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‘We’re defending marriage between a man & a woman’- Premier Wheatley

- says promised referendum is to send a message as to VI’s position on issue
Premier and Minister of Finance and Seventh District Representative Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley has said while the Virgin Islands (VI) welcomes persons of different cultures and beliefs in its society without discrimination, it is not in favour of anyone trying to force a different culture and beliefs on the VI people. Photo: RDA/File
Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Marlon A. Penn (R8) was asked his stance on the world embracing the LGBTQ+ community given that the VI is termed a ‘God fearing country’. Right is Independent D7 candidate Perline R. Scatliffe-Leonard and left is the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) candidate in the Eighth District, L. Allen Wheatley. Photo: Facebook
Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Marlon A. Penn (R8) was asked his stance on the world embracing the LGBTQ+ community given that the VI is termed a ‘God fearing country’. Right is Independent D7 candidate Perline R. Scatliffe-Leonard and left is the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) candidate in the Eighth District, L. Allen Wheatley. Photo: Facebook
Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) speaking on the forum ‘A Response’ hosted by the Community Worship Centre Church of God of Prophecy in Long Look on March 12, 2023. Photo: Facebook
Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) speaking on the forum ‘A Response’ hosted by the Community Worship Centre Church of God of Prophecy in Long Look on March 12, 2023. Photo: Facebook
LONG LOOK, Tortola, VI- Premier and Minister of Finance and Seventh District Representative Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley has said while the Virgin Islands (VI) welcomes persons of different cultures and beliefs in its society without discrimination, it is not in favour of anyone trying to force a different culture and beliefs on the VI people.

‘I’m against cultural imperialism’- Premier

“One thing that I’m certainly against in our community is what we call cultural imperialism. This is where one culture wants to force their culture on somebody else’s culture. And we in the Virgin Islands, we have a strong culture, we have a strong belief in God, we assert that we’re a Christian community,” Premier Wheatley said when asked to give his reason for recommending a referendum on the matter of same sex marriage and to state his position on abortion.

Dr Wheatley was at the time on the forum “A Response” hosted by the Community Worship Centre Church of God of Prophecy in Long Look on March 12, 2023.

“And while we accept others, and while we certainly don’t advocate for violence or discrimination against others, we are certainly firm in what we believe and what we want our culture to be,” Dr Wheatley added.

Defending marriage between man & woman

The Government is currently the respondent in a case currently before the High Court, where a same sex couple, both Virgin Islanders, were married abroad, and have mounted a legal challenge to have their union legally recognised in the [British] Virgin Islands. 

Dr Wheatley, in a statement on December 19, 2022, had said if the couple is successful, section 13(1)(c) of the Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Act, which provides that marriage is void unless the parties are respectively male and female, would be declared unconstitutional and, therefore, be null and void.  As a result, same-sex marriage would become legal in the Virgin Islands.

“Of course, we know that we have a legal case, and part of the purpose of this case which has been brought against the Government, which we are defending vigorously, we’re defending marriage between a man and a woman”, the Premier continued during Sunday’s forum.

Referendum is to ‘send a message’

In a special meeting of the Cabinet of the Virgin Islands held on Friday, December 16, 2022, Cabinet decided to refer the matter of same-sex marriage to a referendum, so that the electorate can consider and decide on the question of whether same-sex marriage should be legal. The referendum is expected to be held after the 2023 General Elections.

“What has been recommended to me, as a means of strengthening our case is to be able to allow the people of the Virgin Islands to make their views known and clear as it pertains to their belief that marriage should be between a man and a woman. And the referendum allows you the opportunity to…send that message to the court system, to the United Kingdom and to whoever else, in terms of what we want to see our community to be”, Dr Wheatley said.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Christian Concern and UK lawyer Mrs Andrea M. Williams has said the VI, being a nation based on a belief in God as stated in its constitution, should not even consider a referendum on same-sex marriage.

I am not one to be judgmental’- Hon Marlon A. Penn

Meanwhile, Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Marlon A. Penn (R8) was asked his stance on the world embracing the LGBTQ+ community given that the VI is termed a “God fearing country”.

Hon appeared to choose the path of being politically correct.

“I think that has to be consistent with the way that we govern, the way that we legislate. And I think it is not our responsibility to put our personal preference on the people of BVI.

“My opinion should not govern, should not dictate the way how I legislate and I believe that just how we’re doing the referendums on these issues, the people have spoken very loudly…I am not one to be judgmental but I believe that the principles of the law of the land and society should obtain”, Honourable Penn said.

