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The tape does not lie! Premier Smith did say $90M in bank!

- Dr Smith told the people he had $90.4M in the bank but when asked about the money recently he flip-flopped, claiming he could not remember saying such; Evidence reveals otherwise
Premier Dr The Hon D. Orlando Smith speaking at an NDP rally at the Band Stand in Road Town on May 26, 2015, where he said: 'At the end of three-and-a-half years, we are happy to say that the economy did grow. When we came into office, we met a total of $51.5 million in the bank. Last year, up to the 31st of December 2014, we had $90.4 million. That is twice as much as was there.' The Premier has since said he could not recall mentioning the figure. Photo: VINO/File
The Premier's flip-flopping on the $90M figure came as a total surprise to many as the figure became a mantra for the National Democratic Party (NDP) government and the other parties, including the Virgin Islands Party (VIP), who’s members challenged the Premier to use some of that money he had spoken about to pay bills. This was after reports that Government cheques were bouncing at banks. Government blamed a 'glitch' in the system. Photo: VINO/File
The Premier's flip-flopping on the $90M figure came as a total surprise to many as the figure became a mantra for the National Democratic Party (NDP) government and the other parties, including the Virgin Islands Party (VIP), who’s members challenged the Premier to use some of that money he had spoken about to pay bills. This was after reports that Government cheques were bouncing at banks. Government blamed a 'glitch' in the system. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith shockingly stated recently that he could not recall saying anything during the last elections campaign about his National Democratic Party government having some $90M in the bank.

This came as a total surprise to many as the $90 million figure became a mantra for the National Democratic Party (NDP) and the other parties, including the Virgin Islands Party (VIP), who’s members challenged the Premier to use some of that money he had spoken about to pay bills.

On one of the occasions, while speaking at an NDP rally at the Band Stand in Road Town on May 26, 2015, Premier Smith said: “At the end of three-and-a-half years, we are happy to say that the economy did grow. When we came into office, we met a total of $51.5 million in the bank. Last year, up to the 31st of December 2014, we had $90.4 million. That is twice as much as was there.”

The question was asked by members of the VIP at that time if this was so why were Government cheques being dishonoured at the banks.

“I don’t recall speaking about $90 million. I have to refresh my memory before I could make any comment on that,” Premier Smith had said when confronted on the figure by this news site last week Friday October 23, 2015.

“I know that Government is committed to having a reserve fund which is at the moment probably approaching $50 million in the reserve account. And there are of course other accounts which are there.”

“I cannot at this moment say how much is there in any account,” said the Premier.

In the same address on May 26, 2015, the Premier did speak about the Reserve Fund although he did not say what the amount was.

“We also built that important Reserve Fund. Everybody was saying spend the money, spend the money, but we knew that we had to build the Reserve Fund.”

Virgin Islands News Online has now produced an audio clip of the Premier speaking about the $90.4M on May 26, 2015.

Clink on link below to listen:

See link below for related story:

53 Responses to “The tape does not lie! Premier Smith did say $90M in bank!”

  • well well well (30/10/2015, 10:52) Like (64) Dislike (5) Reply
    This man is loved so he can do wrong & say anything wrong and get away with it but anyone else who behaves like him & lies like him would have already been ridiculed by the public. What a hypocritical BVI we have become.
  • OMG (30/10/2015, 10:54) Like (32) Dislike (6) Reply
    Is he the Mugabe of the VI or just a d*m liar
  • save the day (30/10/2015, 10:56) Like (34) Dislike (6) Reply
  • political snitch (30/10/2015, 10:59) Like (56) Dislike (3) Reply
    We are now in october and our premier can't remember what he said in june?
  • whatz up doc? (30/10/2015, 11:00) Like (33) Dislike (3) Reply
    The tape was played, any more excuses???
  • trrefdrfds (30/10/2015, 11:01) Like (47) Dislike (9) Reply
    Oh boy! A case if selective amnesia Doc? So then why is there no money to pay vendors and contractors who work for government? Why is there so much talk about NO MONEY?
  • pat (30/10/2015, 11:03) Like (23) Dislike (4) Reply
    Caught on tape
  • well son of a gun (30/10/2015, 11:04) Like (35) Dislike (3) Reply
    WE GOT HIM!!!!
    • Strups (30/10/2015, 12:17) Like (33) Dislike (5) Reply
      got him for what. He will still be the premier for the next four years. we didn't get him he got us. and there is nothing we can do for the next four years tape or not. by then the doc would be ready to retire. when campaigning they say what ever they want and we bite swallow and chew. so HE GOT YOU LOL
    • yea (30/10/2015, 12:34) Like (34) Dislike (2) Reply
  • prevaricator (30/10/2015, 11:06) Like (35) Dislike (5) Reply
    That's to show how many lies they does tell to get in power.
  • chad (30/10/2015, 11:08) Like (23) Dislike (4) Reply
    So it is ok to lie to get elected? Isn't there a laws against that? If not maybe we should look into it.
  • My girl (30/10/2015, 11:19) Like (23) Dislike (3) Reply
    Vino i fraid ayo bossie
  • Voter Too (30/10/2015, 11:23) Like (26) Dislike (5) Reply
    That's the life of a politician. Remember politics is a business. They are all promisers or liars most of the time and where you find a liar there is also a thief. So tell me then that means someone has cooked the books. Or who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? No 1 stole the cookie from the cookie jar. Who me ,yes you, couldn't be, then WHO?
  • ayo see why? (30/10/2015, 11:49) Like (28) Dislike (7) Reply
    That's why the young people today telling so many lies because they got it from our leaders.
  • SIDS (30/10/2015, 12:10) Like (33) Dislike (4) Reply
    Take what you vote for.Im not suprise
  • the movie (30/10/2015, 12:16) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
  • ndp (30/10/2015, 12:50) Like (2) Dislike (10) Reply
  • Yes (30/10/2015, 12:50) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
    King Liard
  • in god we trust (30/10/2015, 12:52) Like (58) Dislike (2) Reply
    Can we take his words for face value from now on? Can we trust him again?
    • answer (01/11/2015, 00:11) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      No. He an elderly man and his memory slips. At least Ralph mind was sharp and still is.
  • Coincidence (30/10/2015, 12:54) Like (24) Dislike (4) Reply
    Red shirt and red handed.
  • wow (30/10/2015, 13:27) Like (18) Dislike (7) Reply
    Please forgive him. He is after all just an elderly man, our memory only gets worse as we age.
  • Yes (30/10/2015, 13:31) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    Boy vino you all ent easy lolol...
  • ccc (30/10/2015, 13:41) Like (23) Dislike (7) Reply
    If he was in the states he would have had to resign
  • Solui (30/10/2015, 13:59) Like (23) Dislike (5) Reply
    Premier has no integrity. He publicly defended the foul mouthing that was dished out to a member of the house didn't he? Then it was friends, party affiliates and cronies above the nation. Never challenged by the masses to make right the wrong. Premier has no credibility. How coolly and calmly he delivered his speech to great thunderous shouts and applause. Wow only to find out it was all lies. But wait it has not been proven by an examination of the facts. Why? The people don't really care about credibility, integrity, accountability, respect and any of the sort. Where will they get it from? Who dare question what is going on and who is going to make it so they must account. The money might have been there so where has it gone? There is immunity all around be it in or out of the house. Before some smart person try chew at what express and seek an apology I will tell them Ms. P first. Nlol.
  • peace out (30/10/2015, 14:11) Like (21) Dislike (6) Reply

