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Hypocrisy?: 'Have an open book'- Premier Smith to Jaleel F. Cameron

- Is Premier Smith leading by words & not actions?
Some persons are asking whether Premier Dr The Hon D. Orlando Smith (left) is being hypocritical in asking young humanitarian and fundraising champion Jaleel F. Cameron (right) to always 'have an open book'. Photo: VINO/File
Jaleel F. Cameron flanked by his family on March 9, 2015 at the 'Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth' at Central Administration Complex. Photo: VINO/File
Jaleel F. Cameron flanked by his family on March 9, 2015 at the 'Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth' at Central Administration Complex. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - When Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL) told 12 year old Jaleel F. Cameron to "have an open book to the community," heads turned and whispers were heard because many continue to accuse the territory's leader of doing the opposite.

Premier Smith was a speaker at the launch of the Jaleel Cameron Foundation on June 3, 2017 at Treasure Isle on Tortola. "Have an open book to the community so that everybody knows that this is what you want to do…and this is how you are doing it," said Premier to young Cameron.

But in the words of one senior civil servant who was present at the launch, "it seems this Premier is still living in the times of ‘Masa’ and slave day when it was do as I say and not as I do," as they accused Premier Smith of doing the opposite of his advice.

Does NDP Gov't have an open book?

The issue of transparency has been a major concern also for the Leader of the Opposition  Honourable Andrew A Fahie (R1) and Opposition Member Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3).

It was recently as the continuation of the Seventh Sitting of the Second Session of the Third House of Assembly on Monday May 29, 2017 during the debate of  the Cruising Permit (Amendment) Act, 2017, when Hon Fraser, in making his contribution, told the House of Assembly (HoA) that he was uneasy supporting the bill without proper statistics and information.

Premier Smith then told the House "I was flabbergasted to hear the suggestion that the Members do not need to do their own research when they come into this House to discuss matters that are important to this country. I assume that all Members will take their time and do whatever research that is needed."

Continuing his remarks, Premier added, "every member is aware of all proposed bills."

To this, on a point of privilege, Opposition Member Hon Julian Fraser RA, (R3) stood up and chastised Premier Smith saying that "it is disturbing that the Premier would put forward such an argument, the information should be shared with us; we shouldn’t be begging for it and if we beg for it, it should be forthcoming..... Premier, I am now disappointed to hear you say that," Hon Fraser said.

However, the Premier continued to insist that the information is available and it is not his job to do research for the Opposition members.

At this point Opposition Leader Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) rose to his feet on a point of information and accused Premier Smith of misleading the public. Hon Fahie told the HoA "information the government would have statistically, that you would need, the Opposition would not have it."

In another fire back to Premier Smith's statement, the Opposition Leader said "we can't get answers to questions in here when we ask, much less out there…"

The public, the media, civil society and the Opposition have long argued that the ruling National Democratic Party Government has not operated in a transparent way.

Even Governor John S. Duncan OBE has blasted the administration for the lack of a Freedom of Information Act promised some six years ago, and the Opposition has continued to assert they cannot get truthful answers to questions in Parliament.

17 Responses to “Hypocrisy?: 'Have an open book'- Premier Smith to Jaleel F. Cameron”

  • Laffable (07/06/2017, 10:32) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    As one blogger before said on the topic, How Ironic? That's all...
    • @Laffable (07/06/2017, 11:56) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      You're soo right. Dr. Zzzzzzz is laffable. It is indeed ironic for him and his NDP gang to say such a ting.
  • POUNDCAKE (07/06/2017, 10:57) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    Keep pounding them Frazer. We like how you striking all TKOs this week. Unveil the Hypocrisy among them. Carry-on...
  • Wendy (07/06/2017, 11:04) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    A big one if you ask me
  • judge (07/06/2017, 11:05) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Do as I say and not as I do
  • Wellmaboi (07/06/2017, 11:10) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Opposition hitting hard; we seeing all kind-a-spin coming out the NDP camp right now, even BVI Airways trying to get in on the act. They had better know we want all our money back, and with interest.
  • Oh Please (07/06/2017, 11:12) Like (19) Dislike (9) Reply
    Give the young man his praises and keep the stupid politics out of it!
  • Truth Doctor. (07/06/2017, 11:41) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Jaleel is great. Admirable.. Now everyone wants to jump on the success Wagon....Premier Give Us something of your own heart, your own initiative. Give us an Angiogram unit capable of doing stenting at Peebles. We have have the space... Let us be the first in the Leeward and Wineard to offer such a service.. We have the money and the space..Do something special and lasting for the people....saving lives, a great better legacy to have.
    • Half-Truth (07/06/2017, 12:15) Like (4) Dislike (8) Reply

      Jaleel IS GREAT! Kudos to him and his supporters. However, the Premier doesn't have to give us a damn thing. Just like Jaleel is giving back, if we all give back a little it turns into a lot! We are just set of greedy @£$%& out here waiting for a government hand out and complain when we don't get it. When we are getting what we want, then Government is the best thing in the world. How many of us give a sh*t about these things? How many of us stopped by Jaleel and his school mates and buy a bottle of water when they're on the roadside selling? I have stopped numerous times and gave them cash and told them I don't want the water and keep up the good work. Stop talking and DO! The BVI was built on hard work not on the backs Government doing everything.

      • I agree (07/06/2017, 19:46) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
        @Half-Truth. As soon as the NDP gangsters give back all that supposed mismanaged tax dollars to us.
  • trergdffdg (07/06/2017, 11:57) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    who is Jaleel ?
  • I tell you... (07/06/2017, 12:03) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    SPIN start. A little giant of a boy going big things and now GANG NDP on the other sites giving self-praises for their accomplishments during their term in office. However, they failed to present how much it has cost us taxpayers. Most of the spending still to be accounted for.
  • Lawd a merci (07/06/2017, 12:48) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    This was supposed to be about allittle boy's accomplishments so far, and it turning out to be the beginning of a full blown political campaign. What a wok! Election campaigns starting early this time around. Big Banners will be soon flying around town. What's the temperature by the way? Feeling hot, hot, hot.
  • Wellsah! (07/06/2017, 12:53) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    The Opposition saws sharp for so. Look trouble for the NDP.
  • egg face (07/06/2017, 18:56) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    I maintain ndp must go

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