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Was public misled? 'CDB did no study on ports project' – Premier Smith

Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith has debunked the assertion that the Caribbean Development Bank did a study of the cruise pier development project and that the Government is yet to release the report. Photo:
Governor John S. Duncan OBE had also spoken about a CDB report on the Ports Development Project while on the JTV Channel 55 show Spotlight with host Cromwell Smith aka Edju En ka on Tuesday January 12, 2016. Photo: VINO/File
Governor John S. Duncan OBE had also spoken about a CDB report on the Ports Development Project while on the JTV Channel 55 show Spotlight with host Cromwell Smith aka Edju En ka on Tuesday January 12, 2016. Photo: VINO/File
Premier Smith's denial of the CDB's role regarding the ports project came in the wake of the two Opposition members Hon Andrew A. Fahie and Hon Julian Fraser RA's calling for the CDB report on the cruise project to be revealed. Photo: VINO/File
Premier Smith's denial of the CDB's role regarding the ports project came in the wake of the two Opposition members Hon Andrew A. Fahie and Hon Julian Fraser RA's calling for the CDB report on the cruise project to be revealed. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith has debunked the assertion that the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) did a study of the cruise pier development project and that the Government is yet to release the report.

Speaking at his latest press conference held at the Central Administration Complex on February 10, 2016, Premier denied the existence of the report.

In response to the media, Premier smith said, “The Caribbean Development Bank to the best of my knowledge did not do a study of the project. They were not involved in the project. They came to do some other work but not the ports project specifically.”

The members of the Opposition have been calling on the Government to release a report coming out of a study they said that the Caribbean Development Bank had done. They were of the view that the report was unfavourable and this was the reason that the Government was reluctant to release it.

Leader of the Opposition Honourable Julian Fraser RA spoke of the CDB study as recently as January 22, 2016 as he wrote a statement on his Facebook page regarding the cruise pier development project.

“Also, you may recall, that when the PAC report on the same Pier Project went to the Governor seeking a Commission of Inquiry, the Premier undertook to commission the Caribbean Development Bank to do an independent investigation, to which a report was prepared and submitted with recommendations to this same Premier, and to this day he is yet to make it public. And that was over a year ago,” said Honourable Fraser on his Facebook page.

The other member of the Opposition, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie spoke of the presence of a CDB report during his First District annual report on January 23, 2016.

According to Hon Fahie, a CDB report commissioned by Premier Smith wrote and warned about the project. The report of the first audit for the same project done by CDB is still sitting on his desk and has not seen the light of day. Is this the actions of a government in the sunshine? Where is the sunshine? Come on! Let us get real.”

Governor John S. Duncan wanted Gov't to release CDP report on Ports Project

Meanwhile, Governor John S. Duncan OBE had also spoken about a CDB report on the Ports Development Project while on the JTV Channel 55 show Spotlight with host Cromwell Smith aka Edju En ka on Tuesday January 12, 2016.

Governor Duncan, who himself has rejected calls for a Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the Ports Project despite scathing allegations of corruption, was speaking about the need for more transparency from the National Democratic Party Government.

Referring to the Ports Project, Governor Duncan said he brought in an independent consultant while Premier Smith brought in the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the findings were reported.

“That there was no evidence of the allegations of corruption and we had thoroughly investigated them. We brought our independent people to look at it. There was evidence that our structures and process needed tightening and needed improvement. They were out of date, and sometimes politicians had gotten a little bit carried away with their enthusiasm and a bit frustrated with the way some of the procedures were rather bureaucratic and heavy and that had led to some issues that led to the whole issue of the Auditor General asking to do an audit.”

It is now the hope of the Governor that the NDP Government would be soon publishing the CDB report on the Cruise Pier Expansion Project as he said he has done his part in trying to bring about transparency.

He said both the experts brought in to see whether there was evidence of corruption on the Cruise Prier Project had said that a Procurement Law is needed to protect the interest of the territory and to see that contracts are fairly awarded.

13 Responses to “Was public misled? 'CDB did no study on ports project' – Premier Smith”

  • The Judge (15/02/2016, 16:07) Like (23) Dislike (1) Reply
    This doesn't look good. Doc., you have a decision to make and you are running out of time. In other words, time is not on your side.
  • rio (15/02/2016, 16:24) Like (21) Dislike (2) Reply
    You cannot what you are not willing to confront. Adolf Hitler once said, in essence, Come up with a lie, repeat the lie and be consistent with the lie and your mind gets accustomed to the lie and you start to believe it as truth
  • Bushmaster (15/02/2016, 16:28) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    What we looking at here? A case of "Old-timer's", Amnesia, or what?
  • ccc (15/02/2016, 16:42) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
    Set of thieves
  • in the news (15/02/2016, 16:44) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    Dem too dam lie
  • Political Observer (15/02/2016, 18:00) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who is telling the truth here? This should be a simple issue, for either the CDB conducted a review or it didn't. Where did the Opposition get that the CDB conducted a review on the port project? Are they hallucinating and imagining things? Or a review truly exist and it is being held tightly? What is the truth? Is there a little mendacity going on here? Did I infer from the article that the Guv also indicated that there may be a CDB study, awakening from his slumber?
  • Bernie Sanders (15/02/2016, 18:42) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    I think the Premier needs to hire an accounting form to manage the country finances..All the government members believe that they are accountants and for years they are not handling the money well and it will cost the tax payers..How can you take a Electrical Engineer and put him to run the Finances of this country ? Well we will be bankrup shortly,but by the way he said it anyway ,foolishness..
  • Concerned (15/02/2016, 19:14) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is wrong with our Premier? I am beginning to worry about him now. I recall even the Governor mentioning this CDB report.
  • Bravo (15/02/2016, 22:51) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Premier needs to understand the guilty knowledge that comes with power. He also needs to know that if you tell a lie once all your truths become very questionable. You to governor n mark n myorn n kedrick and the NDP Political GANG.
  • wow (16/02/2016, 08:26) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    the dad thing is you guys will vote them back in again
  • civil servant (18/02/2016, 00:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I long for the day when mature public servants answer pertinent questions quickly and honestly. Not hide behind your collegues and your office then come up with half way concocted answer

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