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Woman taken to hospital after attacked by dogs in Belmont Estate

A woman was taken to hospital for treatment after she was attacked by dogs in Belmont Estate on Tuesday, April 6, 2021. Photo: VINO/File
Police were called to Belmont Estate where several dogs attacked a woman in Belmont Estate on April 6, 2021. No charges have been laid as yet. Photo: VINO/File
Police were called to Belmont Estate where several dogs attacked a woman in Belmont Estate on April 6, 2021. No charges have been laid as yet. Photo: VINO/File
BELMONT ESTATE, Tortola, VI- A woman was taken to hospital for treatment after she was attacked by dogs in Belmont Estate on Tuesday, April 6, 2021.

According to reports reaching our newsroom, the woman was a visitor at a villa in Belmont Estate.

Police were called in and rendered assistance to the injured woman.

According to reports; however, police were unable to restrain the dogs because they were “so aggressive”.

“Apparently this is not the first time these dogs have attacked people in Belmont,” a source told our newsroom.

Police have confirmed the reports of the attack.

“No one has been charged as yet in this case,” Police Information Officer, Diane L. Drayton said today, April 8, 2021.

36 Responses to “Woman taken to hospital after attacked by dogs in Belmont Estate”

  • Solutions (08/04/2021, 14:40) Like (34) Dislike (6) Reply
    • @Solutions (08/04/2021, 18:49) Like (9) Dislike (9) Reply
      That place has a racist community of white folks, using the same techniques as their ancestors to try and harm the public. They act like the beach belong to them, and would not allow the government to pave the roads.
  • watching (08/04/2021, 14:54) Like (37) Dislike (6) Reply
    Heavy fines for the owner and shoot the dogs
    • @watching (08/04/2021, 17:42) Like (6) Dislike (14) Reply
      shoot for what. u dont even know the full story before u suggest taking a life
      • Seriously (08/04/2021, 18:46) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply
        @watching If this had happened on the mainland, regardless of the circumstances the animal WOULD, AND WILL BE EUTHANIZED! Case closed! Dogs are ment and should be secured on your premises, not left to harm another.
  • Test Run (08/04/2021, 14:56) Like (24) Dislike (5) Reply
    ayo was suppose to test them tasers on them.
    • @Test Run (08/04/2021, 16:33) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      Nah that’s only for people who want a drink of water when there’s a curfew or 24hrs lockdown
  • .com (08/04/2021, 14:57) Like (6) Dislike (28) Reply
    Really wah dog? Wah bite? Who own it? Proof please !!!
  • HutuBlame? (08/04/2021, 16:07) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply

    Any Caucasians involved on the bad side?
    How is this even a VINO story if there is no bad Caucasian?

    Serious note, I hope the lady is ok and recovers quickly. Uncontrolled dogs are a danger and a menace.

    • @HutuBlame? (08/04/2021, 17:15) Like (11) Dislike (14) Reply
      Yes, they are white and so am I. They are strays, but those of us who live here in Belmont have all been taking care of them. They are NOT vicious dogs. This is overkill for a damn scratch on the ankle. Don't throw rocks at them or come after them with a stick and they won't feel the need to defend themselves. This is typical Belmont Estates for you!
      • .com (08/04/2021, 21:39) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
        They are not strays, white people own them up there they just let them run loose.
        • (09/04/2021, 09:29) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
          Get your facts straight! If the truth be told those strays were pups from a locals dog down below!
    • wha (08/04/2021, 21:03) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      There was no race mentioned in article. I am confused,
  • wow (08/04/2021, 16:39) Like (16) Dislike (5) Reply
    This is an a MAJOR over exaggeration of what happened!! Taken to the hospital for a scratch on the ankle...REALLY?? I live in Belmont and know the dogs well. They are strays that some of us here in Belmont feed daily, have vaccinated and paid to have them neutered out of the kindness of our hearts. These dogs come to my home daily. They also come inside my home as well. They hang out and play with my dog Margaret and also hang out and play with another dog who lives up above us named Zen. To be fair, I will say they are barkers. However, they are NOT vicious. Since people have started showing back up they are now having rocks thrown at them. By the way, please remind these people they aren't suppose to be out walking up and down the hills until they come out of quarantine!!
    • @SMH (08/04/2021, 18:55) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
      Well, for all who feed them, you should have fully cared for them and kept them tired, now they will have to die. You all are animals yourself, you care more about dogs than mankind. I pray that lady is ok, she must have been terrified.
      • @@smh (09/04/2021, 10:26) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply

