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'I am disappointed in Hon Fraser' - Edmund G. Maduro

- said the Hon Opposition Leader reneging on his responsibility to the people
Radio talk show host Edmund G. Maduro (left) has slammed Leader of the Opposition Hon Julian Fraser RA (right) for his comments about talk show hosts being silent on the proposed Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport upgrade works. Photo: VINO/File
According to Maduro, he has said time and time again that the airport at Beef Island will be dangerous to extend and it should not even be thought of. Photo: VINO/File
According to Maduro, he has said time and time again that the airport at Beef Island will be dangerous to extend and it should not even be thought of. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Radio talk show host Edmund Gregory Maduro has slammed Leader of the Opposition Honourable Julian Fraser RA (R3) for a recent comment about talk show hosts, including Maduro, being silent on the issue of the airport development.

“I am very much disappointed in Honourable Julian Fraser RA in his written opinion on BVI News on May 30, 2016 when and where he insinuated that Mr Cromwell Smith aka Edju En Ka and me are hypocrites and are virtually silent as talk show hosts on the current issue of the Beef Island Airport expansion project,” said Maduro.

He was speaking out on his EGM Show last evening June 2, 2016 aired on ZROD 103.7 FM from 8:00 pm and reacting to Facebook posts and comments by the Opposition Leader.

Honourable Fraser was commenting on May 29, 2016 under a post he made on his official Facebook page on May 28, 2016 regarding the airport expansion project and the need for Government to consider the lower of the two bid options on the table.

“You see, the group harping about the project/contract being outsourced is the same interest group that was in the BiWater debacle. The difference is, that last time -BiWater-, it was about Julian Fraser, this time it is about them -NDP- and they are not getting any traction. Where are the Cromwell Smith's, the Edmund Maduro's and the likes on this issue?” Honourable Fraser wrote in the comment under his post.

“You are talking about $40 million difference in a bid that can potentially end up in the pockets of locals, but still not a word. Is that hypocrisy or what!” he asked.

However, Maduro took umbrage to the utterings of the Honourable Leader of the Opposition on the issue.

“I believe when the Honourable [Leader of the Opposition] said that we were hypocrites and virtually silent, this is the result of the fact that he was not listening to Cromwell and myself where we have been talking about the extension of the airport,” Maduro said.


According to Maduro, he has said time and time again that the airport at Beef Island will be dangerous to extend and it should not even be thought of.

“I have never ever been silent on that airport...while I could not speak at that time when I was at Town and Country Planning as the Deputy Chairman I fought against it when I spoke with members of the board. So for Honourable Fraser to say that I have been saying nothing about the airport [is disingenuous],” said Maduro.

Maduro said that he is for the type of Governance that speaks to integrity and justice for all.

Hon Fraser reneging on his responsibility

According to the talk show host, the inference made from Honourable Fraser’s statements is that he and other talk show hosts are being paid under the table. “Edmund Gregory Maduro never received any red copper under any table.”

He said corruption is a part of all Governments today, including that of the VI.

“I can truly say now that Honourable Fraser is reneging on his lawful responsibility to represent the people who elected him to do so and also the responsibility for which he took an oath to do,” said Maduro.

He said that if Honorable Fraser had been listening to his talk shows he would have known without any doubt that, “I never zipped my lips on the issue of the Biwater project and the airport project. Unless he wishes to mamaguy you the people who listen to me every Thursday night,” he said.

16 Responses to “'I am disappointed in Hon Fraser' - Edmund G. Maduro”

  • wize up (03/06/2016, 08:41) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    but Maduro & Fraser were once best of buddies while forming the digicel invasion of the BVI Market....
    • HAHA (03/06/2016, 19:25) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      ... but Fraser did not support Maduro's allegation that he had a constitutional right to do laundry for boat charters businesses in the BVI
  • My girl (03/06/2016, 09:21) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    What going on here?
  • Yes (03/06/2016, 09:30) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    teeth and tongue fall out?
  • BuzzBvi (03/06/2016, 09:41) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
    Fraser made a true statement, now the cry is Maduro and others were unjustly treated.
  • i from here (03/06/2016, 12:48) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    Once Fraser can't get his way with someone he bad talks them.
  • DON Q (03/06/2016, 13:09) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    Edmund need to go sit down boss
  • wise up (03/06/2016, 14:05) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    Maduro need to sit down because it was the very same Maduro, Fraser and Romney that brought Digicel to this territory to kill off CCT... Maduro needs to learn the true meaning of the word hypocrite !!!!!
  • voter (03/06/2016, 14:53) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I got fraser back on this one...
  • home grown (03/06/2016, 15:45) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    hi guys we need this airport for us to servive and compete .st vincent prime mininster at the new expansion at beef island airport. said that the bvi dont need and internal airport but how come st.vincent should have one.Pime mininter school them boys locally.Ralph realise that you need a inter. airport to compete,bvi always behind.
    • @home grown. (03/06/2016, 21:23) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      What we need here is more and proper air lift...not necessarily an airport.
      • yes sah (04/06/2016, 12:24) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        you said it right we need better air lift not more run way because that don't equal more passengers if the fare not right they won't come and those that saying yes because the rich will come don't make sense if you are rich you will find your way at any cost.
  • old (03/06/2016, 21:03) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    bvi in a mess right now
  • Xxx (05/06/2016, 08:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fraser the liberator all the way

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