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Ms Caryl O'Neal forced out of BFEC

-She was fed up with Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn's micro-management
Come the start of the new academic‎ school year Ms Caryl O'Neal will not be returning as the Principal of the Bregado Flax Educational Centre (BFEC) as she was said to have been sent on retirement. Photo: VINO/File
O'Neal was said to be frustrated with Hon Myron V. Walwyn's micro-management. Photo: VINO/File
O'Neal was said to be frustrated with Hon Myron V. Walwyn's micro-management. Photo: VINO/File
VALLEY, Virgin Gorda, VI - Come the start of the new academic‎ school year Ms Caryl O'Neal will not be returning as the Principal of the Bregado Flax Educational Centre (BFEC) as she was said to have been sent on retirement.

This news site has confirmed ‎this by several sources within the Government system of the Virgin Islands (VI), Teachers of the BFEC and other persons close to Ms O'Neal.

While she could not have been reached for comment the sources close to the Principal of the Secondary Division for over 25 years said that while she was allegedly frustrated by the Minister for Education and Culture's Honourable Myron V. Walwyn alleged style of micro management, she was prepared to stick it out for another year when she was given parting decision by the Department of Education.

"She had approached the Chief Education Officer asking for her retirement from this year. She told us (allegedly) that they told her that she couldn't until next year and she adjusted her life to suit staying for another year," said a close family of Ms. O'Neal. A senior teacher and a Department of Education Officer also confirmed. Both insisted on not being named.

It was alleged that while Mr O'Neal had an undoubted passion to continue the legacy and standard that she can be credited for as having an excellent record at the school she was frustrated by the Minister's micro management.

"There are some teachers there even some parents who try to have their own way and were allegedly entertained by the Minister. He used to micro manage terribly. They used to bypass the Principal and go straight to him, ignore her and did their own thing. She couldn’t say anything to those teachers as their first line boss was Myron and not the Princpal," said a teacher.

It is alleged that the early sendoff stemmed for an apparent incident at the school's most recent Graduation Ceremony.

It was said that during his speech the Minister was allegedly making sinister and sarcastic remarks which pointed to the Principal. "We are teachers there. We knew what he was referencing and who certain remarks were directed to," alleged another teacher.

The teachers and parents had brought this to the attention of this news site shortly after the graduation when they complained bitterly of what they considered to have been in bad taste for a Minister for Education. They had told this news site back then that as the Minister said certain things in his speech he kept ‘eyeballing’ the Principal which made her uncomfortable resulting in her leaving the room while the Minister was still on the floor.

A close family relative alleged that it was subsequent to that incident that two Officers from the Ministry of Education visited the Principal informing her that the Minister had given instructions that she proceed on retirement from this year.

Further confirmation of this was an advertisement on the Government's web site for a Principal for BFEC with an application deadline of September 9, 2014.

When contacted a receptionist at the Ministry of Education told this news site that the Chief Education Officer was the only person to respond to our request for confirmation but would not have been available before sometime mid-week.

It is this news site's understanding that interviews are being conducted by the Public Service Commission with the two names on the top of the list being Mr Paul Fenty, Assistant Principal of the Bregado Flax Educational Centre Secondary Division, and Ms Glenda Stevens.

