin Islands, his whole operation here in the BVI, is financed by the BVI Government, by our money, nothing to do with the UK.

“So if our stewardship was so bad how come, for these umpteen years, we be covering the expense of the governor? And how could we build a Government House that cost nearly three million dollars if our stewardship was so bad? Come on man. Stop talking nonsense. Governor Rankin, your daily subsistence is financed by the people of the BVI and, therefore, we deserve more respect,” Mr Wheatley stated.

62 Responses to “Ex FS lambasts Gov Rankin; Demands more respect for VI’s financial stewardship”

  • FORWARD THINKER (16/12/2022, 13:30) Like (16) Dislike (42) Reply
    • her (17/12/2022, 04:14) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      Mr Wheatley chose a good time to defend the honor of the bvi government financial
      system. Premier doing time. Customs
      doing time. Post office charged…….
  • justin (16/12/2022, 13:38) Like (20) Dislike (19) Reply
    modern day slavery; gone are the chains and whips BUT the money replaced the sugar cane & cotton
  • Rabsatt (16/12/2022, 14:00) Like (20) Dislike (16) Reply
    I agreed with you Mr.Wheatley, He who knows it..says it best.
  • faith (16/12/2022, 14:09) Like (21) Dislike (16) Reply
    Thank you, Allen, for setting the record straight. All of them who always chatting piss about UK should take over dont know how we got to where we are
    • @faith (17/12/2022, 04:18) Like (17) Dislike (6) Reply
      We got here by being racist, amoral,
      greedy, nasty hypocritical bigots.
      Hopefully England can help those of
      us with morals clean out the scum.
  • YES! (16/12/2022, 14:16) Like (16) Dislike (22) Reply
    Yes Allen… YES YES YES!! Scatter them A**.
  • Must! (16/12/2022, 14:20) Like (4) Dislike (29) Reply
  • another one ah Dem (16/12/2022, 14:26) Like (31) Dislike (6) Reply
    Just making noise and really saying NOTHING (LOOK within thyself bro
  • long look me come from (16/12/2022, 14:27) Like (3) Dislike (18) Reply
    Good for you all blame your own Showada for selling out the country to ranking
  • R. Vanterpool (16/12/2022, 14:42) Like (28) Dislike (27) Reply
    Thanks' Mr Wheatley. It is high time that some of us spoke out.
  • Really (16/12/2022, 14:56) Like (41) Dislike (19) Reply
    Disgraced Ex FS....there I fixed the headline for you.....strupes...everybody have an opinion about the financial situation in the BVI but somehow we can't seem to get our roads and infrastructure fixed properly although we handling our own affairs for over 40years..miss me with this BS...
    • Lb (16/12/2022, 22:37) Like (5) Dislike (16) Reply
      You and people like you are what is wrong with our territory. Allen is not disgraced! He served his time and did his punishment for his role in whatever misdeed. As far as I am concerned his slate is cleaned!

      Not because someone did a wrong means they have nothing to contribute to society after paying their punishment costs.

      Allen was probably the very best FS we had. His message here is spot on!

      But you are such a crab in a bucket, that you prefer to try to tear him down, than simply hear his message.

      People like you are our enemy. Not Allen.