        Oh, really? So, all those people who I opened my home to after Irma... Those people who I fed, clothed, washed their laundry and helped care for for 6 months. I should have been responsible for their behavior while out in the community? Ya, I am such an animal myself for giving a sh** about mankind and mans best friend! What a horrible human being I must be for speaking up and telling the truth!

    • Leash (08/04/2021, 21:30) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Did you know that leashes are required for dogs in Belmont Estate? And dogs are not permitted to roam freely? I live in Belmont, so perhaps you should be more responsible. Even if it's just a scratch on the ankle, dogs aren't allowed to be out!
      • @Leash (09/04/2021, 09:48) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
        Agreed! Like the dogs down by the speed bump that harass us all! Can't go to town or walk down to the beach without them popping off on us! Do you actually "live" in Belmont or do you just "own" a vacation home here? Why would the people be putting leashes on stray dogs? That makes no sense at all! The people who have tried to do right by these strays who were produced by a locals dog and not care for are damned if they do and damned if they don't!
  • @ TEST RUN (08/04/2021, 17:19) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
  • I will say (08/04/2021, 17:50) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    The dogs is not vicious dogs like it is being said. Was the real truth told that the dogs was only trying to be playful? A scratch? Don’t come into the community stoning the dogs based on the lies that have been told.
    • Comment (08/04/2021, 18:57) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      So the dogs playfully bit her? You sound like a monster.
      • @Comment (08/04/2021, 23:08) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
  • Fines (08/04/2021, 18:45) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Apparently these allegedly 'vicious' dogs are abandoned and have no owner. So who is fined? the dog??

    There are many abandoned dogs wandering around the BVI but the government does nothing.
    • Sensealone (12/04/2021, 15:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The owner gives them dog walks all the time but she's on the down low since the incident.
  • Sad (08/04/2021, 20:23) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    We have some serious dog issues in these VIs. Some People are doing what they want.don't care about any one else. Some put their dogs right up under your windows. Dog messing stink all day and night. Others cant keep their dogs on their premises and bad dogs to. They are up and down roaming other persons property. Persons can't walk home in their own yards with out being attacked. Legislation are on the books time to give some people a job. Employment needed to activate some of these laws on the books.

    Proactive measures needed before more persons get attacted and injured. Nothing is wrong with having a dog or dogs what is wrong is how we treat them and how we allow them to roam carelessly.

  • Just saying (08/04/2021, 20:37) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
    Black people afraid of dogs
    • @Just Saying (09/04/2021, 09:55) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      Wonder why the black local contractors working on a house up in Belmont aren't afraid of these so called vicious dogs that they see every day? Just the white lady and her daughter I guess?
    • Just saying too (09/04/2021, 10:06) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      But don't they own the most of them in the BVI, including "vicious ones"? There is a lot to this issue, but all who bring racism into it, black or white, should rethink.
  • Captain Hook (08/04/2021, 21:44) Like (5) Dislike (10) Reply
    Those dogs can't hurt a fly. They've never shown any aggression towards anyone. Just barking but they"ll never bite. I smell a rat. Smh. Covid times got people desperate for money.
  • K9 (08/04/2021, 22:20) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    The dog issue is bad sometimes - attacks happen in all communities in the BVi - but dogs are used as a proxy by those who are racist against white people. It’s one of the only ways they can pretend to show that all white people hate them and are bad human beings who want oppress them. If you are a responsible dog owner don’t worry too much - racists always find an excuse to hate - but watch out for poison.People convince themselves you are evil so they can justify being, err, evil to the pets you love. Oh, and don’t be racist, and don’t oppress anyone, ok?
  • Bad dogs (09/04/2021, 12:44) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    Those dogs once came INSIDE my house at Belmont and attacked my dog; they brought with them other dogs (on a walk with their owner) and exhibited some serious pack behaviour. There is no such thing as a communal dog, they are strays that are not being taught, disciplined and controlled. They should NOT be roaming around any neighborhood, not just Belmont.