111 Responses to “Ms Caryl O'Neal forced out of BFEC”

  • foxy (02/09/2014, 08:47) Like (25) Dislike (21) Reply
    Funny man got something coming mehson
  • Virgin Gordian (02/09/2014, 08:49) Like (39) Dislike (19) Reply
    I'm not surprised the Minister took long to force her out. I guess they were looking for the right time to do so, knowing the way the NDP operates if u not an ndpian u have 2 go and let one their cronies in so they can know or get their share of pie. Thank U Ms. O'Neal for ur stellar contribution 2 ur community and the BVI. All the best in ur future endeavors. VIP all the way forward ever, backwards never.
    • Huh? (02/09/2014, 09:45) Like (29) Dislike (20) Reply
      So VIP hire her it's fine. She is retired under ndp and it's a crime. Funny how you trying to appear concerned but never mentioned the issues at the school. You are playing politics.
      • ehem (02/09/2014, 10:53) Like (41) Dislike (6) Reply
        So what are you playing here? This lady have the children of the BVI at heart. Many of us have only our self interest uppermost. I have been there seeing how Ms O'neal had to struggle with unrepaired classroom, rude no manners children and their parent who only interest is themselves. She is a firm but loving woman. Ms. O'neal has done a collossal job and her accolades rings far and wide. This Job goes and weighs and ebbs and flows farther, wider and deeper than politics. Thankful parent.
        • hm (03/09/2014, 11:09) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
          APPARENTLY U WAS NOT SEEING RIGHT MY DEAR . Ms.Oneal is the reason why i had to transfer my child and send her else where . And as far as struggling I see Only Mr.Fenty as the one who keeps these children sane. She has a tendency of treating her own people or her students from LB fairly . So i'm assuming you're either or
      • @ huh (02/09/2014, 12:45) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        A lot of the issues at the school were always forwarded. However, bear in mind that most of them would have been solved in a financial way. Who controls the money for BFEC? Unlike ESHS, they do not!
      • Cool Ruler (03/09/2014, 06:05) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply

        @huh, it matters not who hire her and who fire her, but it's the way things are done under this NDP government. M..on want to have people he can control