44 Responses to “‘We’re defending marriage between a man & a woman’- Premier Wheatley”

  • mad max (13/03/2023, 10:38) Like (61) Dislike (30) Reply
    Not defending anything. Allowing same sex marriage does not impact marriage between men and women. Just another smoke screen.

    Human rights are human rights!
    • CHOOSE GOD AND STOP GOING ALONG TO GET ALONG (13/03/2023, 17:02) Like (8) Dislike (10) Reply
      Do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore, whoever chooses to be a friend of the world renders himself an enemy of God. - James 4:4

      Entertaining, liking social media posts, encouraging homosexuality including because they’re your family or friend IS WRONG.

      You made a choice to defend what God says is wrong over defending God’s Word.

      “We live in a world that increasingly strives to promote the idea of tolerance but actually becomes intolerant of Christian absolutes as it does so. Whether it involves religion, behavior, or human sexuality, there is a growing anti-Christian sentiment.

      Ultimately, built into this “tolerance” is the concept that truth is determined by each individual, not by God. This has led many people to conclude that making judgments on anyone (especially coming from Christians) is wrong because the Bible says “judge not”” (Matthew 7:1).

      Interestingly enough, those who reject the notion of God or the credibility of the Bible often attempt to use God’s Word (e.g., by quoting verses out of context) to excuse their actions when they are presented with the gospel and the plight of sinners for rejecting it.

      Now, people often take Matthew 7:1 out of context and claim we are not to judge but when you read the whole passage carefully, Christ is actually warning believers against making judgments in a hypocritical or condemning manner.

      Jesus also stated in John 7:24, “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” Notice the Lord’s command to judge. Before we make a judgment, we must make sure we are judging righteously from God’s Word and not relying on our own opinion.”

      Romans 1:24 - 32

      Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

      For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

      And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve death, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.

      • Rubber Duck (14/03/2023, 10:36) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
        The latter thanks.

        More evil is done in the name of god than for anything else.

      • mad max (15/03/2023, 12:27) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        @Choose God .. not sure if your rambling was aimed at me but ...

        It's possible to be religious without being a Christian
        It's possible to believe in a higher being or Spirit without being bound by a set of man made books
        It's possible to live with love as being your mantra and not judge everyone else
        It's possible you are horribly wrong and will be damned for your ill treatment of people different to yourself.

        Who knows? Not you, not me. So in the meantime, love your fellow man and bestow equal rights on all.
    • Yes (14/03/2023, 16:48) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      I married over 6 years and unable to get any status. Maybe same sex will be treated better as they know how to fight for rights even going to court. Trouble ent start yet
  • Really (13/03/2023, 10:44) Like (27) Dislike (23) Reply
    Not one person elected you to the office you are holding
  • Big Slick Willie (13/03/2023, 10:53) Like (39) Dislike (11) Reply
    That’s a very slippery slope. Hold your ground good Virgin Islanders.
  • Youth (13/03/2023, 10:55) Like (19) Dislike (7) Reply
    I like his explanation. It brought clarity to some of my concerns.
  • My Take (13/03/2023, 11:00) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    Let's pass the human rights legislation and the freedom of information acts first. Then have a referendum on this same set marriage and on independence.
    • @my take (13/03/2023, 14:28) Like (7) Dislike (8) Reply
      I can agree. However, we must fist decide it out country is based on God's principles. If not, then, this is good. Also note, if you open the door to same sex marriage please know that the next thing will be prayer out of school.....and we need this (for out country....look how it is going). Then everybody have a right to do anything; just walk in your yard and pick your mangoes and say this ah Jah, Jah land
      • Read your bible (13/03/2023, 15:43) Like (8) Dislike (11) Reply
        god condoned slavery - why would you worship such a sick god?
  • onelove (13/03/2023, 11:24) Like (33) Dislike (24) Reply
    Let persons make their own choice of happiness. Live and let Live.
    • You got to be crazy (13/03/2023, 16:59) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
      Crime and murder are some people happiness because they benefit from it,you don't think stright?
    • life (13/03/2023, 19:00) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Yes at happiest but not to make it law and to open that door to our beliefs among the majority of the BVI against it. Not to try and normalize something that is abnormal. Next other humans will want to be identified as anything possible or imaginable.
  • Clearly (13/03/2023, 11:24) Like (28) Dislike (1) Reply
    Clearly Natalio's response made the most sense. As usual Marlon sat on the fence.
  • rattie (13/03/2023, 11:29) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ronnie cannot speak he could not address this clearly
  • Typical (13/03/2023, 11:34) Like (23) Dislike (4) Reply
    ‘I am not one to be judgmental’- Hon Marlon A. Penn

    Meanwhile, Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Marlon A. Penn (R8) was asked his stance on the world embracing the LGBTQ+ community given that the VI is termed a “God fearing country”.

