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‘We will ensure our voices are heard & our needs addressed- UKOTA President

-Said his appointment is not just about leadership but unity & collaboration among OTs
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has reinforced the importance of unity and collaboration, in announcing his new role as President of the UK Overseas Territories Association (UKOTA)—and also President of the Association’s Political Council. Photo: VINO/UKOTA
From left: Minister from Anguilla, Honourable Kenneth M. Hodge; Turks and Caicos Islands Premier, Honourable Charles Washington Misick, OBE; Premier of Cayman Islands, Juliana Y. O'Connor-Connolly; Premier of Monserratt, Honourable Ruben T. Meade; and Premier of the Virgin Islands and President of the UK Overseas Territories Association (UKOTA), Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) at the UKOTA Political Council Meeting in November 2024. Photo: GIS
From left: Minister from Anguilla, Honourable Kenneth M. Hodge; Turks and Caicos Islands Premier, Honourable Charles Washington Misick, OBE; Premier of Cayman Islands, Juliana Y. O'Connor-Connolly; Premier of Monserratt, Honourable Ruben T. Meade; and Premier of the Virgin Islands and President of the UK Overseas Territories Association (UKOTA), Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) at the UKOTA Political Council Meeting in November 2024. Photo: GIS
Ms Tracey Bradshaw, the UK Representative and Director of the BVI London Office, is the Chair of UKOTA. Photo: GIS
Ms Tracey Bradshaw, the UK Representative and Director of the BVI London Office, is the Chair of UKOTA. Photo: GIS
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – “Together, we will harness our collective strengths to address the challenges we face, such as climate change and economic resilience, and to seize the opportunities that lie ahead for our territories.”

This is according to Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), who at his first press engagement for the year (January 23, 2025), reinforced the importance of unity and collaboration, in announcing his new role as President of the UK Overseas Territories Association (UKOTA)—and also President of the Association’s Political Council.

‘It’s not just about leadership’

Expressing his gratitude and outlining his vision for the presidency, Premier Wheatley told media operatives, “This appointment is not just about leadership; it’s about unity and collaboration. Together, we will harness our collective strengths to address the challenges we face, such as climate change and economic resilience, and to seize the opportunities that lie ahead for our territories.”

The Premier affirmed his administration’s commitment, to amplifying the voices of UK Overseas Territories within the United Kingdom, pledging, “We will ensure that our voices are heard and our needs addressed; By cultivating closer ties with His Majesty's Government and the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office, we will support collaboration on important issues affecting our territories.”

Tracy Bradshaw to oversee ‘governance of the Presidency’

In tandem with Dr Wheatley’s appointment, Ms Tracey Bradshaw, UK Representative and Director of the BVI London Office, has also been elected Chair of UKOTA.

Ms Bradshaw, at the time of the official announcement in a government missive on January 9, 2025, had also expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to serve, stating, “I am deeply honoured to take on the role of Chair of UKOTA.”
According to Ms Bradshaw, “Alongside Premier Wheatley and our dedicated team, we will work tirelessly to ensure that the concerns and aspirations of the UK Overseas Territories are acknowledged and addressed with the utmost diligence and respect.”

Ms Bradshaw, as Chair, will focus on governance and strategic alignment.

“The Chair will oversee the governance of the Presidency, coordinating initiatives, collaboration, and ensuring accountability, thereby aligning efforts with the Association's strategic goals,” Dr Wheatley explained.

‘We are well-positioned to unify our voices’- Premier

Meanwhile, Dr. Wheatley additionally, spoke to the leadership responsibilities associated with these roles, explaining that as President, he will preside over the Political Council and prioritise the interests of all territories in the Association’s deliberations.

“Our leadership in the United Kingdom Overseas Territories Association strengthens our representation and collaboration for all overseas territories, reinforcing our collective presence in discussions with His Majesty's Government and other stakeholders.”

UKOTA serves as the collective voice of the UK Overseas Territories, ensuring that all territories, regardless of size or economic capacity, are equitably represented in discussions with the UK Government.

Looking ahead, the Premier emphasised the importance of addressing shared challenges: "We are well-positioned to unify our voices in addressing shared challenges, ensuring that our aspirations are realised.”

8 Responses to “‘We will ensure our voices are heard & our needs addressed- UKOTA President”

  • NB (27/01/2025, 09:26) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Struuups. For the love of God, please please please give us basic water to bathe messon. Ah fed up boss, ah fed up :(
  • Jimmy smith (27/01/2025, 10:33) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am offering 100 points to first person who can tell how UKTOA help our local economy, social issues etc.
  • Cindy (27/01/2025, 10:49) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
    So happy the bvi has first class representation overseas
  • Eagle Eye (27/01/2025, 11:30) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    When all of y'all went to college to learn and carry on the same shyte. The change can only come from someone who is not of the system.
  • Bishop (27/01/2025, 11:35) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am so tired of hearing these recycled narratives; Unity, Rconomic Resilience without the voice of the people affected the most not being heard. Mr. Premier our voices are not up for debate. What segments of the various Virgin Islands communities you and your elitist agendas take care of? What are the business opportunities for our young men and young women? What entreprenurial opportunities are open to that very important segment of this territory? Is there a platform for their voices to be heard? Who speaks for them? Mr. Premier what avenues or paths as Leader of this territory provide a spring board to give a starting point towards empowerment and a successful youthful business population? You want to talk economic resilience? Consider the under privileged, the forgotten and the invisible. If they are left out of the equation, "Economic Resiliency" will never be attained. A tree needs its roots to stand, flower and bloom. This is my opinion.
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (27/01/2025, 13:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    The word we is a collective word, in the sense it could mean some of a total or the whole total amount of people of the BVI. When our political Premier used the word we, he is not at all times referring to all the people of the BVI. He is, in fact referring to a specific group of persons, himself included.
    I think he should say others and me because that is actually what he meant. He knows how to play with the English language skillfully, but only those that lacks Godly spiritual discernment are able to understand that words that differ from thought to deceived others are dishonest.

    There is a quoted saying that reads like the following. "You can fool all the people some of the time, you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. Conclusion up and coming: No creature that was created by God can fool him at no time.
    You Be honest Premier. Action love for all the people of the BVI, over BVI LOVE only for some.
  • -------------------------- (27/01/2025, 17:47) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    showda seems to be afraid now to talk about independence
  • BuzzBvi (27/01/2025, 17:49) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    He going to use this to push for the Independence that the VI people do not want. Although he always saying he talks for the people of the VI. He only ever talking for himself. He just so desperate to go in to the history books nothing else matters.

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