  • ooooo (02/09/2014, 08:51) Like (27) Dislike (26) Reply
    it seems like the ndp is hell bent on destroying everything that the vip produced
  • ndp (02/09/2014, 08:53) Like (33) Dislike (24) Reply
    The mission is to rid the government of all oneals.
  • well saw (02/09/2014, 08:58) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Myron the smooth talking dictator.
  • virgin gorda (02/09/2014, 08:59) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    he did it to tobin now to Ms. O'neal but every dog has his day!!
  • good move (02/09/2014, 09:09) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    Good move! We can have some fresh blood with new ideas! Enjoy your retirement!
  • VG (02/09/2014, 09:10) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
    And the community rejoices!!!!! Free at last free at last thank God We are free at last!!! Thank you Hon. Minister, our community needed change at that institution for a very long time now!!
  • What a thing! (02/09/2014, 09:11) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Imagine the current Principal of the Year, the secondary school of the year, as selected by the same Ministry of Education and Culture and the same principal is being axed by the Ministry of Education and Culture! What a mass confusion!!!
  • People (02/09/2014, 09:28) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    I find this Minister to be a deciever.
  • watch out (02/09/2014, 09:31) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Any minister that runs his ship under fear is bound to bring up no matter how good he may seem to be doing & the key word there is seem.
  • Yes (02/09/2014, 09:43) Like (34) Dislike (33) Reply
    What a man! He runs his ministry off of melee & mischief.
    • So true (02/09/2014, 14:53) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      You are so right about that. He follows up on every little call he gets
  • An O'Neal (02/09/2014, 09:49) Like (15) Dislike (5) Reply
    Who tha Father Bless no man or woman can curse FIRE!!!
  • vex (02/09/2014, 09:50) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
    So sad who next how long not long!
  • tretretrete (02/09/2014, 09:50) Like (26) Dislike (14) Reply
    As neutral political bystander I want to warn the BVI that although some good has happen in education, all that glitters is not gold with this minister & in education.
  • chad (02/09/2014, 10:04) Like (24) Dislike (8) Reply
    I hope we are not allowing politics to destroy our education system.without a good education system we have no country. Since when the minister decides on when one retires, especially if that teacher is doing a good job? This is another lash at Virgin Islanders. We are now the minority . We are indigenous Virgin Islanders but our fate is decided by those given the opportunity to call themselves Virgin Islanders. Do they really care?
  • Past Student (02/09/2014, 10:08) Like (26) Dislike (13) Reply
    It's a sign of relief for some of these poor kids because over the years some was taking advantage of because of who there was an who they Parients is lots have or will have different stories because of her uncle she thought the school was they own but they is a living God free up the school will be better off true
    • @ Past student (02/09/2014, 11:12) Like (30) Dislike (16) Reply
      If you are truly a past student you would not make that comment about her uncle. Because the whole of VG and the entire BVI knows that he did nothing special for her, neither did he protect her from the wolves that he thought that elected him. I am sure that you got more out of him and from him than her. So stop trying to give people the wrong impression and paint Ms. O'Neal in a bad light. You should tell them about what she had to endure from some of you students, that is, if you are a past student!
    • Lawdddddd (02/09/2014, 12:51) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
      Go back to school past student, then you can comment again.
  • Michael (02/09/2014, 10:09) Like (18) Dislike (25) Reply
    The NDP is help bent on destroying themselves. I honestly believe they will be beaten badly come next year general election. They are worst that they were when they were in office from 2004-2007. It seems as though they forget they are all servants of the people. Just to be clear I am neither VIP nor NDP. I support candidates whom I feel will take the country forward rather than looking out for self and the few.
  • .. (02/09/2014, 10:13) Like (20) Dislike (13) Reply
    #NDP must go!
  • Watching & Waiting (02/09/2014, 10:14) Like (11) Dislike (19) Reply
