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Rude Govt. Ministers display ‘political bullying’ – Hon Fahie

-interjections seen as disrespectful to Premier
Minister for Communications and Works Hon. Mark H. Vanterpool (left) and Minister for Education and Culture Myron V. Walwyn repeatedly interjected during a certain period of the Question and Answer segment of the House of Assembly on May 14, 2013. Hon. Vanterpool was particularly boisterous n his interjections. Photo: VINO/File
First District Representative Hon. Andrew A. Fahie has accused the government front bench of trying to confuse the issue of the Georgie Hill/George Hill Road Project since it was to the value of more than $100,000, which was supposed to be approved by cabinet or tendered. “They did neither,” said Hon. Fahie. Photo: VINO/File
First District Representative Hon. Andrew A. Fahie has accused the government front bench of trying to confuse the issue of the Georgie Hill/George Hill Road Project since it was to the value of more than $100,000, which was supposed to be approved by cabinet or tendered. “They did neither,” said Hon. Fahie. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – It was no difficult task to recognize and feel the atmosphere of anger and aggressive retorts between members on the two sides of the House of Assembly when questions were put to the head of the Government by the Opposition on May 14, 2013.

A four part question had been put to the Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith by Member of the Opposition and Representative of the First District Honourable Andrew A. Fahie that sparked several angry and boisterous interjections by Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool, which at one point resulted in Speaker of the House Hon. Ingrid Moses-Scatliffe getting out of her chair and pounding her gavel vigorously to restore order in the House.

The questions asked surrounded financial matters pertaining to the Georgie Hill/George Hill road in Greenland, Tortola to which the Premier did provide answers. However, Hon. Vanterpool, during his interjection voiced his opinion that the trend of directing certain questions to the Premier was setting a precedence as opposed to being directed to the Minister responsible.

“You have to set the proceedings in the House Madam Speaker, because I don’t think this is going to be acceptable. Every contract that is done in this Territory or every purchase order that is issued has to be read out to the House to a question? Madam Speaker, there is something that has to be done about this. There is nothing to be hidden but the records can be given. And I don’t know what precedence we setting, I am concerned about it Madam Speaker,” Hon. Vanterpool stated.

“This is the public’s money, and Madam Speaker when you are spending the public’s money you should have no fear of coming…this is one project, we didn’t ask for all…Section 18 of the Standing Order states clearly how the answers to questions are handled...This is public money, it wouldn’t take much time, it didn’t take much time to spend it,” Hon. Fahie responded.

Minister for Education and Culture Honourable Myron V. Walwyn expressed the view that there seemed to be some level of abuse of the Standing Order as it related to whom questions are directed to, especially when it got to supplementary questions.

“I have noticed Madam Speaker, the trend of questions being given to the Premier when the Minister responsible for the subject has been here. Yes, technically the premier is responsible for all Ministries but it seems to be there seems to be some abuse somewhere along the line because it certainly puts the Premier at a severe disadvantage particularly when it comes to supplemental questions because he is not the person who handles the matter on a day-to-day basis.”

However, in an exclusive interview with Virgin Islands News Online yesterday, May 14, 2013 Hon Fahie accused the government front bench of trying to confuse the issue of the Georgie Hill/George Hill Road Project  since it was to the value of more than $100,000, which was supposed to be approved by cabinet or tendered. “They did neither,” said Hon. Fahie.

The First District Rep. and Former Education Minister said he was satisfied that the Premier had been answering the questions adequately but the way certain members of the National Democratic Party (NDP) were behaving would lend to the feeling that they had no confidence in their leader to answer the question. “And it’s dealing with financial matters, we came here to ask other Ministers about other financial matters pertaining to other projects and they told us to go to the Ministry of Finance. Now we go to the Ministry of Finance they are telling us that once the subject is under a Minster to come to him.”

This has left some level of confusion in the minds of members of the Opposition as to whether the NDP government wants to be transparent and accountable. “They cannot ask the question and answer them, they have their role, the opposition has their role and the Premier already answered and so they should not be any prolonging of this.”