    Further, how DARE anyone judge another person's reaction to two dogs entering their home (rented or not) as a pack and causing injury? Believe me, even a mild injury can be a seriously traumatic experience in a dog attack.

    This is not about race, it is about common sense; stray dogs will form a pack and pack behaviour is dangerous; to other dogs and to humans.
    • @ Bad dogs (09/04/2021, 13:35) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      If I was a gambling man, I'd say you are telling a PACK OF LIES! Those 2 dogs are siblings from a locals dog down in Long Bay, who I'm sure is glad they moved on up the hill so they wouldn't have to care for the dogs. No one is condoning the dogs scratching the young lady. They are upset by the out right lies of this tale and a TALE is exactly what this is. I know the lady you referred to as the OWNER and that too is a LIE. That lady has been good to those dogs and follow her evey time they see her out walking her own dog Zen. Speak on what you actually know and NOT on what you think you know and stop lying about those dogs coming into your house and attacking your dog. That's a load of crap and you know it!! Shame on you for telling lies and being part of the problem now!
    • @Bad dogs (09/04/2021, 14:03) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Wah? They have owner or they strays that are not being taught? Which is they? Owned or they strays? I questioning you story bad dogs. Walking to work they not bother me at all!
    • @Bad dogs (09/04/2021, 14:54) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      What???? Those dogs did not go into that woman’s home n attack her! I challenge you to go n ask her and/or West End Police for yourself. Stop spreading misinformation about a already unfortunate situation. I too am questioning your own story of the Twins (as we call them) coming into your house n attacking your dog. Those vicious dogs stop by to play w/ my tiny dog daily. Wonder why it’s just you n the young lady who have dealt w/ the so called attacks? None of our workers who walk up here daily don’t seem to be having to fight these viscous dogs off? Maybe it’s bc these dogs are a good judge of character, who knows?
  • Bad dogs (10/04/2021, 16:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Perhaps I misunderstood the article- I understand it to say that the police came to the Villa to subdue the dogs.....but those 2 dogs and one or two others certainly came into MY house and attacked my dog while the person walking with them stood on the road and did nothing. I was on the phone with someone at the time; they stayed on the line and heard the whole thing and I took photos afterward. The date on those photos is Jan 9th.

    The woman walking the dogs said the larger two dogs weren’t hers, she ‘ just took care of them sometimes’. Apparently, other people at Belmont do too.

    My Moniker was a mistake- ‘bad dogs’ was supposed to be ‘Bad Dog Mama’ . I don’t know what happened was because someone earlier in the comments called my dog a ‘bad dog’ and honestly, she has been. About 8 weeks ago, she found a way to escape from our completely fenced courtyard and no one has been able to figure out how until this week, when we fenced a 5 foot tall section of block wall she had learned to climb. She left muddy footprints on the wall after that heavy rain earlier this week. I spent about $200 on Friday, erecting an extra fence and having the existing fence extra secured.

    That is what dog owners do. I am well aware that our dog has harassed and barked at people who are biking or walking or running, some who are afraid of dogs and it is not fair to them. It is also not fair to her that she is quite unaware of the threat of being run over or captured, tased or shot (which would be entirely her family’s fault). It just took time, a lot of fruitless fence inspection and a heavy rain to figure it out.

    Pet owners take care of our pets and accept responsibility for our pets.
    Where are the people who take care of AND accept responsibility for those strays? Where are the people who love them and train them? Where are the people who will teach them to stop exhibiting pack behavior and harassing humans?

    Once again, Neighborhood strays are not ‘a thing’.

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