    Hon appeared to choose the path of being politically correct.

    “I think that has to be consistent with the way that we govern, the way that we legislate. And I think it is not our responsibility to put our personal preference on the people of BVI.

    “My opinion should not govern, should not dictate the way how I legislate and I believe that just how we’re doing the referendums on these issues, the people have spoken very loudly…I am not one to be judgmental but I believe that the principles of the law of the land and society should obtain”, Honourable Penn said.

    This is TYPICAL MARLON PENN. Always straddling the fence, never want to make a decision on anything, always playing it safe. And this is the man we supposed to have as Premier in these times? Sowande answered straight up, that is a MAN!
  • John (13/03/2023, 11:44) Like (8) Dislike (15) Reply
    Mehson I trying to tek bud in the privacy of my own home without worrying government could lock we up. Tekking bud leads to feelings eventually, if its w the same man. That feelings lead to relationship then marriage. So why is it so hard to let we marry if we so choose? Get w the times.
    • god is watching (13/03/2023, 21:15) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply

      Leviticus 18 and 20
      "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination." Chapter 18 verse 22. "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."
  • Native senior citizen (MoG) of the British Virgin Islands (13/03/2023, 11:49) Like (5) Dislike (13) Reply
    Hon. Natalio Sawande Wheatley, current Premier of BVI. There is no need for a referendum to send a message to anyone in reference to the topic matter. If you truly believe what you have said on the issue of marriage, simple disagree by not supporting in any for or fashion same sex marriage.

    You said the we, Virgin Islanders are a Christian Community (believe in the principles of God). Allowed me, if you please to explain what a Christian Community mindset is. A Christian Community mindset is the daily practicing of love for God, our heavenly Father and Creator selflessly and to love our neighbors as we love selflessly. Is this principle being practicing daily by the majority of us daily? No! Deceitful actions are being practice daily "Guilty or not guilty?"

    I hate same sex marriage, but not people that have been deceived, and held hostage to it's deceptive illusionary power.