    If this is true and he thinks that he will put in one of his kind, he has a next thing coming. We are patiently watching and waiting. This world is a circle, what goes around, comes around. Every man or woman has their day. It's only when their time comes. But God is the only true and just God. Let's see who else has stamina. Mrs. O'Neal is a woman of strength. 2015/16 we MUST do da ting!!!!!
  • about time (02/09/2014, 10:20) Like (19) Dislike (9) Reply
    She had need to go. God only if this had happen when I was in high school. it sucks for the reason why you leave but she was not the best principal.
    • Please read!!!! (02/09/2014, 12:17) Like (17) Dislike (18) Reply
      Please read!!!!! Ms. O'Neal wanted to get out of the school. The Department told her that they could not accept her retirement when she asked for it before. After the graduation, with the unprofessional and uncouth behaviour of the Minister of Education, she was more intent on leaving. Two persons were sent to the school by the Minister to tell her that he was forwarding her retirement. Ms. O'Neal wanted to go home. She served the country for many years, long before some people came to the BVI shores or assumed positions. The academic successes of the school are there. We now expect to see them coming forward next year as if the results happened after the departure of Ms. O'Neal from the school. But God knows and even the naysayers too.
      The Department delayed iher retirement and then the Minister sent to retire her. My dear, she no longer wanted to be there. The behaviour at the graduation ceremony was atrocious and unbecoming of a Member of Parliament. And I wonder if his colleagues took his to task about this bad behaviour. Karma , oh karma!!!!!!!!
  • promotion (02/09/2014, 10:44) Like (14) Dislike (4) Reply
    it is about time she let someone else takeover she been there long enough. Everyone wants to be promotd. Ms. Stevens i hope u are the choice
  • YAAAAAYYYYYY (02/09/2014, 10:49) Like (28) Dislike (6) Reply
  • I glad (02/09/2014, 10:51) Like (18) Dislike (5) Reply
    I glad she gone
  • Past Student (02/09/2014, 10:56) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    It's sad that all the students commenting on how she needed to go clearly accepted little of the free education they were offered. In fact they are perhaps the only testament to her inadequacy.
    • Past Student (02/09/2014, 16:05) Like (18) Dislike (7) Reply
      This has nothing to do with accepting the free education because I was always with the top students. she just did a lot of stuff the WRONG way!!! I would have choose n Mr. Fenty over her any day!
  • gg (02/09/2014, 10:58) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Lawd ayo going kill the oneals
    • You Think? (02/09/2014, 12:07) Like (11) Dislike (19) Reply
      Unlike the majority of 'prominent' families here this has never been a family that relied on governmental favour for strength. Watch the youth of that family rise and you will eat those words. They are not a people to be trifled with.
  • Well Sah! (02/09/2014, 11:07) Like (10) Dislike (16) Reply
    Talk all you want. The same ones here bashing only have personal axes to grind. The same ones whose children were ordered back to school and see what happened. The same ones who ran to the past and present minister. The same ones who ambushed the principal on several occassions. Instructions given and the school not knowing a thing, only the select few in the school. But sit and think about it. What goes around comes around. hope that you all will have a wonderful school now! God does not sleep. Yes, praise God and kill your sistren! See how far you will get.
  • Parent of Children at BFEC (02/09/2014, 11:09) Like (39) Dislike (7) Reply
    This is the best news to happen in a very long time. The woman needed to be sent on retirement. IF you were to see and understand what her antics were, you would also have agreed. IF you had kids in that school, you too would say this is a good thing. She has served her time and now someone else will come in with vision and new directives. Management must sometimes remove people from the wrong seats in a bus, in order to move ahead.
  • Son of the soil VG (02/09/2014, 11:14) Like (31) Dislike (5) Reply
    Although I believe that Mrs O'Neal time is up, I truly believe that the actions of the Minister is totally uncalled for. He is coming off as a very vindictive individual and persons in the community are saying that he is playing the same roll as the current leader of the opposition but targeting the O'Neals. Since RTO is on his way out, NDP wants the rest of the family to follow him and make them history.