      The systemic hate that we have for our own people is exactly what the UK is relying on. And people like you play right into their hands sadly!
      • trevor (18/12/2022, 08:32) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
        Ha, ha, ha this is funny!
        The guy with the most trust turned out to be an arrogant thief, but you forgive him?
        We don’t, only reason he stopped is he got caught.
  • eye (16/12/2022, 15:06) Like (8) Dislike (10) Reply
    When a child becomes more wealthier than Mother,You know mother will start paying more attention to child.Only some will understand this.
  • lodger (16/12/2022, 15:06) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply
    We became financially independent when the offshore business was established. Who do you think oked that? The UK of course. But over the years we have barely improved our infrastructure, whilst feathering the beds of corrupt officials, contractors, and dishonest public. We are now reaching the bottom of the barrel and dont have enough money or expertise to maintain our roads, water supply, schools, etc. before long we will be looking to UK to fund us again. Unless our idiot honourable members look to China.
  • Zebedee (16/12/2022, 15:30) Like (32) Dislike (37) Reply
    Didnt this joker spend time behind bars for stealing the government money? Hardly the right person to be declaring that the BVI be left to its management of money
    • To Zebedee (16/12/2022, 16:33) Like (3) Dislike (9) Reply
      Yes, he did with another UK set up that no one ever went to jail or tried on before or ever again. This is what the UK does best to anyone who opposes them or who is forward thinking for their people and not just the UK. It will continue to happen unless we address this colonial rule in modern day. But I will tell you, if governors could be looked into especially all their accounts abroad whether in their name or family names then you will be shocked to see who will go to jail for real crimes. It is time that governors do not be in charge of the police but an independent body because they are abusing their powers and exempting themselves from investigations especially by putting UK chief of police to head the police force all the time.
      • Foef (17/12/2022, 04:26) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        So he a criminal who don’t like wa he
        go Balo? How many up there’ say they got wa they deserve?
    • reality (17/12/2022, 02:11) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      Say it louder.
  • Rebel with a cause. (16/12/2022, 15:39) Like (4) Dislike (18) Reply
    Colonialism in addition being an exploitive institution was about racial supremacy, special unearned privileges, exclusion, control and crusading. The current situation seems like crusading situation, ie, take control over you and make you pay for being under their control it. The VI people have no say in whom show up as governor yet they have to to build the Governor’s residence and administrative space and the VI taxpayers must pay for it.l and to pay for the upkeep, transportation and feeding of the governor. A parasitic situation with UK nationals sucking the blood , sweat of local taxpayers. Shameful but parasites have no shame. On the other hand, it (UK) is more than willing to build a a prison to jail the brutes and heathens but building a Her/His high school is too much for the brutes and heathens. They prefer to jail them than educate them. Show me any where in the former colonies ruled by the UK where there is an educational institutions name Her/His her Majesty’s high school but every where there is a Her Majesty’s Prison. Is not interesting that the UK want control of all security and law enforcement functions. There is no surprise there though for colonialism is about control, ie, control of slaves, indigenous or local people. Now it is about mass incarceration. Colonialism has evolved into white grievances, ie, hatred of blacks for having things that they view are too good for them that only they are deserved to