'We take trips because we are fighting' for the VI people – Premier Wheatley

The Premier, speaking at the Sixth Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth House of Assembly on Tuesday, December 19, 2023, said the VI has made it clear to the United Kingdom (UK) that public registers cannot be imposed in such a way that violates the privacy of clients in the financial services sector.
'We have held off impending danger- Premier
“And we have been successful in persuading them that we could not impose it under those conditions, that is a victory. And we did that after flying up to the United Kingdom and we must not encourage people that these trips are just some sightseeing trips.”
“I've been to the United Kingdom several times. I don't need to go up there in the cold to sightseeing. Go up there, your lip get chapped up, your nose running. I prefer to be home here in the Virgin Islands…. We take these trips because we are fighting on behalf of the people of the Virgin Islands, and as a result of that fight, Mr Speaker. We have held off impending danger.”
Dr Wheatley said as a result of government officials going to the UK, an Order on Beneficial Ownership that was supposed to be imposed on the Overseas Territories, including the [British] Virgin Islands, in December was successfully defeated.
Even the Opposition travelling!- Premier
The Premier said politics has resulted in persons unfairly criticising the government's travels to important events; however, even the Opposition Members have been travelling and understand the importance of travel as most of them were Ministers of Government before.
"In fact, even as a Member of the Opposition, persons are traveling to go to Ghana and to go to the United Kingdom and to go to Turks and Caicos. You have to get on the plane, nobody swam,” Dr Wheatley said.
The Premier reminded that the government needs to travel to fulfill the government’s mandate in the best interest of the people of the people VI.
“We must encourage persons to be mature enough to understand when you have to travel and why you have to travel, and how it's in the best interest of the people, as opposed to allowing politics to allow us to feed our people this narrative. That is going to hurt everybody. You know, the Opposition of today could be the government tomorrow,” Dr Wheatley reasoned.



39 Responses to “'We take trips because we are fighting' for the VI people – Premier Wheatley”
what needs doing for the people is fixing the public roads| pockwood pond| making sure the people have water 24 Hours| Correct the Sewage| fix the high fuel charges on our light bill
these days people simply google and right there they see what they need to know about our country
fix the place for the people mr premier using some that ticket money) hotel money) dinner) lunch) transport money)……then go on your paid vacation trips
But a good father takes care of his children first before hooking up @ the club
home come first
I started out this post with real talk that perception is reality in the space. The perception now floating around from Anegada to Jost Van Dyke to Peter Island to Guana Island to Virgin Gorda to Tortola to other locales is the Dr. Hon Premier Natalio Wheatley, R-7, MoF, leader of government business, is spending more time abroad than at home visiting with folks in District 7. It may not be totally accurate but it is the perception. And perception is what…………..reality, not can be reality.
Per night, car service, $100.00 per day and other expenses. Just imagine if this was my bill and I did not fly first class or stay in a five star hotel.
I think that the premier is also failing to acknowledge that the emphasis is on unnecessary traveling. They don’t need to attend every conference. They need to be more strategic and stop using the public’s purse for their joy rides.
There is no reason that you can't travel and represent the BVI. Just be honest about it. Did anyone else go on the BVI's dime??