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UPDATE: Hon. Pickering & Hon. O’Neal want time limit to speakers in HOA

- Leader of the Opposition clarifies which Walwyn broke the House Speaking Record
Deputy Premier Hon. Dr. Kedrick Pickering and Leader of the Opposition Hon. Ralph T. O’Neal OBE have both called for time limit for Members addressing the House of Assembly. Photos: GIS
Former Legislator and Fourth District Representative, E. Walwyn Brewley, was the one who, according to leader of the opposition Hon. Ralph T. O'Neal OBE, had spoken for 3 hours and not current Education Minister Hon. Myron V. Walwyn.Photo: VINO
Former Legislator and Fourth District Representative, E. Walwyn Brewley, was the one who, according to leader of the opposition Hon. Ralph T. O'Neal OBE, had spoken for 3 hours and not current Education Minister Hon. Myron V. Walwyn.Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Leader of the Opposition Hon. Ralph T. O’Neal OBE has clarified that it was E. Walwyn Brewley and not Hon. Myron V. Walwyn whom he was referring to when he was addressing the House of Assembly on October 9, 2012 on time limits for Members.

Hon. Ralph T. O’Neal had said he agreed with the suggestions made by the Honourable Member for the 7th district and Deputy Premier Dr. Kedrick Pickering that the time had come for some time limit to be put on Members addressing the House.

“I remember, Madam Speaker, I had the record here for some time in this house for the longest speech, which was 99 minutes, but then Mr Walwyn took it away because he was able to speak for three hours. I gave it up….I will hope, Madam Speaker, that the time will come when the amendment is made.”

This news site had suggested that it was Hon. Myron V. Walwyn, the Minister for Education and Culture to whom Hon. O'Neal was referring to, however, Hon. O'Neal has since noted that he was referring to former Legislator and 4th District Representative Mr E. Walwyn Brewley, who served as the Minister of Communications and Works, from 1983 - 1986 and as a Legislator for 16 years, from 1983 to 1999.

Speaking in the HOA on October 9, 2012, Hon. Pickering had said he felt it was opportune time for the Standing Orders to be amended to put limits on the time members can speak.

“I think it is about time we did that. There is no way we can function like this where a member can speak at will, at nauseam, on any subject. I think that we are matured to a point now where we need to set ourselves, we have our contributions is x amount of minutes and we make our contribution within that time,” Hon. Pickering stated following an address by Member of the First District Hon. Andrew A. Fahie that lasted for approximately 2 hours.

“So the Standing Orders Committee needs to be up and running and a number of issues need to be dealt with if we are going to make the House function and for us to maximize the time that we spend here and help our people to understand exactly what we are really about.”

Hon. Pickering explained that Parliament is about debate and “the whole purpose of the debate is to understand institutions of Governance, institutions of democracy to make sure that the country functions in a way that each and every one of us can feel that ultimately they can look forward to a better life and that there will be justice at the end of it for us all”.

Hon. O’Neal readily agreed and also suggested that the House may even have to look at the possibility of meeting more often.

30 Responses to “UPDATE: Hon. Pickering & Hon. O’Neal want time limit to speakers in HOA”

  • long ting (12/10/2012, 10:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    yea funny man and brox bummer speak too long yall
    • long ting (13/10/2012, 14:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      ok sorry Myron i see now it was the gm for the pm the Brewley man...but still you are andrew talk too long and too much BAM
  • Mitt Romney (12/10/2012, 10:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What I know is the whole house of assembly in the eyes of the public has gone to the dogs, with a bias Speaker.

    First you have two people in there who should not be. Not illegible to sit!! Then you have a rude disrespectful Minister who is out of control.

    Then you have them speaking for hours saying nothing. I say abolish the house come for your islands England I have never been shame of my country before now.
  • Mr. Ugly (12/10/2012, 10:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    They say empty vessels makes the most noise. Now my boy Andrew always hungry but Myron chuckle business is overbearing now. Four more years he bawling but you will be a one hit wonder if you don't cool it down.
  • critic (12/10/2012, 10:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    my god!!!...myron spoke for 3 hours?... wow!!!....
  • righton (12/10/2012, 11:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Shara Parlin (12/10/2012, 12:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Both Myron and Andrew got something to prove. Andrew for the sins of what he did to help the VIP loose the elections, and Myron who buy the election has to prove he need another term and he should be in the house when if there was a court challenge he would not have been there.

    Both of them are young and should cool out and listen to veterans like Ralph and Pickering
  • ausar (12/10/2012, 13:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Finally!! Good judgement and commensense has finally entered the minds of those that sit in the House!

    I mean, some of those members in there, you could take a nap, get a good night sleep, wake up the next morning and they're still talking!!!

    Hooray, Hoorayyyyyy!!!!!!
  • Diaspora (12/10/2012, 14:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The HOA is a unicameral body that comprise of 15 members{( 13elected, 2 appointed(Ag, Speaker)} that pass, amend or repeal laws, enact tax legislation, adopt budget and other financial bills that significantly affects citizens, residents and visitors. As such members should to the maximum extent reasonable and practical should be allowed the time needed to do due diligence in exercising his or her responsibilities. Members should not be muzzled.

    Moreover, serving in the HOA is an esteem priviledge. It is a labour of love and only unselfish, dedicated and committed eligible citizens shoulld serve in this revered body. In the HOA, the interest of the masses take precedence over the personal interest or status of any member. Members have to sacrifice and put the needs of the people ahead of their personal conveniences. And any member who feel inconvenienced by sitting in the house for however long it takes to debate or discuss issues that affect the personal health and well-being of the people, perhaps, should not be a member of the HOA. Furthermore, any who lacks the capability or stamina should not be in the HOA. Additionally, any member who only likes to hear the sound of his or voice, thinks that they are always right, despised the opinion of other members, prefers to ram rod legislation or disrespects diversity of opinions should not be in the HOA.

