Works Minister protects privacy of taxi drivers in HoA
The Minister pointed out; however, that the house has a time-honoured tradition of not arbitrarily calling the names of members of the public and that is partly because "they do not have the privileges that we, as Members of this House, possess.
“Secondly, they do not have a platform here to defend themselves. That is why we are their representatives. That said, Madam Speaker, I do believe it is unfair to the public, to give not only their names in this public forum in answer to the Member's question but also supply addresses,” he added.
Hon Rymer said; however, as per standing order 18, subsection 6, there is an option to decline to answer a question if it is deemed contrary to the public's interest to disclose the names of individuals.
103 taxi licenses issued since 2019
“Notwithstanding that, I am here to answer Members' questions and I will do so in the most responsible manner that I can. I would like to assure the member, that to obtain a taxi license, an individual must have a minimum of 2 years of driving experience,” he added.
He said that means in some cases, a 20-vear-old individual can be eligible for a taxi license and, additionally, it is a requirement that the individual is a BVI-islander or Belonger.
Hon Rymer also disclosed that 103 taxi licences were issued from 2019-2024 across all districts.
Although taxi drivers can be as young as 20 years old, just 2 are in the 20-25 category. The majority of applicants (31) are in the 26-36 age range. 32 individuals are in the 37-47 age range and 22 in the 48-58 age range.
In answering the question, the minister added that he hoped his colleagues could agree that it is "important that we protect the individual's privacy in the House."
20 Responses to “Works Minister protects privacy of taxi drivers in HoA”
YET there is no special price for locals. Protected to charge tourist and locals the same price. $30 a ride.
Privacy is important yet there should be a list of names and optionally a work contact number. We dont need to know where they live.
When entering a taxi the driver shows their ID card, if you walk with the list and the driver is not on there don't get in. How do we know the taxi is safe if the drivers are anonymous?
What is the point of a license otherwise... for control or for the people?
The ones who collect round trip fares from passengers and then leave them on the beach to fend for themselves and pay double while they return to their desk jobs? Who exactly is he protecting? Do we need another COI ?
I see a trend beginning with the members of government not to answer questions in the HOA that they deem not in the public interest.
My people watch the game.
I'm glad I met others who drive taxi who were great. Appreciate them. But don't protect criminals please.
There have been enough shootings. Good day.