According that Hon Fahie, the Speaker had ruled on the matter and to his satisfaction she has made it clear. “The Minister of Finance answered the financial aspect. The supplementary questions would not be anything dealing with the technicality of a project unless its dealing with the financial aspect and she ruled.”

Describing members of the NDP government who had voiced their angry retorts on the issue as “Elements”, Hon. Fahie said they were trying to engage in political bullying as they always want things to be their way despite what the law says or what the ruling is. “Maybe they could get through with frightening off kindergarten children but this is the people’s business and mature people dealing with it.”

He further contended that the NDP Ministers had no problem while they were spending the public’s money but want to “push it under a bush” and not tell the people through the House of Assembly, the modus operandi, as it relates to how the monies were spent. “We had to do that when we were in the government,” said Hon. Fahie.

On the issue of the questions that sparked contention, Hon. Fahie said they had many reasons behing them. “One of them is to show the duplicitous actions of this government in many respects, saying one thing, doing another and then promoting other persons as not as forthright as they are and I continue to say if wrong becomes right depending on who you love and right becomes wrong because of who you hate, we are now eroding democracy, the transparency and accountability of government.”

Hon Fahie also said he was satisfied with the response given to his question by Premier Smith. “His Ministers keep interrupting for reasons I don’t know but the Premier answered the question based on all the financial information.” He said that he thought that once the leader would have answered a question as effective as was done in this instance, it would have been the end of that.

“So for me it was if they showed some disrespect for their leader, he would defend them and he wouldn’t agree with me in public.”

He added that he is convinced that the Speaker of the House is a very learned person and she would not succumb to the bullying of the Government Ministers as it pertains to the decision she has already made.

