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Willock calls on Bishop Cline & Pastor Turnbull to lead another march

-said this would be one to address domestic challenges and demand accountability
Political aspirant, former Permanent Secretary and son of the soil Mr Julian Willock, who strongly supported the march of May 24, 2018, against the United Kingdom’s decision to impose public registry for beneficial ownership on Overseas Territories in the Caribbean, has called for another march. Photo: Provided
The three cellular service and internet service providers in the Virgin Islands are (top to bottom): Flow, CCT Global Communications and Digicel. Photo: VINO/File
The three cellular service and internet service providers in the Virgin Islands are (top to bottom): Flow, CCT Global Communications and Digicel. Photo: VINO/File
BVI Airways was to provide direct flights between Miami International Airport, Florida, USA and Terrence B. Lettsome International on Beef Island, Virgin Islands; however, this has not materialised to date. Photo: Airways Magazine
BVI Airways was to provide direct flights between Miami International Airport, Florida, USA and Terrence B. Lettsome International on Beef Island, Virgin Islands; however, this has not materialised to date. Photo: Airways Magazine
Minister for Education and Culture Hon Walwyn V. Walwyn (AL), had publicly contradicted his boss, Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Hon D. Orlando Smith on the cost of the wall, which was also damaged by Hurricane Irma, but eventually admitted his figures were wrong. Photo: VINO/File
Minister for Education and Culture Hon Walwyn V. Walwyn (AL), had publicly contradicted his boss, Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Hon D. Orlando Smith on the cost of the wall, which was also damaged by Hurricane Irma, but eventually admitted his figures were wrong. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Political aspirant, former Permanent Secretary and son of the soil Mr Julian Willock, who strongly supported the march of May 24, 2018, against the United Kingdom’s decision to impose public registry for beneficial ownership on Overseas Territories in the Caribbean, has called for another march.

He made the call over the weekend, some 48 hours following the highly successful march spearheaded by Bishop John I. Cline of the New Life Baptist Church in Duff's Bottom. 

Mr Willock said he has now called on Bishop Cline and the Senior Pastor of the Cane Garden Bay Baptist Church, Dr Melvin Turnbull, to organise the second march to deal with domestic issues. 

He said the first march was about external issues and coming together for the country while the second will be calling on government and some in the private sector for accountability. 

What are we marching for?

The former Director of the Water and Sewerage Department stated that this march is to show the people’s displeasure over several issues, including:  

1. Poor Telecommunications Services, especially internet;  

2. Someone to answer about BVI Airways and the $7.2 million of taxpayers funds that may never be returned;   

3. The treatment of residents and businesses by some Insurance Companies following the 2017 hurricanes and floods and the long-awaited Consumer Protection Bill; 

4. Crime, more resources for the police and to show outrage over the murder of 11-year-old Trinity; 

5. Someone to answer for the $40 million overrun on the Tortola Pier Park Project, a $1.6M Elmore Stoutt High School Wall when scholarships have been placed on hold, due to funding and taking politics out of the education system; 

6. Better infrastructure, especially, roads and honest answers with regards to the fire, now almost three weeks old at Cox Heath, Tortola and the health struggles caused by the smoke;  

7. More resources and attention for the sister islands, as they are an equal part of the Virgin Islands, and a new look at representation for the sister islands of Virgin Gorda, Anegada and Jost van Dyke;  

8. A more transparent Government and one that produces timely financial audited reports, NO to bullying, and commitment to democratic principles, the rule of law and respect for the Virgin Islands Constitution; 

9. A judicial system that is fair and transparent and one where even the poor can get justice, especially, if they cannot afford legal representation; 

10. Better treatment in the workplace and better working conditions for both public and private sector employees, better treatment of our brothers and sisters from the Caribbean and to end discrimination against locals, and building a society where there are equal opportunities for all, regardless of race, place of birth or religion; 

11. Someone to be held accountable for businesses, homes, boats and churches that were looted after the 2017 hurricanes and a plan of action to prevent another breakdown in security; 

12. A call for the Government to diversify the economy, look for new revenue initiatives, and greater support for Agriculture, Fisheries, the environment and reduce local taxation that is now a burden  to most residents and affects their quality of life.