    I believe that this coming election is going to be a tricky one because if the enemy, RTO words.

    I believe this election is going to be a dangerous one. Lives and livelihood are being destroyed under this regime and they must be stopped.
    • FYI (02/09/2014, 12:05) Like (14) Dislike (22) Reply
      Just a note to let those who do not know to be aware. An O'Neal of VG is not only an O'Neal, but also connected with the Stevens, both of the Valley and North Sound, plus many more in VG. So it is not only an O'Neal that you are touching!
      • Ms. Madea (02/09/2014, 13:30) Like (12) Dislike (6) Reply
        Hellerrrrr, please keep we Stevens out of a your calamity. We don't vote VIP and NDP helped a few in the family so any person that come for the 9th other than an O'Neal will be a win win for the district once they have the district at heart. I hope those past candidates don't give up. One more O'Neal will be more of the same.
        • Check yourself!! (02/09/2014, 16:26) Like (13) Dislike (8) Reply
          If you are a Stevens, you better check your history, because Ms. O'Neal might have been a Stevens long before you. Her mother and grandmothers on both sides are Stevens. Who spoke about politics? Stop giving away your hand! Desperation!!!
  • born here (02/09/2014, 11:18) Like (42) Dislike (17) Reply
    It is ironic how many Expats in this BVI are waiting and wishing and undermining and doing all in their powers to see many Virgin Islanders leave or be forced out of their jobs like the jobs belong to them. If you can hold a decent job in your country, why come here? The Jobs in the BVI belong to its citizens first and foremost. If the BVI is not good enough for you or you feel that you are more qualified than Virgin Islanders, then go and seek a position in your crime infested country. Born Here.
    • born elsewhere (02/09/2014, 12:09) Like (7) Dislike (22) Reply
      you must be born here, its not hard to tell, an uneducated fool, your comments says it all, full of envy and hate, don't be hating an outsider because he has education and qualifications, instead get educated and qualify, when you going to your gave carry your country with you, dumb moomoo.
      • born here 2 (03/09/2014, 09:18) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
        @ Bornelsewhere- I would like to meet you in person. I would do to you whatever the mind tell me to do at the time. It's people like you who we let into our country to work? Don't forget the world is round. When you back home in your country you are the floor's cloth but you come in we country and spitting hatred on we? Don't hide behind the blogs if you bad say who you are.
      • Tim (03/09/2014, 10:57) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
        Most outsiders have no respect for us nor this country. they are only here for what they can reap and if we are so dumb, why don't they stay in their own country and make a living there? It shows that we still have the ability to support you and your countries who say they are independent. Please check yourself before making negative comments about BVIslanders.
        • wongchichi (03/09/2014, 11:51) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
          Do you know that many persons from the VI have no respect or love for our country either? They spend most of their time trying to reap as much as they can while not giving back a thing to the country. They do their best to try and fight down another local just because they don't like them. I would suggest that before you start talking about other nationals you take a very long look at our own right here.
          • to wongchichi (03/09/2014, 15:43) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
            Do you know that your comment has nothing to do with what the original poster said? If we as BVIslanders criticize what is ours, what does that have to do with foreigners coming here and assassinating our culture, laws, rights etc? If we as BVIslanders behave unjustly towards our neighbor, that makes us human but does not give outsiders the right to come here and treat us unjustly in our own country!
    • ccc (02/09/2014, 12:33) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      What a thing in the BVI...Lord send help please....
    • vick (02/09/2014, 12:35) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      your comment got nothing to do with this information.
    • . (02/09/2014, 15:30) Like (17) Dislike (5) Reply
      My dear born here, this has been going on for years, in fact decades. Many BVIslanders abroad and doing well professionally went abroad originally because they were forced out of their jobs by expats who were encouraged to believe the jobs belong to them. When oh when is our government going to take steps to preserve our rights before the diaspora makes expats of all BVIslanders?
  • north sound (02/09/2014, 11:44) Like (9) Dislike (6) Reply
    First it was carline,then Vincent then otto then Ralph what the oneals do you all buddy
  • Talk About (02/09/2014, 11:59) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    QUALIFICATION!! One thing I know for sure, Ms. Stevens has more qualification than Mr. Fenty. Mr. Fenty, I have nothing against you but fair is fair. We patiently awaiting the outcome. Forward Ever, Backward Never!!!!
  • ccc (02/09/2014, 12:31) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    Just a question, was Minister Myron Walwyn born in the BVI??????
    • . (02/09/2014, 15:32) Like (6) Dislike (9) Reply
      No, he was not.
    • Yes he Did (02/09/2014, 17:18) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      @ccc Yes he was born in the BVI. If he aint born Free Bottom in he mother and father rent house, he born Peebles Hospital. He left the BVI when he was between 12 to 15 years of age and returned a full grown man and now a ya vote him into we HOA. In short, "you take stick to cut your own backside with."
  • born here 2 (02/09/2014, 12:41) Like (18) Dislike (5) Reply
    @ born here Amen!!! I wholeheartedly agree. Am too sick of it!! I've never known a place where outsiders, welcomed in, are fighting for more and better priveledges and the locals must be shut out. Where do we run to? Where are we expected to go and make it? "Back home"??? This IS our home!!! The entire mentality just sickens me! Sickens me!
  • Jim (02/09/2014, 12:44) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
    I have heard so many horror stories about this woman and how she treats people. As far as I am concern it is about time. Myron took too long. Now what about her husband??
    • Fruit Basket (02/09/2014, 13:07) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
      Leave Dr. Alexander alone! That man is a good man. He put up with a lot and stuck by his woman. He was a great Geography teacher.

      Don't mix apples with oranges please although they are all fruits.
  • Gospel Truth (02/09/2014, 13:03) Like (27) Dislike (25) Reply
    Ms. O'Neal was a good principal. She was human, she did human things but she always had the children at heart. People expected her to pull the school along. How could she do that if there were people on her team who were to busy giving the plays to the other team?

    The only students that had problems with her were the ones raised by incompetent parents. And God forbid she tried to correct them, she got a load of thud flung under her backside by the parents.

    The minister will surely get what's coming to him. He threw out the ESHS principal and now he's throwing out BFEC principal, based off of what? Based off of what VI people good for! Gossip!