have. They despised Blacks having scenic views on the hill and they live cold flats in England. They come under the guise of helping but they are fake and are the problem. The ironic thing is that they have help from local people many of whom believe they mean well and are her to help when in reality they are the problem. Here is a news flash. The findings and recommendations were mapped out before Gary R. Hickinbottom set foot on BVI soil. Someone convince that that is not true. My BVI people done of ah yu nah du good by your people. Geh yu act together. You can’t say the devil is bad when yu behaving worse than the devil.
    • Real Sambo (16/12/2022, 18:35) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
      @Real, real, real talk. White people priviledge and entitled to be treated differently not because they are entitled but because some social construct constructed by whites putting Blacks in a underclass status. Indeed, it is indeed white grievance and fear. Blacks are a underclass and should not have anything or status that even approach that of whites. If so they use their power and influence to take it away from them. They left the BVI as a bird sanctuary and now that locals have turn things around they forcing their way back to control and run things. How does the Guv feels when retires at night under the shelter, ears dinner or sip a drink or play on lawn tennis court funded by BVI taxpayers who had no say in his appointment and only with the brown noses may be down with him. What a sweet deal the Guv has at the expense of BVI taxpayers. He is paid his salary by the UK but all other expenses are paid by BVI taxpayers. The Guv like all the others are a snake in the grass who cannot be trusted. He did not make the game but is playing the game under its rules but is still a snake in the grass. The kind that smiles with you while sticking a knife in your back. The sambos can keep sucking up and keep getting shafted without knowing they are getting f….d.
    • @Rebel with a cause (16/12/2022, 18:44) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
      @Rebel, crusading!! Really!! Now that is sensationalism and an over reach. You need bloggers jail. Lol. I will agree though that the Governor is living high on the hog at BVI residents expense. On another issue, why Archer and others can act as Governor but cannot get appointed as Governor. Is it that they are not British enough to represent the Crown? Bermuda has a Black governor but Bermuda is viewed differently than other regional OTs like Gibraltar , Falklands are viewed differently.
    • resident (16/12/2022, 19:34) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
      We British are very envious of the BVI’s sewerage system, the roads you have and also the garbage burning at Pockwood Pond. We also wish we could get some more murders in broad daylight, and our own Premier and Director of Ports on trial by the Feds. We could do with with a higher ratio of illegal fire arms to people too. The BVI has really got it cracked. They have used all the revenue they received since the 1980s really well.
      • @ resident (17/12/2022, 08:23) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
        But you have all that and more… except you guys stab each other! How many have died in the UK due to stabbings?? Wasn’t is a national crisis ??? Think before you speak fool! And I’m sure majority of those killing happened in braid say light? By gun or by knife.. all the same. Uk is no different maybe worst if you ask me.
  • @,,............. (16/12/2022, 15:44) Like (17) Dislike (13) Reply
    There are reasons why the Uk is reluctant in giving money to the BVI in the first place. One of them is that some people went to jail for mismanaging or plainly stealing the said money. Hope Mr. Wheatley remember this.
    • Lb (16/12/2022, 22:40) Like (7) Dislike (8) Reply
      Relictant??? Wth? We never ask them for no money! We actually refused their “financial aid”! Don’t make it seem like we need anything from UK and they don’t want to give us because we are bad children.

