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3 arrested following high-speed chase with police in EE

Information reaching our News Centre is that three males have been arrested following a high-speed chase with police in the East End area this morning, Wednesday, February 21, 2024. Photo: Team of Reporters
PARHAM TOWN, Tortola, VI- Information reaching our News Centre is that three males have been arrested following a high-speed chase with police in the East End area this morning, Wednesday, February 21, 2024.

It is unclear where the chase started; however, it ended in Parham Town just after 11:00 AM.

The young men arrested were reportedly in a Suzuki Vitara when they tried to evade police.

Up to the time of publication, the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) had not responded to our request for comment.

37 Responses to “3 arrested following high-speed chase with police in EE”

  • Get them RVIP (21/02/2024, 13:22) Like (56) Dislike (4) Reply
    Go get them
    Clean back up this place phew
  • conch shell (21/02/2024, 13:43) Like (34) Dislike (2) Reply
    Great job RVIPF
  • Round em up (21/02/2024, 14:08) Like (50) Dislike (2) Reply
    Mamma and Papa gonna say they're good boys.... lol
    • Harold (21/02/2024, 17:53) Like (23) Dislike (2) Reply
      Is Papa around or known?
      • resident (22/02/2024, 06:22) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
        exactly, if they had a dad in their life many of them wouldn't be like this
        • hold up (27/02/2024, 09:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          They got momma though.. i thought that was good enough.. but somehow now its on the fathers.. women need wakeup and see whats going on around them
  • .... (21/02/2024, 14:27) Like (40) Dislike (3) Reply
    if they running they got something go search them house now bingo
  • Hmm (21/02/2024, 15:14) Like (56) Dislike (6) Reply
    Great job guys stop all the tinted will get the big load one day trust me! Even if it's a girl driving stop it
    • WOW (21/02/2024, 17:26) Like (8) Dislike (28) Reply
      So u saying u want the cops to harras the general public cost every one cars are tint is that what u saying
      • @wow (21/02/2024, 18:08) Like (28) Dislike (2) Reply
        If that’s what it takes they go to clean up this place
        At the end of the day none can be trusted ???
        Not even the ex .......
        • WOW (21/02/2024, 21:43) Like (4) Dislike (8) Reply
          Ok if that how u feel just let them pull u over a few time and see if u have the same mind set ......and I will like it to be when have something of importance to get to ....yea
    • soul train (21/02/2024, 19:09) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
      Just looking at those tinted speeding Kia Souls should make you want to avoid them. You wonder if it is the vehicle itself that is possessed. It's weird.
  • Richie (21/02/2024, 15:31) Like (46) Dislike (5) Reply
    OK, there's a "high speed" chase, right?
    On a tiny island, right?
    What are the chances of a successful escape? Please incarcerat these nimble-brained persons as a safety measure to our society.
    Thank you.
    • High Speed (21/02/2024, 22:24) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
      I trying to figure out how a high speed chase took place in East End with the state that the roads in.
  • jack@$$ (21/02/2024, 17:58) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Book em Danno
  • Stop all (21/02/2024, 19:19) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Place road blocks at any time any where stop any body man woman boy r girl in any vehicle that may cast a suspicion make these stops morning noon r night 8 police 3 squad cars and a tour truck make these vehicle cheeks a random thing.
    Train a set of police to do special duty of Vehicle cheek point searching and you will get all these crazy ppl off the road with unlicensed cars trucks buses and scooters and a lot these tractor trailers that have no lights on the trailers and wide turn sign on them pull them off the road and carrying over size loads with no warning flags *RED* pull them off the road to
  • nothing better to do (21/02/2024, 20:27) Like (8) Dislike (31) Reply
    all y'all a sit down on ayo asses and comment a bunch of stupid shit like shut up and mind ur business if u have nothing to do the shut the hell up and keep ur opinions to ayo self
    • good man (21/02/2024, 22:24) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      god wil do his work in time to come
    • @nothing better to do (21/02/2024, 23:26) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
      Don't raise your blood pressure bcuz the police doing there job lol.
      Stay in your lane and you'll be alright.

      Can't do the time? Don't do the crime sukkka

      Proud of these comments. Don't make these criminals feel comfortable committing crime. They think everyone is against the police.

      Once they're doing their job then we are for it! Clean up the place then filthy
    • @nothing better to do (22/02/2024, 04:14) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
      Here is the relative of one of these fools commenting, or perhaps one of the fools themselves. Oh well, "they are good boys".