    • Curious George (02/09/2014, 14:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Aaaarrrr, yeh who is the new ESHS Principal???????
      • trrefdrfds (02/09/2014, 20:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        No one ain't answering this! School children say it is sandy Harrigan under hill! That's the next breaking news
    • wat dat (03/09/2014, 11:49) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
      I agree with you. It had a meeting with parents and members of the educational departments were there. And a parent who wanted her own way.Give mrs.Oneal some word and they sat there and did not say anything. Mrs.Oneal you tired your best. You may not have been perfect but when far and beyond the call of duty. Parents of BFE C the old people have a saying cry for who going cry for who coming I'll live to hear some of these same who have so many negative comments about will eat their bittet words
  • Thinking! (02/09/2014, 14:53) Like (23) Dislike (6) Reply
    Lets face the facts. Do we all think Myron just got up and send her home. Let us all do our home work. He is a man with guts he keeps ayo BVI people thinking. Education Minister doing a good job by moving around a lot of teachers and getting rid of some of those old hegs. We don't care wether they are Oneal, Smith, Steven, Flax or Forbes your name don't mean a thing any more around here.

    Keep moving them Mr. Education Minister.
  • chad (02/09/2014, 15:03) Like (11) Dislike (6) Reply
    I was at the graduation and this is a lie. There was nothing out of the way said. Let Myron send you his speech
    • @ wow (02/09/2014, 16:09) Like (2) Dislike (7) Reply
      Perhaps you couldn't see the insult. He made reference to the music programme as if it was her fault when indeed it was that of the music teacher himself. Big things are happening don't assume you see all.
      • chad (02/09/2014, 16:39) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
        didn't see anything wrong with what he said. We need a better music program on vg. People are too thin skinned
      • OMG (02/09/2014, 17:38) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
        Are you saying that the man that played trumpet for Caribbean Ecstasy, music with Sensation, Entrepreneurs, and countless calypso shows bands is NOT a credible, viable, teacher for BFEC and his music program failed?

        Me personally don't think so. He is one of the best in the BVI.

        Ms. O'Neal got what was long coming and Myron will get his share so not to worry.