    Let the members rant and rave, blow hot air, get their views on record or vent, for at some point even they will acknowledge that they are beating a dead horse and give it up. Further, the Speaker has the gavel and can use it to curtail discussions that are not germane to the issue on the floor. It is small HOA and there is no need for a time limit. As an example, the US Senate comprise 100 members and there is no time limit;it has the filibuster rule that can be employed to deal with extended, long winded speeches.

  • village girl (12/10/2012, 17:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    all they do in the parliament is filibuster and say nothing of importance to improve the life of the people
  • Eagle and Buffalo (12/10/2012, 20:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Of the myriad of problems that the BVI has, including deteriorating infrastructure, unraveling social fabric, spiking crime rate, struggling economy, underperforming educating system, lack of affordable and accessible healthcare, increasing impaired environment, stalled capital projects, demoralized public sector........etc, is limiting the speaking time of HOA members a top priority of the Hon Minister of Natural Resources and Labour and the Hon former Premier and current leader of the opposition?

    Unequivocally, there is gross misplaced misplaced priority. Do the populace a favour---let the talking heads talk and. focus the time and energy on issues that will improve the quality of life and standard of living of BVIslanders.
    • Trelane (13/10/2012, 08:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      As it is now what we usually get is useless long winded rambling. If they know there is a time limit, they will be more inclined to better structure their speeches and better articulate their points.

      If a particular member needs another 10 or 15 minutes (enough to wrap up), he can request it from the speaker of the house.
  • Ah saw! (13/10/2012, 08:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fahie showed that the NDP tells alot of lies and want to continue to run this country on lies. The NDP told us that we were broke but continues to hire a lot of consultants while holding back we the public servants increment that we worked so hard for last year. Fahie I agree with you that this is a mix message by the NDP & this is wrong.
  • Hmmm (13/10/2012, 08:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    Kedrick, Hon. Fahie doesn't speak that long normally but I am glad that he did the last House meeting becuase we now understand that the NDP sold us out with this Finance document with the UK but you don't care because you going to get your retirement package taking off from the new airport. As for Ralph, I use to like him but he dosen't know when to say when.

  • ok (13/10/2012, 08:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Here comes the NDP trying to play with our minds. If they want time limits for Members to speak well I hope they look for stiff penalties for Ministers that lie when answering the Oppositions questions. I also hope that they have stiff penalties for Ministers who refuse to answer questions. and when they are reading their statements.
  • Shhhh (13/10/2012, 08:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ralph just shhhh...Fahie trying his best with Fraser to prove that the NDP trying to give the VIP especially you Ralph as past MInister of Finance, a bad rap with what they saying about the country was left broke by you Ralph. Ralph help Fraser & Fahie rather than trying to secure your dreams of becoming Premier again. As for Kedrick he is a fake.
  • vip (13/10/2012, 13:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    we need more time to rub it in the people ears...we dont want no time limits..we need to get the message across
  • paper boy (13/10/2012, 17:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am disappointed in Ralph about time limits, it’s clear we need a new opposition leader
  • Donald E. de Castro (13/10/2012, 18:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yes, it does seem as if their speeches are long, however, just eliminate 90% of Madam Speaker and you will see how short they actually speak. I would love to see the radio station just onetime edit out Madam Speaker from a speech and c how long it actually is and how it actually comes across to the listeners. But would they do it? I doubt it very much.
  • tom cat (13/10/2012, 18:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thanks for the calefaction VINO as I knew Myron spoke long at the first house meeting but not for three hours.
  • Quiet Storm (14/10/2012, 14:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Did former legislator the Hon E. Walwyn Brewley, GM, make his point or contributed significantly to the debate with his record setting speech or presentation to the Leg Co? What is this fuss all about? Is a rebel(s) without a cause or case? It seems as if a few elected members are forcing a solution to a non existent problem? Is it not interesting that the Premier the Hon Dr. D. Orlando Smith did not weigh in but the Leader of the opposition the Hon Ralph T. Oneal did; thumbs up to the Premier.

    The 13 members of the HOA is a mixture of different personalities, knowledge, skill, talent, and ability. This is the way it was yesterday, the way it is today and the way it will be today. Some are legislators and some are just members. Some are have a gift for gab, some verbose, some low key......etc. The bottom line is that legislators have a responsibility to and accountable for enacting, amending, and repealing laws that are in the best interest of the BVI and BVislanders. And some do it with flair and some in a low key manner. Regardless of the style we should stiffled debate. Will all legislators read from the same sheet of music on all issues? No. And we should be alarmed and demand an early election if they do. They are politicians.

    The best prescription to address the non problem with time limit is the legislators themselves. Legislators are politicians and politics is about image, optics, integrity, credibility .....etc.politicians, most of them anyway, have huge egos and want to milk being the HOA as long as they can. And if they think that their long speeches is all about style and no substance, they will adjust quickly from fear of losing the confidence of the people. Well, the informed, connected, responsive. and effective ones will make the adjustments ; the others will probably talk themselves out the HOA. Some recent members talk their way out the HOA; some were too ambitious and full of themselves and others

    • Quiet Storm (14/10/2012, 14:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      .........went in hibernation until just before the election. In either cases effective communication or lack of was their demise. Let them talk!
  • sick (14/10/2012, 22:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    me sick of Uncle Ralph with he say, she say, dem say!!! are you sure he knows which Walwyn he was talking about?
  • crap (14/10/2012, 23:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    ralph and the cuban full of piss let the people dem speak dem mind
  • fish market (15/10/2012, 11:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Both of the walwys are long winded speakers any way

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