Statistical Data Drives Prosperity
By Dickson Igwe
The second of two articles seeks to discover why the most productive societies utilize data, especially statistical data, to drive prosperity.
Statistics is King
By Dickson C. Igwe
The first of two articles seeks to discover why the most productive societies utilize data, especially statistical data, to drive prosperity.
Will Emancipation ever mean our freedom?
By Alred 'AC' Frett
Is it a Parade or just a Charade?
Year after year we claim and expect things to be different – to be better... However, except for the
shuffling around of events and minor cosmetics they never seem to be... Real factors like a late starting
of the Parade, a lesser respect for local talent and having to pay to enter the Emancipation/Freedom
Village have still remained points of contention... Nonetheless the Day will come, the beat goes on.
Emancipation today is about protecting our rights as a people: A BVI perspective
E. Benito Wheatley
Every year the British Virgin Islands as a post-slavery society commemorates Emancipation in celebration of our freedom as a people. This year marks 190 years.
UK vs BVI - Talking large about doing little
Alred C. Frett
Messages from the Masters:
February, 2024, Black History Month… We can talk about anything, including how Ron DeSantis, a Ringleader for revoking our History with Anti-Woke Nonsense, has suffered a Presidential Nomination defeat... However, the threats are still growing, and we cannot risk the chance of their success, so we must work extra hard to ensure that this and generations to come will not be deprived of their Identity.
Ex FS lambasts Gov Rankin; Demands more respect for VI’s financial stewardship
EAST END, Tortola, VI- It has been over 40 years since the Virgin Islands came out of Grant-in-Aid from the United Kingdom (UK) and independently, without the help of the UK, began to successfully develop the Territory and making it an envy of the region.
Ex-FS L. Allen Wheatley blasts Unity Gov’t; Pleads for help for youths
EAST END, Tortola, VI- Former Financial Secretary Mr L. Allen Wheatley has said there is a cash flow problem in the territory and the Unity Government has to take some of the blame for it.
Taking a closer look at schools & churches
By Alred C. Frett
I am no Saint, Teacher nor Sunday School Preacher: None of us are perfect but not everything or everyone is bad or wrong – There is much good and right in things and People… I know this, because thanks to you, I survived challenges that could have easily destroyed me… You too, may have been fortunate and we should see our survival and successes as opportunities to give thanks by preparing the less fortunate for survival & progress.
It is Cemented in my Spirit
By Lorna M. George
When I was a little girl growing up in Long Look, Tortola, my parents Captain and Mrs James George owned a cargo boat and a grocery store. A couple from St. Lucia worked for my parents.
By Lorna M. George
We are one Caribbean people. It does not matter in which West Indian island we were born, be it Cuba, Antigua, Nevis or St. Vincent, we are brothers and sisters in the Lord. We share a common heritage.