        This eye for an eye family war between VIP and NDP is ridiculous and needs to stop before someone get hurt.
        • @ OMG (02/09/2014, 22:24) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
          You are by your own logic contradicting yourself. She is just as qualified to be a principal as he is to teach music. And as I said bigger things are happening. You see the surface.
      • COME AGAIN (02/09/2014, 21:17) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
        I think you need to get with the FACTS.
        There is nothing wrong with the music teacher. There cannot be a functioning music programme in a school with just one teacher. He is not able to take on the load of all those students. And maybe if the Principal was showing an insensitive of bettering the programme, the minister would not have made such a comment. I personally think that it is crazy for music to be available for one term per form, rather than a continual throughout the school year. That is why there is no functioning programme; nothing to do with the teacher.
        He was trained and is well educated for his job. And if you ask me, I think he is overqualified to be teaching at BFEC... In the BVI on a whole
        • Yes (02/09/2014, 22:39) Like (3) Dislike (9) Reply
          You not talking about the Same music teacher who always had students outside the door waiting on him. The same one who never showed up. The same one who showed no interest in the children learning unless he wanted to. And your facts aren't straight music is available one term in the first year to offer students a choice after which point if is a choice they can take as a full year subject. And there are two music teachers or three I think.
          • SHAME (03/09/2014, 11:32) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
            If he do not care for his students as you say, tell me, why is it that he is up in the school so early in the morning at 7;30 for band practice. Does this sound like someone who do not care. After fighting for a desent band program for years. Come on he deserve better.
            • HUH!!! (04/09/2014, 04:25) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
              Seven thirty in the morning?? When or how often has this happened? Please be truthful!
              • @HUH (04/09/2014, 10:08) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
                What happen when he is up in the school till after five in the afternoon trying his best to give his students extra sessions and using his lunch hour to meet with them. You all need to be truthful, give jack his jacket. You might not see him there at 7:30 in the morning because majority of the time the students that he tried to help never showed up. He is one of the most caring teachers at that school.
                • HUH!!! (06/09/2014, 08:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
                  The 7:30 am was the time in question here, not the afternoons ( for which he is paid by the way). "You might not see him there at 7:30 in the morning" and children not showing up... What is a class without students? Does this actually mean then that you (Shame) bent the truth by saying 7:30 am before? Who is being untruthful in that case?
  • Pool Has no water (02/09/2014, 15:39) Like (9) Dislike (6) Reply
    Good riddance to bad garbage... Ms. O'Neal needed to leave "looooooong" ago. With first hand experience I can say, that this woman as not fit to be a principal, a teacher maybe, but not a principal.
  • ccc (02/09/2014, 15:43) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    Leave myron to god
  • Ms. Stevens (02/09/2014, 16:12) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ms.Glenda Stevens will be a Great Principal!!! She was an awesome teacher in my days and was always respected by students.
  • Past Student (02/09/2014, 16:15) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ms. Stevens for the win!!
  • VG (02/09/2014, 16:44) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
    Has Myron visited BFEC since taking office??? This is the question
    • You too Lie (02/09/2014, 17:23) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      @VG- hush your behind. Myron started off his visits in 2012 by going to all of the outer schools first. He visited
      Robinson O'Neal and BFEC as one of the first.
    • parent (02/09/2014, 18:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Not much votes there boss
  • Let's be real (02/09/2014, 16:49) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    " They had told this news site back then that as the Minister said certain things in his speech he kept ‘eyeballing’ the Principal which made her uncomfortable resulting in her leaving the room while the Minister was still on the floor." I wasn't there, and I hold no brief for Mr. Walwyn or Ms. O'Neal, but, assuming that this story is accurate, then both were wrong. I can't think of anywhere else where you would walk out of a function such as this while your boss is speaking (especially if there's a known history of conflict) and not expect some sort of backlash!
    • Let's really be real (03/09/2014, 10:04) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      While you made a solid point and like you I'm neither here nor there on the issue my question is that give him grounds for termination a.k.a "forced retirement"?
  • Egotistical (02/09/2014, 17:27) Like (10) Dislike (9) Reply
    Damn vindictive and childish. Those are my words to describe that man. "Time longer than twine." I may be resting in my grave but the ants will come and tell me what become of this young man. SAD! SAD!
  • Chick (02/09/2014, 17:28) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Lol lol lol
  • JACK BE STILL (02/09/2014, 18:14) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is much to do about nothing let the lady go in piece
  • 9 th district (02/09/2014, 18:22) Like (18) Dislike (5) Reply
    She needed to go a very long time ago and thats
    the fact. She is nothing more than an educated pig.

    She looked down on people, all who here sayin all those
    good things about her, should be ashame of them self.