      We tell them MS to keep their money!

      What nonsense you talking bout reluctant?
      • @Lb (17/12/2022, 19:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        He didn’t say they are relictant. He said they
        are reluctant. He’s correct in saying that.
        In turn our politicians are reluctant because they don’t want to be brought to account. They think they should just be
        given money by England to do what that want. Such as buy drugs.
  • ? (16/12/2022, 15:49) Like (18) Dislike (23) Reply
    Wasn't he convicted for a lack of financial stewardship?
    • Stupes (16/12/2022, 22:41) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
      Weren’t you convicted for cheating on your spouse? But got taken back?

      Ye without sin…..
  • One word (16/12/2022, 16:14) Like (11) Dislike (6) Reply
    • Sad (17/12/2022, 04:27) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Who you reckon is the racist?
      • @ Sad (17/12/2022, 07:48) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
        The uk of course, look at thier history
        • @@sad (17/12/2022, 19:34) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
          Oh, you mean their history of being enslaved by the Saxons, Normans, Romans etc. and the way they spent a fortune on freeing slaves around the world using their navy you’re right, they’ve had a tough time.
  • hmmm (16/12/2022, 16:16) Like (20) Dislike (6) Reply
    When are we going to understand that an unelected governor placed in the position as governor by his bosses in the UK will never act in our best interest nor see anything we in the BVI or any OT do well unless they are in charge and the one doing it. This is unacceptable in the 21st century.
  • Do research (16/12/2022, 16:19) Like (10) Dislike (6) Reply
    Go check and see how the UK handled and is handling their finances and then you can compare it to the BVI, and you will see the BVI has done a far better job than them. The Governor is too disrespectful and on one mission which is to take over out of colonial agenda and try to make us think that it is in our best interest. He thinks nothing good of us.
  • please (16/12/2022, 16:25) Like (18) Dislike (9) Reply
    People becareful with this governor as he is up to no good. He does not have to answer to the people of the BVI, so he is like a bull in a china shop. All he does is calculate how to convince the majority of people in the BVI that all our public officers, leaders, including political leaders, (past and present), are not good. Remember no one gets to evaluate the governor so he gets away free, and he knows this and is abusing his powers to get control of us in every way. WAKE UP BVI PEOPLE!
  • Youth (16/12/2022, 16:50) Like (14) Dislike (9) Reply
    Why are we blind? The Governor called a COI. The Governor appointed the Commissioner of the COI without any transparent process. The Governor paid for the COI on the UK end by the Uk and up to now the people of the BVI do not know the full cost (who pays the piper calls the tune so there should be no surprise to anyone of the content of the COI as it did what we all know it was going to do before it started). The Governor got his UK counterpart to assist the Commissioner of the COI as his staff and called the process independent and transparent. The COI Act was passed in the 1800s and amended only once almost 50yrs ago. The Governor kept fooling us while the COI was being done saying do not jump to conclusions on the report as it is only a report and when it comes out, we will work together to move forward. He fooled us good! The Governor got the report from his one-man commissioner he appointed and moved to implement ALL his recommendations in a manner as if we have no rights. Not once did the report mention to have the COI ACT amended to reflect modern laws and rights of people especially public officers, elected leaders, private citizens, the courts, and the country. Not once did the report recommend to reduce the governor's powers. That man was on a mission and delivered a pre-authored report. As a matter of fact, the COI, the commissioner, the governor and the report seem to have more power than the courts. THIS IS WRONG! We need to fight this man and this system for what is right. We agree adjustments need to be made but the governor has been the greatest failure over the last 40 years and so has all under his portfolio failed also but who holds him accountable or who in the BVI has the authority under the law to hold him accountable with penalties? NO ONE! How can this be right. I am fed up with this high-handed behavior of colonialism. I agree to hold our elected officials and public officers accountable but the same MUST HOLD TRUE FOR THE GOVERNOR!
  • Ok now (16/12/2022, 17:01) Like (17) Dislike (11) Reply
    I do not know this man, but he is speaking sense. The Governors come and live fat on our tax money. They have expensive vehicles, paid by us. They have a house, paid by us. They have a cook, paid by us. They have many domestic staff, paid by us. They have an office, paid by us. They have many parties, paid by us. They control the police, paid by us. They have everything, paid by us. Now he wants control of the treasury so that he can make sure that he does not let us get anything paid for to us or for us anymore. What a sad state of affairs in a modern time to have one man who is not elected nor can be held accountable to now be trying to move in on us using his pre-authored report to do what they always wanted to do but needed a good cover story to do so which is to reign over us without any recourse or rights in such a way that they get to say what is good for us and not. What else to call this but slavery.
    • @ok now (16/12/2022, 23:35) Like (11) Dislike (8) Reply
      So you have a problem with one white man living on our tax money, who is here to make sure that our government is managed properly? And yet you are happy to sit back and watch a number of black men who are stealing our tax dollars and working with crime syndicates? You are the problem.
    • lodger (17/12/2022, 08:11) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
      All those things you list are also enjoyed by our legislators and senior civil servants, either in kind or in allowances, all paid for by our taxes. So thats at least 13 or 14 times the cost of the governor.
  • Putting things in perspective (16/12/2022, 17:26) Like (18) Dislike (7) Reply
    Just to inform that only the Uk can look into the Governors and their office and have them audited or investigated. The Uk has audited the Governor and his office many times especially with the last one and found many concerning areas but the people of the BVI will never know as they do not want to let us know that they are worse than what they are accusing us of, so those reports are kept under lock and key forever. People of the BVI we are being hoodwinked.
  • Sad State We Are In (16/12/2022, 17:41) Like (9) Dislike (9) Reply
    If the UK speaks out on our mismanagement & poor Governance, they are racist, and if any islander agrees with them, they are a sell-out.

    How about looking at the FACTS! If they are guilty then...they are guilty and if they are innocent then sue them for defamation of charter.