In the spirit of Martin Luther King

Mr Willock said he has called on the two religious leaders Cline and Turnbull because they have the moral authority to rally the people just like in the days of Martin Luther King Jr.  

He noted that Mr King who was a drum major for justice had marched for both internal and external issues. “He marched against the Vietnam war, which was external for the United States of America just like we marched on May 24, 2018, against the United Kingdom Parliament over the public register for beneficial ownership”.

Mr Willock, a student of social sciences and history, added that Martin Luther King Jr also marched on domestic issues of his day, including "better working conditions for sanitation employees, a more democratic society, transparency and to hold both the local and federal governments in the United States accountable."

The time is now for us to do another march just like King did, "addressing issues going back some 10 to 12 years,” Mr Willock stated. 

Mr Willock added it is "now important that the other issues be placed on the agenda", as we discuss self-determination and a way forward. 

The local businessman said that he is "confident that both Bishop Cline and Senior Pastor Turnbull will take on this challenge and let the people voices be heard, as he looks up to both men in the spirit of Martin Luther King where he stood against injustice anywhere.”

29 Responses to “Willock calls on Bishop Cline & Pastor Turnbull to lead another march ”

  • nonsense (28/05/2018, 12:59) Like (41) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why don't you organize the march? Don't wait 9n dem. You do it. Plain and simple.
    • @nonesense (28/05/2018, 17:00) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
      Agreed. Who want march should organize it and if it is for a great/successful cause we will follow
  • i from here (28/05/2018, 13:02) Like (27) Dislike (6) Reply
    "to end discrimination against locals," I like that one, as locals can't get jobs especially at the hospital
  • ReX FeRal (28/05/2018, 13:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wait first it.
  • ABC (28/05/2018, 14:01) Like (14) Dislike (6) Reply
    I agree with all thoes things 100 percent
    • @ABC (28/05/2018, 17:01) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
      Well then at least one person will be marching with the organisers.
    • Soft Heart for an angel gone too soon (28/05/2018, 17:09) Like (20) Dislike (1) Reply
      Man, #4 brought tears to my eyes. Glad that we have not forgotten the little angel and also the other victims of gun violence and crime. I was told about the injuries that the little child sustain when brought to the hospital and I can tell you if others knew how heartless those killers were,you would all be outraged. And to make matters worse the word going around was that it was mistaken imagine if they can just pull up along any vehicle and start shooting like that,who can be next??. The victims ALL deserve JUSTICE.
  • I agree (28/05/2018, 14:02) Like (20) Dislike (9) Reply
    I agree that NDP need protesting, but Esteemed One, why not organize it yourself? Im all in
  • Watching on the sideline (28/05/2018, 14:17) Like (25) Dislike (11) Reply
    Number 10 needs to include status for your Caribbean brothers and sisters residing and contributing to the economy for more than 20 years, yet no rights, no status.

    Or add #13. Children of those expats still have No Rights, No Status, they do not belong. Men and or women (expats) married to your citizens who should have status after 5 years, still have none after marrying for 10 and up to 15 years.

    Stop the Discrimination and Abuse of Human Rights of those Expats.

