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Women dominate Donkey Races @ Carrot Bay Cultural Fiesta 2023

The cultural expose of the Carrot Bay Cultural Fiesta at Carrot Bay, Tortola on day two August 11, 2023, saw for the first time, women dominating one of the biggest attractions, the donkey races. Photo: VINO
Three women comprising one from neighboring St Thomas, USVI and two from the USA challenged each other throughout the day for the donkey races. Photo: VINO
Three women comprising one from neighboring St Thomas, USVI and two from the USA challenged each other throughout the day for the donkey races. Photo: VINO
Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley also took part in the games. Photo: VINO
Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley also took part in the games. Photo: VINO
Scene from the Carrot Bay Cultural Festa 2023. Photo: VINO
Scene from the Carrot Bay Cultural Festa 2023. Photo: VINO
Scene from the Carrot Bay Cultural Festa 2023. Photo: VINO
Scene from the Carrot Bay Cultural Festa 2023. Photo: VINO
CARROT BAY, Tortola, VI- The cultural exposé of the Carrot Bay Cultural Fiesta at Carrot Bay, Tortola on day two Friday, August 11, 2023, saw, for the first time, women dominating one of the biggest attractions- the donkey races.

Three women comprising one from neighboring St Thomas, USVI and two from the USA challenged each other throughout the day.

In addition, there was the usual mango-eating competition along with other attractions including, the tug-of-war where both women and men's categories, the married men and married women respectively won against the singles.

Sack, bucket, along with the lime and spoon races were also part of the fun events for the day. 

Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) who participated in the lime and spoon race, claimed victory although crossing the line last, however, he was the only one with his lime in the spoon to the finish race.

The celebrations closed out with on-stage entertainment by DJ Push Pop, Selecta Taz, DJ Mars, Razor Blades, Pascal and Friends, and more from Pure Mass Band along with special guest performances.

16 Responses to “Women dominate Donkey Races @ Carrot Bay Cultural Fiesta 2023 ”

  • The watchdog (12/08/2023, 14:47) Like (31) Dislike (2) Reply
    Carrot bay does be nice
  • Jojo (12/08/2023, 18:44) Like (30) Dislike (5) Reply
    Finally an activity that had culture at the forefront. There is still hope for my island. I go to school in New York, so coming home to this display of the way things were done in the olden days was very enlightening. Now I see what Ms. Eileen Parson was talking. Hat's off to the Carrot Bay community.
  • Not culture, just cruel (12/08/2023, 19:40) Like (6) Dislike (20) Reply
    Cruelty in this heat to make an animal go through this.
  • 1st District (12/08/2023, 19:42) Like (25) Dislike (7) Reply
    This festival bvi is loosing its true culture, right now carrotbay and west e end is the backbone for culture in the bvi! Great event!
  • WOW (12/08/2023, 20:27) Like (4) Dislike (14) Reply
    The women them want donkey now.
  • No horse race (12/08/2023, 22:41) Like (4) Dislike (8) Reply
    He only could hug she in public
  • Jamie (13/08/2023, 08:16) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    Hi Premier, you and your beautiful wife look lovely.
  • Citizen (13/08/2023, 08:39) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Soon, everybody will have to ride a donkey with the high cost of living. The only result will be that everybody will not have land so the jackass can feed.
  • resident (13/08/2023, 11:06) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    Stop watering down Carrot Bay Fiesta and bring it back to life. The Carrot Bay Fiesta need back those village nights they use to have. Get booths build up and big artists like what they did back then.
  • resident (13/08/2023, 11:13) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Other artists can play alongside the local bands.
  • @ Staay (13/08/2023, 13:10) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
  • @resident (13/08/2023, 13:19) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree. Carrot Bay Elected District Leaders over the years has been sabotaging Carrot Bay August Festival Functions for years. They only care about our votes.
  • herbs power (14/08/2023, 08:33) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Where is all those vip followers who was calling down Myron for his Vincy wife. Y'all still ended up with a Vincy first lady.

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