34 Responses to “Rude Govt. Ministers display ‘political bullying’ – Hon Fahie”

  • Amen (15/05/2013, 08:09) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    I was saying the same thing. These guys have no respect for the Premier
    • egg face (15/05/2013, 09:07) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      The very fabric of a society seems to have broken down!
      • respect (15/05/2013, 22:59) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        I am saying that these politicians have no respect f each other. The people have no respect for themselves, nir the politicians. Hence the youths have no respect for any authority figure starting fom their parents to their fellow youths. It is a SAD SAD state of affairs in ths country
  • LAW (15/05/2013, 08:25) Like (8) Dislike (19) Reply
    look how myron and Mark throw Dr. Smith under the bus the man decided to answer the questions what was the fuss?
  • weed (15/05/2013, 09:06) Like (3) Dislike (31) Reply
    look he ugly face
  • Lawdie (15/05/2013, 09:13) Like (2) Dislike (16) Reply
    This Country needs a BUSH BATH...Don't worry, it is COMING
  • farmer brown (15/05/2013, 09:22) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    They all rude
  • Look wha parliament come to (15/05/2013, 09:23) Like (8) Dislike (16) Reply
    The Speaker can't control the House - the 2 members want to dictate what questions should and should not be asked. The 2 ministers want to answer the Premier's questions.... this is height of incompetence on the entire house. The Speaker need to be more firm with this bullies and the Premier need to be the Premier and bell these 2 cats. They making sure the NDP don't get back in. I'm warning all of them that the BVI people don't play around on election day. They laugh with you, they campaign with you, but when they get behind the voting curtain, the send the message - Be careful Orlando. mark and Myron going pull you down. Be the man!
    • We say (15/05/2013, 21:15) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      My sentiments exactly. These two think they are in charge. Dr. Smith be careful throw them out b4 they bring u down. Stupes!
  • Hmm (15/05/2013, 09:41) Like (12) Dislike (12) Reply
    I going to pray harder for Fahie because it is clear that some of these NDP Ministers think that they are bullies & can fight him down when all the man is doing is trying to represent his area & the rest of the Territory. This kind of behavior is unbecoming of a government.
  • Have Mercy (15/05/2013, 09:43) Like (7) Dislike (14) Reply
    It is now more clearer to me than ever before that the NDP Ministers are very rude. They love to give but they can't take. This is the sign of dictators so let us watch out.
  • Clearly (15/05/2013, 09:45) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dr. Smith did his best to answer the question so what is Mark & Myron's problem? The two of them never answer nothing you ask them. Could it be that they have things to hide? I firmly believe so.
  • son of the soil (15/05/2013, 09:49) Like (6) Dislike (13) Reply
    Like these islandman dont want the homeboyz to ask any questions??
  • ooooo (15/05/2013, 09:51) Like (8) Dislike (8) Reply
    i like how andrew bypassed mark and got the answers out of dr smith
  • . (15/05/2013, 10:02) Like (5) Dislike (10) Reply
    Imagine this gang is giving out no bid/not approved by cabinet contracts left right and center and dont want any questions asked...Can you imagine that?
  • come on... (15/05/2013, 10:38) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    The people talking about bullying. You should take a watch on the T.V. , when there is parliament is in sessions with the uk prime minister and the others. This here is childs play.
  • Rarted (15/05/2013, 10:39) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    My goodness. There will soon be physical fights in the HOA.
  • shaw (15/05/2013, 11:05) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    the same scrutiny should be given the Pier park and cruise ship agreements. Who has vested interests and who is getting pay offs.
  • My My (15/05/2013, 11:30) Like (6) Dislike (10) Reply
    Myron & Mark are very disrespectful persons who have a lot to hide.
  • VIlander (15/05/2013, 11:53) Like (1) Dislike (9) Reply
    I can deal with MArk but I'm tired of Walwyn in the news
  • WestEnd Massive (15/05/2013, 12:12) Like (17) Dislike (17) Reply
    Fahie, me no care what dem seh, I voting for you!!!! Thank God for you and Fraser! Poor Dr. Smith, but I still don't think he as innocent as he acts. He better put away that quiet, sly demeanor and sail he ship because right now it sinking. LOL, the thing sweet!
  • Jamdown (15/05/2013, 12:48) Like (3) Dislike (23) Reply
    Some of you all sound like a bunch of mumu..don't know a thing about politics..thank God its only 5 of you blogging (one person being the 5)..NONSENSE!! Who more bully than Frazer and Fahie...pleaseee
    • @ Jamdown (16/05/2013, 12:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Go home. Please.
      • wow (17/05/2013, 12:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Only in the Virgin Islands, that people can migrate from other parts of the globe and come and call down its people. Of course there is freedom of speech! but where they come from, they don't have the guts to call their people names. I always say, a Virgin Islander cannot or will not go to another country and show disrespect to its people and furthermore dare to contribute negatively to its development. If Jamdown don't have respect for our people, like you said, "go home, please!" we are trying to save and protect what is rightfully ours, we don't need you!
  • We say (15/05/2013, 21:21) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Love Fahie, Frazer not. I tired of the fighting. U don't no who2 trust. 6 of one 1/2 dozen of the other. We need a new party with Hon. Andrew Fahie at the helm and a few good women who will eventually take over.
  • one eye (16/05/2013, 07:03) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    We need fresh new thinkers and doers, not the same old two party reruns. Come on BVI, we can get it right next time.

  • Sal. (16/05/2013, 07:43) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Fahie & Walwyn need to address issue of not paying the first UWI teacher cohort of 20 their proper salaries promised with retroactive September 2010. Fahie left them dry at change of election so he might say it's Walwyn responsibility. Then about mid last year they decided to pay 14 some kind and didn't pay the rest 6 till later year end at a lower salary. It's that they need to sort out.
  • wow (17/05/2013, 12:01) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    If the Governor was for the people of the Virgin Islands, he would cease this present corruption called government. The electors are in there for what they can get for themselves and to show what powers they have. Its the people that voted and elected to have them in there, so why can't they do the same and call for a New Election now! They donot have to wait for the General Election to do so, they can call upon the Governor and members of the Executive/Legco to dissolved council immediately. Its no wonder that the UK sees the Government as they way they do! Its a shame that Dictatorship and Greed Irony is becoming the plight of the poor people.

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