    God is willing, and able to do far and exceedingly above what we are able to think, and ask of Him. For a better future, genuine repenting is a must, not an if.
  • out of our houses (13/03/2023, 11:54) Like (12) Dislike (15) Reply
    you are not defending ANYTHING. You are simply sticking the government nose where it has no business.
  • Clearance pls (13/03/2023, 12:13) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    If the house is dissolve why are they still being presented as ministers.
    • Retired G.E (13/03/2023, 13:18) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      That's how it has been for ever. It is the law, whereby the 5 Ministers continue to run their ministries until Elections and the other members are put in the pasture
  • great answer (13/03/2023, 12:25) Like (16) Dislike (8) Reply
    Hon Wheatly. I don't usually agree with you but I 100 percent agree with you on this one. Who decides what we should and should not accept in terms of our laws. Let those folks who are from the UK, US and others handle their own business, not impose theirs on us.
  • cap (13/03/2023, 12:57) Like (16) Dislike (19) Reply
    Allowing same sex marriage literally has no impact on men marrying women. This is just another example of how ignorant some people are and scarily, this is coming from our premier. Who, by the way, was not elected to hold that position. Bring on the next election, vote against bigotry.
    • @cap not cap (13/03/2023, 19:14) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      If you are for same sex marriage, there are many places in the world you can get married by law that already turn their back on God. Did anyone elect the Governor? Let's start there regarding holding position(s) NOT elected by the people. Not because others hold traditional values and use the Bible as guidance means they are a bigot. What principles do you honor and hold? Stand for something or fall for anything. And that's CAP.
      • cap (15/03/2023, 17:03) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        I stand for equality. And I much prefer the governor being here to make sure our officials don’t steal from us. Sex outside of wedlock is turning your back on god too, but that is legal?
  • Common Sense (13/03/2023, 13:17) Like (11) Dislike (14) Reply
    Defending marriage between a man and women from what, no one is threatening such marriage in any way shape or form. The reality of your stance is the entire Western civilized world is wrong, and, you are right, that’s rather arrogant don’t you think.
    • @common sense (13/03/2023, 14:40) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
      No. Rather you believe the entire western world is right and the bvi is wrong. Why use the word 'civilised' to describe the western world when not even animals behave in the way humans want legalized. Christians should not have to be demonised for their Christian beliefs in their own Christian communities. Why don't you guys go and preach to some other communities that do not condone these things and leave the Caribbean out of it.
      • Common Sense (13/03/2023, 15:56) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
        Let’s keep this civil and Christian like shall we. The UK is governed by the rule of law, not by religious beliefs, and, as we are a British territory we will ultimately be brought into line at some stage. In the meantime let’s examine exactly what is being tabled here. A sector of the community is requesting their relationships be signed off under the rule of law, I don’t think they are asking for it to be accepted or blessed by the church, which, seems to be your concern. In the UK millions of people are married in registry offices the same as they are in corresponding legal frameworks throughout the Western world. Now, if you are demanding that the church relegate the rule of law to second place, then, I think you are going to be disappointed.
      • @@common sense (13/03/2023, 19:40) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
        Have you ever read a book? Or done any research for yourself, other than what the church has told you? I’m guessing no. Get out from under your rock and join the real world.
        • Common Sense (14/03/2023, 14:21) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
          I think it’s the real world that accepts gay marriage, you are in the minority here.
  • Wrinkles (13/03/2023, 13:24) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    In other news, l would like to have a face lift from Lorna's doctor. He/she did an excellent job
  • So sad (13/03/2023, 13:37) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    The priorities still of this government or wanabe elected officials. How is this more important that education, security, healthcare, roads etc etc? How!? Are you so blinded by insisting on preventing two people being happy that you pursue it blindly at the cost of all these other things!? So so sad.
  • Marlon said (13/03/2023, 13:42) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Marlon said exactly what Sowande is saying. It is not about his personal stance. It is about what the people of the virgin islands want (referendum). He is saying he is not a dictator and he recognises that the people have spoken loudly. That will be the message to the UK. The topic is not about his personal preferences. How is that straddling. Am I missing something here?
  • Judge Dredd (13/03/2023, 14:35) Like (6) Dislike (6) Reply
    The Constitution everyone has the right to marry and a found a family, that also includes whether it is 2 women or 2 men they can marry and found a family the same way a man and a woman can marry and found a family. It's the law.
  • No you're not.... (13/03/2023, 14:52) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply
    No, you're using the fear of religion to impose your beliefs on other people. Live and let live. You're hiding behind religion to try and force people to do what YOU want them to do. They aren't trying to force their beliefs on you. Take a serious look in the mirror - how did Christianity reach these shores? Ask yourselves who used it to control who? NOW ask yourself if you're here doing the same thing. This religion was imposed on your forefathers and mothers for control - now you're here doing the exact same thing to others.... DISGRACEFUL.
  • love it (13/03/2023, 19:26) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    y'all know that the sowande is a pan Africanist..
  • Ungodly Agenda (13/03/2023, 20:37) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hold your ground Premier. First it starts off with their supposedly "harmless" gay marriage. Then they come with follow up laws to redefine who and what a woman is. Next they will try to impose laws om the school system to void out male and female. God will not be mocked. Repent. It is a pyramid of agendas put together. Why do you think the UK slave owner descendants want to tackle the constitution first?
  • Norris Turnbull (13/03/2023, 21:06) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    LGBTQ...What does this mean? and where did it come from? When you start to ask about the defining you go into an area of ethics and Morality. But, are there other pressing issues that need to be tackled at this time?
  • Agreeable One (13/03/2023, 22:08) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    How did I miss this???

    Article 73; UN Charter

    to ensure, with due respect for the culture of the peoples concerned, their political, economic, social, and educational advancement, their just treatment, and their protection against abuses;

    Is this even a discussion??????
  • hmm (14/03/2023, 10:21) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fornication is also un-Christian. Can we have referendum on fornication? Same sex marriage has no impact on opposite sex marriage. Let us get to the real issues...stamping out corruption and largesse.
  • ... (14/03/2023, 18:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The pope has said transgender -ism is an ideology and that ideological colonialization is both dangerous & sinful.

    No to ideological colonialism. Your definition of human rights is way off. Two men have the right to enter each others bodies but yet they literally police what joyful substances goes into other bodies.
  • Yes We Are (15/03/2023, 11:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tell them

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