Young VIslander aims to promote local businesses & VI culture

Ms Adelle E. K. Paul is the owner of WHIn Networking Ltd, a VI company that is engaged in promoting local businesses in the following categories: Adventure; Family Fun; Hotels and Romantic Getaways; Music and Entertainment; Shopping; Sports; Wine and Dine; and Travel Services.
The businesses will be promoted via a central website and mobile app, and also via radio and television stations in the VI and around the Caribbean.
“WHIn BVI stands for What’s Happening In the BVI. I first came up with the idea whilst I was studying abroad several years ago and I went about formulating the business plan. When I returned home to the BVI, I knew for sure that this product was absolutely necessary. I thought, where is there to go in the BVI? What is there to do? It turns out that there are lots of places one can visit for any occasion.
“I mostly learned about different venues via random conversations with friends and family. Once at the venue, my reaction would be, wow! People really need to know about this place! The food is divine! What a nice chill out spot! So yes, the BVI is indeed filled with many secrets and my passion is to help others, whether residents or visitors, to discover them and grow a greater appreciation for the BVI. One can indeed fall in love with the BVI several times over as I have,” Ms Paul stated.
The website will also feature information for key travel services providers, giving users useful information on the different ways of getting around the VI and time schedules.
Paul told Virgin Islands news Online she has been fortunate to build relationships with individuals within the VI whom are experts in their field and have assisted her in developing a product that is attractive and offers services on multiple platforms.
“The aim is for the company to be launched by 1st June. I therefore encourage all businesses to sign up now to ensure that their company details are promoted from the launch date. Also, to take advantage of our introductory rates,” Ms Paul advised.
Promoting the VI’s history & culture
What Ms Paul finds most encouraging about her business initiative is that she believes it will help promote the Virgin Islands in several ways.
According to her, WHIn Networking Ltd will create a central hub for the promotion of VI businesses since there are several establishments that offer great services but remain undiscovered, unless they are heard of through word of mouth.
“These businesses can now be discovered, not only locally but also throughout the Caribbean regions and the rest of the world. There are also businesses that can be promoted further through newer platforms such as our website, mobile app, radio ads and television ads. I am particularly proud of the ‘BVI Features’ section of WHIn Networking Ltd.
“The BVI has a rich history and I have always believed that more can be done to promote it. Research teams will strategically be put together to cover various aspects of BVI History and the information gathered will be presented in video format. The history presentations are aimed to be engaging and will help both residents and visitors to have a greater appreciation for these beautiful British Virgin Islands.”
Ms Paul noted that she as a strong desire to promote the VI culture, which she finds is rich and relevant.
“Whilst abroad, when asked about the BVI, I would mainly go on about its lovely scenery, food, music and people. However, the BVI is indeed filled with rich history and the stories ought to be told. Even today, young people are making history and they too should be celebrated. I am so happy that Civic Education now forms a part of the school curriculum, even from the primary stages. The BVI’s history will be brought to life and there will be a lot of work behind this.”
The young entrepreneur said her first interview about the VI’s history and culture was with Ms Ayana S. Hull. “Having been away for some years, it felt great coming back to a BVI with a territorial song that really spoke about the essence of the Beautiful Virgin Islands and its people. This fostered a new pride in me as a BVIslander. The interview with Ms Ayana Hull, whom composed the BVI territorial song along with her brother Kareem Nelson Hull, will be the first featured video on our website, mobile app, the radio and television. More information on this will follow. I think everyone should watch.”
Meanwhile, to subscribe for a package with WHIn Networking Ltd, persons are advised to go to or call 441 7931.



14 Responses to “Young VIslander aims to promote local businesses & VI culture”
You could get students to do the research as part of their curriculum.