    Other Words, "ONLY & ONLY" If you do the crime, then you have to do the time. Something is there for them to bring charges. Let's see what it is.
    • TO Sad State We are In (16/12/2022, 20:08) Like (6) Dislike (7) Reply
      The only sad state that we are in is only your mindset. I agree if something is wrong then it is wrong and should be dealt with, but it cannot be that the Governor is all powerful to look into everyone and everything and no one can look into him and his affairs. This is not transparency. The Governor is forcing actions that will lead to chaos which is what they want to have the final excuse to complete their master plan. This is the same slave era strategy once again but in a modern form, so it is racism. During slavery what was deemed wrong was only deemed wrong by the slave masters and no one else. Investigations and penalties were done or ordered only by the slave masters. There is nothing different here. The COI and their report have more power than the courts and this is not right.
  • Jacob (16/12/2022, 18:01) Like (11) Dislike (12) Reply
    So what if Allen went to jail what about two former Uk police commissioners and a former governor who also should have been in jail only because they are white now go talk that
    • To Jacob (16/12/2022, 19:58) Like (8) Dislike (7) Reply
      I could like your post one million times because you are on point. Those were major cover ups. This is what happens when slavery is allowed to continue in modern day in a modern form. Someone with authority needs to check their accounts abroad and the account of the families especially in Switxeland and then we will see who is who.
    • @ Jacob (17/12/2022, 07:10) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
      What crime did they commit? Please say
  • The Rebel group. (16/12/2022, 18:42) Like (20) Dislike (6) Reply
    Attacking the governor and blaming Britain for our failures is not a smart move. I will never support anyone that does that, it's wrong, we messed up, we need to man up and take responsibility...I am not seeing no intention in these people to be willing to change from their greedy and corrupt ways,, it's a culture of blame. It's always someone else fault why we fail..
  • Ha! (16/12/2022, 19:45) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
    You people are pathetic. Start looking inwards. Always looking for a scapegoat.
  • cap (16/12/2022, 23:31) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    Rankin isn’t taking any crap. This man is here to do a job and anyone who stand in his way is just as corrupt as the government which they elected. Clean up your own house before making demands. This territory can learn something from people who understand the meaning of accountability.
  • Collins (17/12/2022, 00:24) Like (1) Dislike (11) Reply
    We above the law and don’t care about the bvi or the people. We haven’t demonstrated that enough for you all black fools. My buddy rankin and I run things so your talk means nothing so shut up and sit down. What we say is how it goes period.
  • Clown Country (17/12/2022, 08:53) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Developed? What about this backward clowny pebble in the ocean is developed? This place is decades behind the rest of the world, and it ain’t never changed.

    I seriously need the UK to strip this clown infested place of its power so that persons with actual working brains can develop it.
  • karma (17/12/2022, 10:36) Like (3) Dislike (9) Reply
    Says the man who geh lock up for robbing the same government.
  • wondering (17/12/2022, 14:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who is #1 Government OFFICAL??? AND why is it taking soooooooo long to expose them?
  • Integrity (17/12/2022, 16:28) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    all of a sudden a set of people who has none , has left the woodworks and playing messiah ???? what have they ever done for their country ( besides ) ripping off / exploiting and using their knowledge to manipulate their own people ???? ( especially the one who seems to enjoy blogging under different names , as his new hobby to spread racism and colonialism rethoric to try and fool the same people whose taxpayers money he SQUANDERED like it was his , some people really barefaced , and like I said before ( no integtity , sadly
  • Richardson (17/12/2022, 17:04) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Yes Allen. You are talking the truth. The person that had gotten you into the mess that you went jail for said they would take care of your children and they never did,but one more person is still living but what he did will come to light one day.

    Allen you were the best FA in the BVI.

    Your right tell arankin scatter his ass. He ain't gonna like you Allen because you speak the truth and they can't handle the truth.

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