    Im am very happy to hear she is longer there and i know
    the students are also glad.
  • P.S (02/09/2014, 18:40) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    Myron needs training, and professional ethics need to be at the top of the list. He doesn't care for teachers and acts as though they are merely disposable robots. He is a vindictive dictator who is totally obsessed with micro-management of the whole Ministry of Education. Several of his top level employees are afraid of him. I can't wait for Myron to be gone!
  • VG (02/09/2014, 20:08) Like (9) Dislike (5) Reply
    I am PATIENTLY, PATIENTLY waiting to see if the NDP is foolish enough to hire Mr. Fenty over Ms. Stevens ( a born-here). YES, A BORN-HERE. Waiting patiently..........
  • north sound (02/09/2014, 20:31) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    Ms. Stevens would be an EXCELLENT principal. She is more than capable of doing the job and those who are responsible for hiring her know it. I'll wait to see the day they put an expat over her. She is qualified and experienced. Additionally, she is a BVIlander...YESS, I said it.
  • chad (02/09/2014, 20:51) Like (26) Dislike (2) Reply
    Can't believe this is happening. Under her management, bregado flax educational centre was named secondary school of the year at the teachers gala! Should this not mean something! If this happened to her, with such a prestige award given, what will happen to the others? Food for thought.
  • concern vi (02/09/2014, 21:06) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    This is the man who want to run for the 9th district, who in hell will give him their X, VG people stick together , forward ever, backward never...
  • knows all (02/09/2014, 21:51) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Her problem is that Oneal thing, like how they have
    some big funny shape heads, they think they know
    everything on earth. You can be an astronat and they
    will argue with you about space. That is just the way
    they operate.
    • laughing (02/09/2014, 22:34) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Somebody could definitely argue with you about English. You just ignant
  • Yes (02/09/2014, 22:25) Like (0) Dislike (8) Reply
    I want to see where the accreditation will go. She was the driving force behind that even with uncooperative teachers and officials alike.
  • TIME UP! (03/09/2014, 12:35) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Minister saw the need to move her and he did! Case closed! Many of you on here talking but you are not aware of the many hurtful remarks Ms. O'Neal made to many students at BFEC. If they were to blog them you would all say that she needed to go but you don't know the half. The number of students who just did not want to attend there anymore because of her ......all of them couldn't be wrong. Ms. O'Neal is not what most people think, you have to get to know her. Easy dog bite hard!
    • @ tuneup (03/09/2014, 14:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Oh yes because nobody should tell these hail up hog and drag round dog anythin. These children are not raised right. Yes she was often a bit harsh tho but what y'all think Ms. Stevens is. She'll put them in them place.
  • student (03/09/2014, 14:02) Like (26) Dislike (3) Reply
    both myron and ms oneal need to go togther
  • VG (03/09/2014, 17:25) Like (2) Dislike (7) Reply
    If a system is working why change it and all ya bad mouth people need to leave the woman alone because I'm sure if you were given goat to take care of they all will end up dead so just shut up and leave the lady alone
  • pity (03/09/2014, 23:06) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    All the students who rejoicing now goin regret it because Glenda ain no joke she is a very strict woman. And mr fenty too soft and always quick to choose sides
  • TALK THAT (04/09/2014, 01:10) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Meanwhile, the read story is the need to bring to attention the plight of the BVI people and education system.
  • Tired (04/09/2014, 07:37) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    Isn't the matter closed? Will talking about it change things? What's done is done... over and closed with. let's all just move on with our lives, the sooner the better. There are more important things to deal with in our personal lives. If this had happened to you, would ms O'Neal care enough to comment? I don't think so. She is not even defending or giving a statement all we have to go by is what sources close to her said... they don't even want to be named. how do we know it's reliable? Let's just leave this whole matter in the lord's hands.
  • Interesting... (04/09/2014, 19:05) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    I read with amazement the amount on ignorance and contempt with which these bloggers blog... I will patiently await the results of the new management team; you BORN HERE fools (parents and grand parents are scattered throughout the lesser antilles) are quick to point fingers and assume positions without assessing situations or doing proper fact findings. I have had the pleasure of working with Mr. Vanterpool; and the music dept. can ask for no better teacher than him to teach your rude a@#, ill mannered children, who cannot recite the solfa scale even if it is on a projector ( because they cant read and came to secondary school with a distinction from primary) or show up to class half the time without reeds that cost $3. While change is good I just hope a year from now you bloggers will be able to reflect on the WONDERFUL TRANSFORMATION the school would have taken by then !!! I end with something to reflect on BFEC teachers... Better the DEVIL you know !!!
  • what (04/09/2014, 20:45) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Dr. Smith I am so shame of you!
  • Past Student (10/09/2014, 10:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ms. Oneal was a good principal. she had hells with students but she never gave up and i respect her for that. the only thing i didnt like was it looked like she had her favourites. but she's human everyone has favourites. Another thing. i dont think Mr Walwyn would do any 'shady' thing without complaints. I know for a fact that the same parents who complain about his shadiness in the graduation were the same ones complaining to him about Ms O'neal. Set of shade and mix up, confusion makers. Ms.Oneal did her 25 or so years and i wish her fairwell. she did her job and thats all she could've done...on to the next

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