Turning hippocratic oath into hypocrites come forth
Perhaps your own Answers are wiser than you think:
Over the years I have fought many Battles alone and Persons continue to ask why struggle against Forces so much bigger than I?… The answer would be easy since all my Battles have been on behalf of others when no one seems to care. But you already know that so let’s change the script and have you answer some questions that may better reveal your need for or against the struggle.
#1– Do you think your Life matters?... #2- Do you love your Children?... #3- Do you believe they will be better off if we continue as we are?... #4- Does it feel like we are headed back towards Slavery and Colonialism?... #5- Do you think if we do nothing bad things will change for the better?... #6- Have we seen past Policies changed and Procedures altered because of People Power?
Even now I ask myself these same questions and respect the answers but you must answer for yourself especially since it appears both Opposition and Government are in full agreement about what is happening to our People and Country in the areas of Education and Public Health… If true, then a different outcome of the snap Election would have made no difference to our suffering.
As the World advances - Where are our Representatives?
Nonetheless, it is difficult to believe our 13 Elected Representatives would collectively agree to retard every VI Child by extending their High School years and thereby negatively affecting them from Kindergarten to College and, with 3 Doctors among them, they would devalue the Health Care of BV-Islanders in their quest for the US-Dollar over the wellbeing of their own People.
As Descendants of Slaves we are already most at risk and need our Children to progress and excel in a world where Mankind has progressed from Man Power to Horse Power to Industrial Power to this 21st Century of Robots, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Power… As such, Education is a continuous Journey and the more it is interrupted the longer it takes one to reach their destination.
I fully support ensuring our Children can fully access a Formal Education but being stuck in School for longer than necessary has never been a road to success… In fact, the majority of successful Companies that impact your daily life have been created or owned by those who left school early – These include Microsoft, Apple, Dell, Facebook, Wal-Mart, CNN, Virgin Airline and the list goes on.
Not only Mice eat Cheese & not only Rats are caught in Traps:
For centuries our People have been conditioned to be docile and dumb but it boggles the mind when we see 13 Slave Descendant Elected Representatives who know their Ancestors, our Ancestors, were blocked from Education so they would remain in Slavery, and can still deliberately do this to our Children… Unless their Chief has this rectified such an act should render them unfit to lead.
Meanwhile, to those who asked if I would sign a Petition against implementation of this NHI Scheme, the answer is yes even though I strongly favour Persons taking their complaints directly to their Elected Representatives… Nonetheless, whether Petition or Discussion, it is crucial that we fully understand the present aspects and future impact of this scheme – be they good, bad or ugly.
Bear in mind that it is universally accepted that Private Care is better than Public Care so enacting this Scheme would effectively remove Freedom of Choice from Patients and force Citizens to pay in advance for Services they may never require or receive… Thus success of this Scheme would leave VIslanders to suffer without chance of choice and to despair without hope for help.
While it may seem impossible for anyone to buy into this Scheme the trap was baited by offering Private Care Providers imaginary Keys to a bottomless pit of Money by promising they would make a killing by being able to charge Patients whatever ridiculous Fees they desire since Government would block Patients from seeking external Health Care without permission from these Doctors.
Be sure to look before you climb - No Ladder has one step:
This is unbelievable but may explain the high Departure and Airport Fees… Meanwhile Ordinary Men and Women were also promised that they would have unlimited access to all the Free Medical Care they can imagine because they won’t have to pay at Public Clinics and Hospital… In actuality this refers to a Co-pay of 0% - 5% at Government Places and 10% - 40% at Private Care Providers.
Nonetheless, neither side bothered to read the information or reason that these Promises were both contradictory and mathematically impossible since the success of this Scheme requires the destruction of all others… Besides, just by seeing the Crowds gathered for Free Prostate Exams and Pap smears should have warned Private Providers that Patients will go wherever they see as Free.
Subsequently, ordinary men and women were so anxious they were unwilling to believe this Scheme had nothing to do with their Wellbeing and Health and was simply Government’s plan to collect more money… As a result, they ignored Government’s unfair discrimination against Non-Residents who paid the same Prime Dollars but were slammed with very different unaffordable Hospital Charges.
They also overlooked the fact that the Public Clinics and Hospital were so anxious to collect these Monies that they immediately started turning away School Children who were unable to pay and charging the Elderly for Blood Pressure Check-up… This was only reduced after some of us spoke out against it but Leaders seemed not to care that such action was Immoral and contrary to VI Law.
So who can you trust when Leaders act illegally & immorally?
None of this should ever have happened in a Government containing 3 Doctors for such behaviour directly violates their Hippocratic Oath… Nonetheless it continues and we still see and hear accounts that suggest these Representatives have openly adopted a Policy where Health Care Providers focus more on US-Dollars than on the wellbeing of VI-Patients, including innocent Children.
Things are bad and while they may show a brave face, even those employed to enforce the NHIS are already finding themselves Victims of its collateral damage… This is September 21, 2015 and the Private Insurance for Civil Servants is scheduled to end in less than 10-Days without them knowing whether it will be extended or not - They should be afraid for this leaves them at the mercy of NHI.
We are in trouble – at home and abroad – when Black Kids are victimised as their Schools become Prisons and Hospitals become Stress Generators… We seem to be living in American Greed - forced to push our Children backwards and damage ourselves by signing onto a Ponzi Scheme designed as a new Tax Revenue Stream for NHSA, the Hospital and Political Mistakes of others.
Messing with Education and Health care are not simple matters - These carry long term negative consequences and the more we live in denial with excuses for doing nothing the worse it becomes for our Children and their Children for generations still to come… This real trouble – Time is running out and while no one can solve it all alone, everyone has a responsibility to do their fair share.
PS: I will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes



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