    Post Hurricanes, Premier stated he would fix the discrimination of the expats by the first quarter of 2018. Now it is almost 2 quarters into 2018 and absolutely Nothing is being said. People are still suffering. No one is listening, No one is helping. A match by those expats should be held, for expats by expats.
    • please (28/05/2018, 16:25) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
      For everyone, many UK nationals here over 20 years and still on work permits. needs to be sorted
    • UK Issue (28/05/2018, 17:04) Like (13) Dislike (5) Reply
      That is a UK issue not wanting expats to become British. Its the British Nationality Act that stipulates that children of expats can't be British. BVI is not a nation. It gets its status from the UK. Please understand issues before you come with these kind of posts. That is a big fight and needs to be thought about I agree but its not a BVI imposition. It is a UK imposition
      • Rubber Duck (29/05/2018, 06:31) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
        Blame the U.K. Never the fault of the belonger. So how come U.K. citizens are treated like indebtured slaves too. ? In the U.K. you become a citizen after 5 years. Get real.
  • NICK (28/05/2018, 14:20) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
    i will go and march for this one.
  • voice (28/05/2018, 14:25) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
    All very important issues and much needed but sad to say, there's no financial gain for them so I won't hold my breath.
  • YOLO (28/05/2018, 15:42) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Yes I send messages about all this information around on what's app thanks for putting it on line
  • trrefdrfds (28/05/2018, 16:04) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
    Mr Willock you jamming you on point always
  • support (28/05/2018, 16:49) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    Get on it and yes address key issues. Do you know if you google how to fund the BVI after Hurricane Irma there are so many links you can contribute and many have been contributing? where are the funds going? There are thousands of persons that contributed towards our recovery but the funds are clearly not disbursed. The airport project? The Airline purchase? The importance of inter island ferry services...immigration reform...accountability and the list goes on. March on the Queen's Birthday and make an impact on the UK decision and let it hurt!
  • JahRule (28/05/2018, 17:25) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Absolute internal rule is the only political advancement the Virgin islands need right now. The Cayman Islands Premier is saying the same thing. Let us band together with Cayman, Bermuda and the rest of us.
  • Big one missing (28/05/2018, 17:59) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    The labour and immigration process needs to be sorted out not tinkered with. People decrying the UK, rightly on some points, for endangering our financial services which is the cornerstone of our economy yet workers are being messed around and delayed at labour and immigration for months. That costs the BVI money not received in rent and tax and spending here and it also encourages companies to staff work elsewhere as BVI is too obstructive. Our competitors are happy to take this business
  • island man (28/05/2018, 19:21) Like (17) Dislike (7) Reply
    Mr Willock is a man of natural intelligence and is due to inspiration. Hope Mr. John Cline take up the challenge; Please Vote for Willock in election day to bring the BVI forward. He has a vision of great achievement for this territory.
  • Wendy (28/05/2018, 22:39) Like (9) Dislike (6) Reply
    Mehson at least we done know julian willock will be in the house ofassemly
  • confused (29/05/2018, 09:23) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
    So help me here. A few days ago we were asked to unite now the same people are now dividing us? Back to our old ways. It is obvious who is laughing.
  • concerned citizen (29/05/2018, 13:22) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now your issues are jamming! All that other stuff you have been talking about before were just rubbish! And you need to stick to these issues, be a leader and leave those other losers you have been supporting behind. This is a winning agenda; you don't even need to add anymore issues; however, you may add additional positive ones if you choose to. Now we can talk politics; these issues are on point; I am almost certain you know who is writing this article. I will seek you out and see if I can help you improve on this agenda and get you properly oriented towards being a leader instead of you supporting and trying to follow contaminated washed up wannabe politicians. Time to step out and be the leader I think you can be.
  • Lari (29/05/2018, 15:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree that there could be some more organised marches, but they cannot all be geared towards government. If one wants to represent citizens of a country such things as labour issues must also be considered. the BVI has a serious problem with this, as companies in the financial services industry continue to treat locals like trash. A stance should be taken against this too. Please add to the list of reasons to march.
  • Political Observer (PO) (30/05/2018, 15:47) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The timing is off on this march; the causes and window of opportunity was there to march but it was missed. The march to protest the action approved by both HC and HL suck all the interest/oxygen for marching out of air for now. The causes still exist so the electorate needs to exercise their constitutional right and march to polls and vote their conscience.

    They must demand transparency, accountability, responsibility, fiduciary responsibility, effective stewardship of resources.........etc not just by talk and hope but by action, peaceful action.
  • overseas (06/06/2018, 03:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Them must of think ayo is puppets or wha.. marching here marching there... He just need go take he own seat..
  • yrral (19/06/2018, 00:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Marrying a US Virgin Island citizens,you get citizenship after ,three years of marriage,you cannot enter the US virgin Is

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