VIP Gov’t denounces recent violent crimes in VI

St Vincent and the Grenadines native, Deverson Williams, was identified as the latest murder victim. His vehicle was heading west when he came under heavy gunfire in the vicinity of International Motors at roughly 3:50 pm. Mr Williams suffered multiple gunshot wounds about his body and reportedly died while still in his vehicle secured by his seatbelt.
Incentives for info!
“We need to let the public know that this government, we denounce all this violent crime taking place. It is not time to cast any blame, we need to make sure that all the information is coming forth, that persons within the community that have the information, that they reach out to the authorities and let them know what they know,” Hon Rymer stated while on the VIP Let’s Talk radio programme on ZBVI 780 AM on March 16, 2021.
He added: “And Premier I remember some years back they were offered money, for persons who would come forward with information. I’m not sure what is happening in the National Security Council, but maybe we need some incentives for persons to come forward to say what they know because, at this time in our territory, we need to make sure that we continue to be safe.”
It should be noted that rewards have been put on offer for information pertaining to certain crimes in the VI, including the shooting of Trinity A. Moses and Franklyn E. Penn Jr in November 2017.
‘Nip it in the bud’
Hon Rymer said the territory’s low crime statistics made it a safe place and “highly revered in the rest of the world in terms of being safe, but this, what we are going through right now, we definitely need to nip it in the bud. We have to make sure that we understand what is taking place and the effect that it could have on this territory.”
He said programmes such as community policing needs to be introduced to make persons feel safe once more, and while the local police must be commended for their hard work, “The crimes continue to increase, and we must take a stand on that. There are different ways that you can settle your issues because when you go and commit these crimes it is taxing on the community.”
Crime-fighting starts in the home- Premier
Also adding his voice, Premier and Minister for Finance Hon. Andrew A. Fahie (R1) said, apart from the police officers, crime-fighting starts with parents.
“We also have to make sure that we train up our children in the right way, I’m not saying when you train them things can’t happen, because we are human beings, but at least you know that you did your part so that even if they go astray, they can know that there is a foundation for them to get back to.”
Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture Dr The Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) likewise called on persons within the community to unite to fight crime and expressed his condolences to the victim's family.



25 Responses to “VIP Gov’t denounces recent violent crimes in VI”
These act of violence is not no simple domestic disagreement of any sort and community policing and all that sort of idea of bringing up children in rigth way is any solution to wat going on ...this is a trend of organized crime plaguing this community for so long from up high till it out of control now to the point where the issue need to be addressed for what it magnitudes of it is and not to be turning blind eye and scape goating out of hand now where it now totally out of control...and I blame some for coming and interrupting it and not putting a cap on the situation when there did by putting that ship out there in water talking piss about corvid there new that drug was here to go transport over to us that is wat cause the interruption of this mess and there new it would to create more fester of violence to prove what ? Play politics...why aren't there doing the rigth thing in the rigth way to solve and protect the best interest of the bvi ...all dam politics.. there had know so much and does so little ...hmmmm
Call a spade a spade
Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr. the Honourable D. Orlando Smith, OBE, is appealing to the community to help keep the Virgin Islands safe by turning in illegal weapons during an amnesty instituted by the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) in July.
It is anticipated that persons will use the opportunity, in light of increased prison terms, to turn over any prohibited weapons in their possession to the RVIPF, during the month long Firearm and Offensive Weapons Amnesty
Premier Smith said, “This act of compliance is especially important in promoting safety for our people and our visitors, particularly as we prepare for our Emancipation Festival season in a few weeks.”
The Premier noted that gun violence affects the BVI society at its core and destroys families, along with lifelong friendships, in addition to hindering the Territory’s journey on the road of progress. He also added that Government has delivered on its promise made in December 2014 to amend the Firearms and Air Guns Ordinance in the first quarter of 2015 to introduce mandatory penalties and gun control.
“We are resolved to keeping the BVI as safe and as crime free as possible, with zero tolerance for gun crimes. We understand that managing criminal activity is important to building and shaping our Territory into a modern society. Criminal activity threatens our existence; it affects our reputation as a safe tourism destination, it affects our reputation as a stable financial services jurisdiction, and it affects our ability to safeguard our families and continuing building our society,” Premier Smith stated.
The Premier expressed his support for the Firearm and Offensive Weapons Amnesty campaign spearheaded by the RVIPF, during the continuation for the Second Sitting of the First Session for the Third House of Assembly on July 14.
The community is urged to cooperate and help to rid the Territory of all illegal weapons. Persons are urged to surrender their unlicensed or prohibited firearms to any police station, at any time during this period, with no questions asked. The amnesty for firearms and prohibited weapons will run until July 30. For more information, telephone the RVIPF’s three digit access number, 311.
His crony Gus after all selected him. Can’t wait for him to leave too!