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'You can’t get change if you give exact'– Hon de Castro tells teachers

-as Ministry looking to re-imagine education sector for learning in today’s era
Education Minister Hon Sharie B. de Castro (AL) speaking during the Rotary Club of Central Tortola’s meeting at Bamboushay Restaurant and Lounge in Road Town on Thursday, September 21, 2023. Photo: Rotary Club of Central Tortola
As part of 're-imagining' education in the [British] Virgin Islands (VI), Minister for Education, Youth Affairs and Sports Hon Sharie B. de Castro (AL) has urged local teachers to give more and create change not just in schools, but in the community. Photo: Rotary Club of Central Tortola
As part of 're-imagining' education in the [British] Virgin Islands (VI), Minister for Education, Youth Affairs and Sports Hon Sharie B. de Castro (AL) has urged local teachers to give more and create change not just in schools, but in the community. Photo: Rotary Club of Central Tortola
Schools in the VI have started integrating S.T.E.A.M to reimagine education for students. Photo: VINO/File
Schools in the VI have started integrating S.T.E.A.M to reimagine education for students. Photo: VINO/File
Photos from the Rotary Club of Central Tortola’s meeting at Bamboushay Restaurant and Lounge in Road Town on Thursday, September 21, 2023. Education Minister on Sharie B. de Castro (AL) was a special guest. Photo: Rotary Club of Central Tortola
Photos from the Rotary Club of Central Tortola’s meeting at Bamboushay Restaurant and Lounge in Road Town on Thursday, September 21, 2023. Education Minister on Sharie B. de Castro (AL) was a special guest. Photo: Rotary Club of Central Tortola
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- As part of "re-imagining" education in the [British] Virgin Islands (VI), Minister for Education, Youth Affairs and Sports Hon Sharie B. de Castro (AL) has urged local teachers to give more and create change not just in schools, but in the community.

Hon de Castro's remarks came during the Rotary Club of Central Tortola’s meeting at Bamboushay Restaurant and Lounge in Road Town on Thursday, September 21, 2023.

“Change costs a lot of money, you don’t get to create change without investing heavily in it… and the good thing is we’ve seen the output and the product from it already,” she said. 

Hon de Castro was at the time speaking on re-imagining the education sector and for parents and community members to think differently about what education is and what it means for today's world.

“One of the things I’ve been encouraging my teachers to do is to give more if they want to get change… you can’t get change if you get exact, but if you give more you get change,” she said. 

Breaking mental barriers

Meanwhile, the minister added that some parents believe education looks like homework with worksheets and children just write a lot of work on a daily basis; however, she said children learn through play.

Hon de Castro added that one of the things the ministry is continuing to do is breaking mental barriers in smaller schools, where children are being integrated across various grades in one classroom.

“Realistically, it doesn't make sense to put one child in one class, so one of the things we're doing is multigrade teaching. That's new to some people and it could be hard to conceptualise, but it's actually in some instances more beneficial.”

26 Responses to “'You can’t get change if you give exact'– Hon de Castro tells teachers”

  • vi (26/09/2023, 08:58) Like (61) Dislike (7) Reply
    She is a waste of time just talking.
  • smh (26/09/2023, 09:08) Like (48) Dislike (4) Reply
    All this talk and the teachers still not being paid a decent salary.
  • asura (26/09/2023, 09:13) Like (4) Dislike (17) Reply
    You go girl!
  • hmm (26/09/2023, 09:17) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Umm whattt??
  • facts (26/09/2023, 09:17) Like (8) Dislike (57) Reply
    She has done more for education than showande and Myron combined
  • EXACT (26/09/2023, 09:19) Like (38) Dislike (1) Reply
    But they get exact salary.....
  • CANT FORGIVE AND FORGET (26/09/2023, 09:22) Like (59) Dislike (1) Reply
    • @ can’t forgive and forget (26/09/2023, 10:13) Like (7) Dislike (23) Reply

      But you got over those who allegedly thief money from a wall and was arrested and charged along with the wasted millions on a teacher’s dinner

      • Lucy (26/09/2023, 12:26) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
        Hers is punishable in the same means. The wrong others do does not make anyone's wrong right!
    • Citizen (26/09/2023, 12:47) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      Yeah that is some bold stuff. They couldn’t in any way think it was the right thing to do with tax funds. It’s crazy how that report wasn’t made public before elections. Sick of all these nuisances just want power for self gain and not to help the general public.
  • Chatter (26/09/2023, 09:47) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    but no substance.
  • @vi (26/09/2023, 10:15) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    A set a p¡$$
  • Bullsh** (26/09/2023, 11:03) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply

    She really said that....these politicians are ridic teachers must give more.... u talkin nonsense pay the people them thet dont work for free give dem wa they deserve

  • Citizen (26/09/2023, 11:22) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    next several days and weeks will be critical for school recovery and full financial support of teachers and school environment; I hope no resources are being spared!!!
  • smh (26/09/2023, 11:32) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    People need to think their thought process thoroughly before opening their mouths. Does she truly feels that these were the right words to say at this point in time directed to present Educators, trained or untrained. How does her views sit with the current teaching situation if the curriculum comes directly from her Department. I am very shocked from these her words, when she was deemed at one time an educator. She need to get off that high horse she managed to climb and be more proficient, professional, courteous, and mindful of the people who elected her.
  • jack (26/09/2023, 12:27) Like (3) Dislike (10) Reply
    Regardless of what they are paid they will be disgruntled.
  • cow (26/09/2023, 13:04) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    This the moomoo you all voted for???..hmmph
    • @ cow (26/09/2023, 15:10) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
      Uh surely Decastro was the better choice for education than funny man or Mather. Some of you making sure things look right rather than what is right!
      • To @cow (26/09/2023, 16:31) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
        If you not the moomoo in the article, then the island has at least 2 moomoos too many. Education saw the greatest modern transformation under Myron. Be careful out there folks. Cows live among us!!
  • We are the fools (26/09/2023, 13:47) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    She got two terms and BOLD now...dont elect her next election she will be FINE... Definitely not broke like slowande alluded to
  • please (26/09/2023, 16:22) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    This minister along with her Government, needs to take our TEATCHERS seriously. Kill the motivational speeches and PAY our TEACHERS WHAT THEY RIGHTFULLY DESERVE. A total embarrassment.
  • DEDE (26/09/2023, 17:18) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    I’ve been going beyond for too long. Tired of promise raise/increments. So until you start paying all outstanding monies, exact is what you will be getting. Want more do the right thing and pay everyone their outstanding money.
  • Contrarian (27/09/2023, 14:22) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Catchy, sexy phrases like reimagining, etc, for education is fine but really matters where the rubber meets the road is sustainable, resilient planning and organizing action with proper execution which produce effective and concrete outcomes. We are graduating a bunch of duncy heads, functional illiterates. Yes, I said it. Are we not having to import labour to perform tasks which Virgin Islanders and Belongers ( why the hell we have to terms for citizens) should be able to perform. We are to the above Round Rock mentality. Moreover, working overtime is necessary at times but when it is the rule, the norm, something is wrong the structure, the operation. We must plan our work and work our plan. Working overtime to impress the boss, mske co-workers look bad is another tory. Organize and plan to provide the best services to the most people (students) with the resources allotted.
  • NPolitico (28/09/2023, 08:57) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hon Sherie de Castro, teaching is a labour of love. We trust our children to the care and feeding of their development (educating), protection, etc., for at least 8 hours a day. On occasions, they spend more time with teachers than they do than with us (parents). They often have to use their resources to perform teaching.. Thus, it was insulting, elitist, arrogant, poor leadership, etc for you to publicly assert that, “ that you cannot get change if you are ecstatic.” How about driving change through a sense of purpose,,strong and effective leadership and management, etc. Lead the way and teachers will follow. Forcing things through positional power is not strong leaders. Employing positional power gets people to do things, do the minimum, because they have to take care of they and their families, not because they are motivated. The aim and preference of leading is to motivate people to do things. If you look back and no one is following, you are not leading. Leadership and experience matters. They cannot be bought or exercise well through positional power. Your youth, inexperience, particularly leadership inexperience, etc shows. But the hurdles are not insurmountable. Your performance is your responsibility and it is not, for you were trust into the critical portfolio of education without the requisite experience. Demonstrate some humility and civility. The unelected staff have much knowledge, wisdom to share; explore and benefit from them. Exploit the knowledge and experience of retired educators. By the way, the school chiren are musing that you are a little stubborn, bullheaded, etc. Education is the engine that will drive the VI full STEAM ahead. Provide the basic equipment, facilities, etc to fuel the education engine. It needs oxygen. The. VI is small and resource-poor and human capital is its most important and critical resource so it must armed (educated) so that it can be skillfully deployed and used.
  • @NPolitico (28/09/2023, 11:37) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    @NPolitico, easy up on the young lady nah. She is young and inexperienced and hopefully she is willing and eager to listen to advice from seasoned warriors and used it wisely.

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