VIslanders allegedy being sued in net Ponzi scheme

A number of international websites have named a number of Virgin Islanders as having been sued by the court-appointed Zeek Rewards Receiver as they seek to go after net-winners who reside outside the USA.
According to a site named Behind MLM, in addition to having already sued net-winners in Canada and Australia, the Receiver is now targeting those who stole from Zeek’s victims in New Zealand and the Virgin Islands.
The site claims that from the Virgin Islands complaint, five defendants are allegedly named: Agnita Solomon ($2.05 million), Marguerite D. Hodge ($115,776), Susan Forbes ($603,288), Marcus Drigo ($70,262) and Patrice Harewood ($59,940).
“Stealing over $2 million dollars puts Agnita Solomon right up there with Zeek’s top Ponzi investors,” the site alleged.
It further detailed that Solomon was a major player in Zeek Rewards, with Zeek’s owner Paul Burks mentioning her in a communication to COO Dawn Wright-Olivares back in 2011: “This allows us to defer to some of our major people like Agnita Solomon who manage dozens of accounts so that they don’t [sic] have to place so many ads every day,” according to Behind MLM.
It alleged that evidently Solomon was involved in directly profiting from Zeek’s affiliates, by charging them a fee to automate the spam requirement to collect their daily Return on Investment (ROI).
The United States’ Securities and Exchange Commission shut down Zeek’s operations in 2012 and caused it to be put into receivership.
“Having made so much in Zeek Rewards, Solomon appears to have laid low since it was shut down. On her LinkedIn profile, Solomon credits herself as the Managing Director at Fidelity Corporate Services Ltd,” claims the site.
“Fidelity Corporate Services Ltd is a professional offshore incorporation services firm. We are located in the British Virgin Islands and we specialize in BVI Business Companies – probably the world’s most popular type of offshore company,” according to the article on the Behind MLM website.
Nothing on the MLM front came up for Marguerite D. Hodge, although she does appear to be connected to a “Chase Manhattan Bank”. Chase Manhattan Bank appears to operate out of a PO Box in the BVI, with an email address bearing Hodge’s name cited as the contact, it is alleged.
It is said that nothing of particular interest came up for Marcus Drigo and Patrice Harewood.
As with clawback litigation filed against other net-winners, the named defendants in each complaint will now be given a chance to respond, the article said.
Should they fail to respond, the Receiver will then enter a motion requesting default judgment (the amount they allegedly stole plus interest).
FIA seeking more info
Speaking to this news site today February 26, 2015, Director of the Financial Investigation Agency (FIA) Mr Errol George said that they are seeking more information on the matter.
“We are aware that the court action has been initiated in the United States,” he said. “Other than that we have some information but I don’t think that we can say much more,” he added.
“We can’t say much more at this stage other than we are trying to gather as much information as possible,” said George.
When contacted for a comment today, Susan Forbes told this news site that she had no comment to make. Attempts to reach the other persons named in the suit proved futile.
Public Relations Officer of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) Diane Drayton when contacted by this news site on the issue said she had no information but that officers from the RVIPF are usually stationed at the FIA working along with investigators there on financial crimes.
Further details of this can be had via the following links:
The court document from United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina can be found here:



75 Responses to “VIslanders allegedy being sued in net Ponzi scheme”
Your own US people try to rip off people around the World! Go in the U.S. Treasury and payback all the victims!
You all try to go with our people recently and you LOST!
You all will LOSE again!
And all of us went to the Bank to deposit and cash the cheques. Look for me!
Now we have all women inna ponzi scheme.
So much people invest in this Zeek thing and got rob but yet don't want to give the GOD 10%!
You will get back way way more from GOD when you tithe than any nonsense you all sign up to out there!
Stop believing p..s saying we paying for Pastor life style! You paying your tithes and offerings to GOD!
If the pastor want to take it and buy cars and houses then GOD will deal with him!
Make sure you do your part so you don't rob GOD!
Same as if you put $5,000 on your Bank account and the Bank takes it and do p..s, what that got to do with you ? All you care about is when you go to make a withdrawal your money there right ?
Miracles happen - so they say, but show one miracle that has actually happened - oh you cant!
Churches are the biggest thieves, biggest conmen and to make it worse stupid governments around the world allow it to go on and even give them tax breaks.
Let me hear about the miracles you know about, not claims by conmen
Why is it illegal? The rationale as to why it is illegal is that the world has a finite population. Let us assume that this is 5 million people. Each person is dependent on the profits derived from the persons they bring in under them. The five millionth person will have no person to bring into the scheme under them as they would be the last person in the world. Hence that person would lose and on this basis, the courts have determined that these schemes are illegal and are destined to defraud someone.
(1) Zeek Rewards
(2) Syntek Global
(3) Wake Up Now
(4) Paycation
If you've ever seen the sales representative for these "companies" making a presentation, notice they never try to sell you using concrete financial statistic such as stock price, net income, gross revenue compared to operations expenditure, background of the CEO, CFO, COO or any such viable information to make an inteligent decision to invest. Instead, they all show presentations of celebs flashing money, fast cars, big mansions, cruise ships, someone on the beach with a laptop sipping on a cocktail and they all say "this could be you" just pay us, sign up here, and try and encourage every one you know to also pay us.