      Nobody to call out their family members or themselves when they do asshishness. This is why we are where we at as a community. Is so some of these ignorant parents defend their children at school when they are dead wrong.
    • @nothing better to do (22/02/2024, 14:47) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      same to you dude. Keep your opinion to yourself!

      nobody asked you to say how you feel about us commenting lol.

      go see a therapist Big CAT

      thats something for you to do!
  • @nothing to do (21/02/2024, 23:21) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    You sound hurt daddy? You good? Any trauma you wanna talk about??

    Or are you mad that people are against crime and prefer officers to be proactive in protecting the community.

    The community that you're apart of dude. Unless you part of problem then they have to clean you up to lmao. Y'all some real waste man. Do the right thing get a job and avoid problems with law simple.
    We need plumbers and electrician's not bums and gangsters strpz

    Who vex... vex! Cuz them know that they're into criminal activity. Stay mad bro.
  • King Charles II (21/02/2024, 23:44) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Police presence demanded, Police Presence Granted.
  • Unmarked (21/02/2024, 23:52) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Think it’s time to invest In some unmarked police vehicles
    • (22/02/2024, 08:14) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      They going lime in them and run woman in them just like the renty them so the public going know which one is theirs anyhow
  • @nothing better to do (22/02/2024, 00:06) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Your name suits YOU just right,bozo lol lol lol lol lol
  • herbs power (22/02/2024, 06:33) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
    When it was time for the shootout they hide, now them pointing gun in people face on the road. Weak.
    • I feel you… (22/02/2024, 08:36) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      …but if they did not hide many families may have been grieving today. Those young bucks would have made a muck thinking their weapons were like those on the video games.
    • @herbs power (22/02/2024, 09:46) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      It happened for the best
      In my opinion the robbery happened with no fatalities
      Imagine a shootout there innocent persons could’ve gotten in the crossfire
      The stores next door could’ve gotten struck
      Vehicles passing etc etc

      It’s unfortunate what happened in my humble opinion but no lives was lost and we should be grateful cause it could’ve been worst those girls also could’ve been used as body shield/hostages

      The police should’ve blocked the roads with the pickups and hide ?
      Forcing them to abandon and run they is where they should be in place to corner them
  • round rock (22/02/2024, 09:13) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    I appreciate the police presence on road in trying to combat criminal activities. However, some of the police lack the basic knowledge of courtesy. They exhibit too much force on the citizens. From my personal experience when I was stopped by the police some time ago by four officers. As they exited their vehicle and came to my vehicle with their guns drawn and pointed in my direction. Another, concern is their tone of voice. That is not the correct approach and I would appreciate some training for some of the officers.
  • Place small (22/02/2024, 09:49) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Crackdown on all
    Those tinted vehicles man woman and child
    Put a heavy fine for tint
  • @ herbs power (22/02/2024, 09:55) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    why don't you just smoke your herbs in your hole in the company of your rat race mentality / we don't want to know how stupid you are , keep that to yourself don't share it with us , please , we got better things to do , OK ????
  • ... (22/02/2024, 10:26) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    All this talk about searching indiscriminately is rubbish. If they are in a high speed chase that is likely enough to get a warrant.

    As far as searching any and everyone. NO. The law has yet to align with society. We have laws against homozexuality and cannabis of which untold numbers partake. Im all for cleaning the place up just stop criminalizing the people who are doing nothing to harm others.

    Destroy community trust & respect with insane policy and then ask for more powers without healing the community trust. Homozexuals get a free pass the last 20 years because the UK is pushing global LGBTQ+. Some people are against police because police has a history of locking people up for nonsense.

    Until we get our laws in line with how people really live then indiscriminate searching is taking us decades back in time because we will put more normal folk including college attendees through court and jail than actual thieves, and murderers.

    Furthermore if KFC headquaters were on island and indiscriminately searched with additional powers how fast do you think the SECRET recipe which has nothing to do with crime will be out on everyone's phone?

    Do we consider how the rest of the business community & investors feel including internationals? Think people we cant turn everyone's pockets out every year.
    • @.... (22/02/2024, 14:59) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      How the police know who is who ?
      All must get checked u cannot trust nobody man wonn me an and child and if one not in things they have no problem jus cooperate with the officers and keep it moving

      Many won’t like the idea cause they friend family or themselves would be caught or harassed
  • @ ••• (22/02/2024, 15:19) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    U are entitled to your own opinion / the people would prefer constructive bloggings , but we can see how stupid you sound , so please keep your negative thoughts for you ans family - thank you
  • ... (22/02/2024, 19:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    hmm more constructive than your waste of space insults. Not one point can you counter and I don't expect you to counter common sense with whatever nonsense that leads you to think its OK to give up your right to privacy so easily.

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