    You voted all the crooks in office. But I did see an article looking for jailed persons to apply for early release. I guess someone either trying to make room for My***, Ma****k and Cl*****. Or maybe some figured are the real criminals are free why hold the petty offenders.

  • NHI (30/10/2015, 14:28) Like (6) Dislike (21) Reply
    How many of you don't tell a lie or always telling lies. The man just mis-spoke. The man up to that age to forget. You all going kill him because he forgot?
  • speech (30/10/2015, 14:36) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
    I mis-spoke I meant $900,000.00
  • Welsah (30/10/2015, 15:45) Like (16) Dislike (4) Reply
    Show me a day this gov not shaming this country in the eyes of the world who know of us, can't wonder why outsiders laugh at us calling us dumb & stupid....oh & not forgetting 3rd world. That man & the rest are nothing but a bunch of jokers. I so want to hear what his comeback response on the matter will be cause anything he says will be ripped apart
  • chad (30/10/2015, 15:59) Like (7) Dislike (20) Reply
    we love our premier!
  • God never sleep (30/10/2015, 16:48) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
    Money done fun done amen
  • So What! (30/10/2015, 18:16) Like (3) Dislike (10) Reply
    Who cares. Can we please move forward. I want to know How much we have today, not yesterday. We just do not get it. Doc is going to keep you guys focusing on the past and not what is happening right under your nose today until it's too late. Another win for the Doc.
  • Shoot (30/10/2015, 18:43) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    Isnt $50 million less than the $51.4 million they met in the reserve? A decrease by $1.5 million. Wow.
  • wize up (30/10/2015, 20:55) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
    just a simple slip on the tongue and all this fuss( oh my goodness) can't we all just get along
    • dem think we fool fool (31/10/2015, 10:59) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Still waiting to see how they spin this
      • wize up (31/10/2015, 23:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @ dem think we fool fool: that is simply water under the bridge(keep waiting on the VIP to talk this ting) what is a few dollars among friends!!!!!!
  • Cricketer (31/10/2015, 05:08) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Caught!!! Six runs out of the ball park!!
  • 123 (31/10/2015, 11:53) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Caught in a rat trap
  • people only talk (31/10/2015, 13:10) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    They met over 50 mil in the reserve fund but then turn around and say the VIP left the country broke. Thing to talk
  • --------------- (31/10/2015, 14:26) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    I maintain NDP MUST GO
  • NDP supporter (31/10/2015, 16:09) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    I'm EMBARASSED !!!! ... I thought we had a tried and true Political Party (From one thing to the Next). I guess we should have demanded to see the Government Bank Statement on that Big Screen !!!
  • ndp (31/10/2015, 16:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tex dat
  • Caught (01/11/2015, 07:20) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    It looks lying is an NDP thing. Myron also lied when he said that he didn't know that the schools did not receive supplies. Talk about shameful.
  • vex (01/11/2015, 14:46) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
  • I see (02/11/2015, 12:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It was to my understanding that the money, the 15 million from the CDB bank was to take care of roads and Infustructure. I presume that the money is taken out to pay the contractors for the works they have done so far?

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