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What’s all the silence about Gun Creek project & others?– VG residents

-Residents calling for ‘hand-picked’ advisory group to be revised
Some Virgin Gordians are not happy about the performance of the persons allegedly hand-picked by government to serve as the advisory committee for the Gun Creek development project. Photo: VINO/File
Government is being blamed for allegedly failing to keep residents of Virgin Gorda informed about several developmental projects air-marked for the sister island. Photo: VINO/File
Government is being blamed for allegedly failing to keep residents of Virgin Gorda informed about several developmental projects air-marked for the sister island. Photo: VINO/File
The incomplete bathroom facility at Top of the Baths at Virgin Gorda has become an eye-sore to residents. Photo: VINO/File
The incomplete bathroom facility at Top of the Baths at Virgin Gorda has become an eye-sore to residents. Photo: VINO/File
VALLEY, Virgin Gorda, VI – Residents of Virgin Gorda are calling for an update on the Gun Creek Development Project for North Sound, claiming that the “hand-picked” advisory committee members are not doing a good job at keeping the residents informed.

“I really thought those persons who they claim are representing us as the advisory committee would have been feeding us back as to what is going on and its months now that we haven’t heard again of what’s going on,” complained a resident of North Sound.

Concerns about the project exist among several circles in Virgin Gorda and most persons think an update on the Gun Creek and several other projects air-marked for the community is due. “What about Gun Creek Project? We need to know the truth about what’s going on there. Governments don’t play games with us. Next thing we will hear is that so and so body doing so and so and the project moving ahead. We would not stand for that, come and tell us where things are,” said another resident.

Others have been asking about the expansion of the Iris O’Neal Clinic, the port development project and the development of the recreational ground. “What about the completion of the toilet facilities at The Baths? We have so many ‘what abouts’ that we are not getting answers about. Government has this habit of coming and priming up people saying that they are going to do this and they are going to do that and then they just drop us like toys, just a brief update now and then. Let us know what’s going on, where you at and people would not have this kind of suspicions…” claimed a resident.

The issue of the incomplete bathroom facility at the Top of The Baths was described as a disgrace, victimization, disrespect and outright shame by residents. “Tourist Board come and put porter potties there and it seem like that is going to be there forever, those things are for short term use and its months unending now that they are there,” a resident complained.

He said several deadlines were previously given for the completion of the new bathroom facility but for months no work has been evident. “Soon it’s going to become the home for mosquitoes, snakes and rodents, that’s what it’s going to turn to if that’s not the case already,” he said.

Efforts to secure a response to the concerns from the respective government arms have been futile.

18 Responses to “What’s all the silence about Gun Creek project & others?– VG residents”

  • bvi (28/11/2013, 11:25) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Even the committee for gun creek is not bein updated. There was one meeting and not another up to now. So what update can you want when there is none to give
  • qc (28/11/2013, 11:44) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    ndp in silent again
  • kkk (28/11/2013, 11:53) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    another trick is on look out VG see who behind this
  • ooooo (28/11/2013, 12:29) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    how come laurie the mouth piece for the NHI aint on this committee?
    • wise up (28/11/2013, 20:42) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply

      NDP put a few dollars in l***y pocket and that took care of that !!!!!! ed**nd was cussing the green houses NDP sent money his way and cat cut his tongue.....NDP knows how to put the loud mouths to sit down;simply give them money;what a shame !!!!!!!

  • @@@@@ (28/11/2013, 13:28) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    You see why the NDP wants to media gone!!!!
  • virgin gorda (28/11/2013, 14:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    We have to be awfully careful how we tinker with this project and find out who is pushing it and why!!! Lest we be discredited in the eyes of some to second class citizens
  • closed (28/11/2013, 14:15) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    just shut up
  • Whatever.... (28/11/2013, 14:50) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply

    Ain't nothing happening because they waiting to see who shows up with the most bag m*ney.

  • Lizzy Lemar (28/11/2013, 16:26) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    They were hand picked for a reason. Everything with these people is being done in darkness, you won't hear until after the fact and if the people rise up against the maddness they are doing, all we will get is a huge bill for legal services after the people they have sold us out to turn around and sue the goverment for breach of contract. We are in deep, deep, trouble.
  • Champ (28/11/2013, 17:33) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    I see a bunch of moo moos on that committee they don't know sh....t
  • The Watcher (29/11/2013, 09:48) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    The residents of North Sound should not be looking for an update they should be trying to prevent this project from going through. VG has more pressing issues that the government should be addressing, such as a medical air vac for sick patients to be transported to Tortola. The current boat system is a joke cause the health officials have to repeatedly call before someone answers. What is happening to the real boat ambulance that government is fixing? What is happening to the renovations for a larger health clinic? Why is there not a doctor and nurse staffed 24 hours instead of being on call after 9:30 p.m. at the iris Oneal Clinic? The population of VG warrants this need. What is going on with the community centre in North Sound, why is not opened for the residents use? Why are the people of VG not being offered land to purchase from where the yacht club ends right down to Gun Creek? Are these lands too precious for our people? What about a mini fire stattion, park and a public library for North Sound?
  • men (29/11/2013, 16:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ask ralph these questions.that was B.C. choice for over 30 representation what soever
  • street man (03/12/2013, 10:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The meetings are just sham....nothing will change and the government will ram it down our thoats!!...simple to figure this out

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