Its amazing how many people fall for this, and continue to fall for this! People in wake up now need to truly wake up and people in paycation need to truely pay attention, syentek is no different, all of these will eventually meet the faith of zeek rewards. On an island this small can you really look at your neighbor, co-worker, friend, family in the eye after the dust settle and they've lost their savings so that you can add a few extra dollars to yours?
Eluding to Paycation being a Ponzi Scheme is completely Wrong and "Opinion" based
FYI: Paycation Travel is one of the leading providers of travel- related services and travel education in the world. They utilize and have partnered with an extensive and outstanding group of travel partners Including PRICELINE (which is currently trading at $1000 a share and worth 1.65 Billion) that help Paycation provide the best values for our vacation program and our members worldwide.
Paycation is the marketing side of Xstream Travel, which is ALREADY a 12 year-old, Licensed and Bonded travel agency headquartered in Dallas, TX, to provide Paycation members with professional training to become a Referring Travel Consultant or a Certified Travel Consultant.
The Paycation Opportunities vision is to become the premier provider of travel-related services and to become the most respected and admired company in the world by adhering to the principles of TRUST, RESPECT, INTEGRITY and EDIFICATION. To revolutionize travel through the power of relationships and technology along with an unprecedented income opportunity.
FYI: I completely respect your Opinion and I believe you are looking out for the better good of your people but your inclusion of the Paycation Travel Opportunity is Wrong and not based off of Facts..
If your interested in having a further dialog about the Paycation business model you can email me at I'm actually a stay at home dad that is retired from the Paycation opportunity at the age of 32 :)
Our organization does not present this business or imply it as a get rich quick scheme or Ponzi scheme. You are paying for your certification when you get started and after that you pay to have your website for travel, back office to track everything in your business and access to our travel platform where we are partnered with the PRICELINE for our travel engine. Is there alot of success currently Absolutely!!! We do not and will not portray that as a means to get anyone into our business, that's just evidence of what is possible. Our travel company X stream travel has been around for over 13 years and is rock solid financially. As with many things they will have people that prey on people for the alright $ but as for myself and my Team that I have started to establish in the Virgin Islands we build the correct way, with transparency as our good name and character is never worth jeopardize for any amount of money. The relationships we have forged with our friends and family is what we stand behind. If it's not for you it's not for you. If anyone has any questions and concerns about Paycation feel free to contact me direct
I understand everyone's concern especially being on an island where people may look to Prey on the weakness of some. I'm not just some guy from the U.S as my entire family is from the even smaller island of St. Vincent so I understand the viewpoint of those reading this article. I just had to let it be known that that is not what we are about and will never be about and it's a shame that fraudulent companies and misguided reps can tarnish the reputation or legitimate companies. Be blessed!
One also has to ask oneself how many "legitimate" business persons allegedly involve themselves in and directly benefit from any internet SPAM schemes by charging affiliates a fee to automate the spam requirement in order to collect their daily Return on Investment (ROI)?
Also, after having read several articles regarding the Zeek scheme, who in their right mind would not question a promised 300% return on investment during a time when it is very difficult to get 3% or 4% interest on your money from banks? That is waaaaay beyond gullible in my humble opinion ... assuming our people were just "innocent" investors.
It is the receiver's job to collect the monies (plus interest) allegedly "stolen" from millions of Zeek investors. I truly hope those who were burned will have their life savings returned to them. There is nothing quite so cruel as destroying people financially, particularly those in their golden years.
Bernie Madoff (the king of Ponzi schemes) was sentenced to 150 years in jail for swindling unsuspecting and trusting investors out of some 65 BILLION dollars. He literally destroyed thousands of people with his scheme. Some lost their homes, their life savings and their dignity. Some elderly victims died penniless. His own son committed suicide as a result of his father's actions.
The few who collect the profits from Ponzi schemes are lower than low and must be made to pay the price of their actions.
Our current system has structured our thinking as follows: Go to school and do well so that you can get into a 4-7 year college so that you can start your adult life in the red with -$50,000+ in student loan (debt), shortly there after you will go to the bank and add some more to that debt to the tune of $300,000+ to build your house. O don't forget that you have to get to work on time and show that you have status Mr. College Graduate, please buy yourself that luxurious $50,000 car. Do not worry about the debt because there is a perfect solution. You only have to commit to work from 9 - 5 every day of your life for the next 40 years to build someone else's dream. If you have difficulty meeting what the bank requires or you can't pay the unregulated prices for food or telephone or Internet for kids to do their research or gas to climb those ridiculous hills or parts for the car because of those potholes in our poorly built/repaired roads - restrategize - you're smart - take on a second job - never mind your kids won't have time with you - they'll be ok - I mean normal like many others who are plagued with behavioral issues. Trust me the system is perfect. Look around that is what normal people do!! Remember if you do make it through the 40 years I mentioned earlier then you will get a big reward PENSION. This is the ultimate. I think it's less than what you'll make on your 9-5 though. Hmmm the 9-5 could not meet your needs then and the cost of living would be up plus you'll have children to send through the same cycling system. I'll tell you what; how about coming back after the 40 yrs and continue. Remember a few things - time and money is for a selected few. Do what normal people do. THIS IS THE SYSTEM AND WE ARE JUST A PART OF IT. (Do NOT give up on your dreams.....Keep on sleeping)
I'll tell you what. The reality is there are some profitable legitimate network marketing businesses out there (Paycation included). It is your duty to investigate before you commit. You're smart. It's a beautiful world out there and you should see it.
Best regards to you and see you at the beach and the bank.
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