Violent crimes on the rise in the VI – COP Morris
While commending the officers for their commitment and hard work done over the past months, he emphasized the need for them to work even harder especially as there has been a recognized increase in violent crimes across the Territory. Other simpler crimes of burglary and others have seen a significant reduction in the number of reported cases.
The COP reintroduced the parade after an absence of some time due to many challenges that have been facing the force including the shortage of Officers. The officers were inspected and addressed by David Morris and were challenged about a number of housekeeping matters.
According to COP Morris officers needed to be reminded of their roles in serving the community and the standards internally, including “trusting each other and ensuring that we support each other with the work that we do in keeping with the constitution,” said Morris.
“We are coming to the festive season where we’ll be having a lot more events going on. We are stretched in terms of providing policing for those events but we still need to protect the public as well as we have the tourists coming in,” said Morris.
Prior to becoming dormant, the parade was held annually. However, according to the COP, they have recognized the importance of keeping a tighter check on the Officers, reminding them of their role and having them tighten on housekeeping matters. The parade will now be held quarterly.
“Over the years the parade has dropped off because of the stretch on the force in terms of resources and a lot of other events and duties such as court, the protection of judges, VIPs, the government and that sort of thing. So we are bringing it back in just to ensure that we maintain our standards,” said Morris.
He said that the parade also gives the officers a chance to meet and fellowship with each other since they are usually stretched out across the territory and seldom get the opportunity to associate in one place.



34 Responses to “Violent crimes on the rise in the VI – COP Morris”
Mr.Stoutt; To help you understand your concerns,I Legal Team read the law in the Police Act,as it relates to police officers on suspension or interfiction:Do they still have powers of arrest? yes:
Section 35 (4) of the police act,cap.165 laws of the bvi
(a) states""The powers,privileges and benefits vested on him[a police officer] by virtue of his office are in abeyance [in balance] during the period of interdiction;and
(b) The inspector or member of the force of lower rank remains subject to the same responsibilities,penalties and to the same authority as if he had not been interdicted""
So according to BVI law,an officer who is on suspension remains an officer with powers of arrest:
However,where posible the officer should avoid making such arrest,if help from other officers can be reached on time,But the officer still have lawful authority to make an arrest as a police officer or even as a citizen or lawful resident.
You say the officer had the person well beat up.Well be a good citizen,go and make a statement to the cop and be a witness against the officer; because people like to accuse police,then run away when it is time to be a witness for the crown.The same way you blogg,go and blogg in a witness statement!
Keep on blogging,it's your rights to blogg and criticise..
Not in another man's, in your house and that's why you have a problem with them. You need to pay attention to your own pot on the fire before it get burn.
Let us read the Oath made by all police officers before their service to Her Majesty-The Queen:
Mr Morris,SIR: read carefully:
Section 13 paragraph 1 of the Schedule-Laws of the BVI:These are sworn words of Her Majesty's Officer--
I [officer's name inserted] Do swear/affirm that I will well and truly serve Our Sovereign Lady the Queen,Her Heirs and Successors as a member of the Police Force in the Territory of the Virgin Islands without Favor or affection,malice or ill-will;and that I will cause Her Majesty's peace to be preserved,and will prevent to the utmost of my power,offences against the same;and that,during any time that I do or may hereafter hold any appointment in the Police Force I will to the best of my knowledge and skill discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law". Did you read the Oath of office?
Let me continue to pray for god's blessings over these Royal police officers of Her Majesty's Police Force,who made the above Oath to serve Her Majesty because these brave Royal officers continue to work hard to preserve Her Majesty's Peace,as stipulated in the Oath made by these loyal officers-to serve and protect:
And all the Evil forces who plan Evil and hateful thoughts agains them,will face evil too.
My Spiritual teachings taught me,that who do evil will face evil..
And let me thank the Commissioner of Police and other senior ranks of Her Majesty's RVIPF for their leadership qualities and guidance shown to these Royal officers of Her Majesty:
This is a very good incentive and initiative by the Commissioner of Police and he must be commended for his efforts in his fight against violent crime in the BVI: But,who is on the frontline?The Junior Officer:
So what happens when you send Her Majesty's Royal Officers out there to fight violent crime and they get injured in the line of duty and sick from stress,from this dangerous job?
Section 4 of Her Majesty's Police Act,declared that it is their Statutory Duties to fight Crime in the BVI!
They must protect Her Majesty's Citizens,residents and visitors: I quite agree,it's the law:
Her Majesty-The Queen also made a law for Her Police Officers to get quick access to medical attention in Her BVI and outside the BVI:His Excellency-The Governor at the time,assent to that Law on behalf of Her Majesty,after the law was passed by BVI Parliament and revised in the 1991!
C.O.P Malone wrote to HE Savage in the year 2000, on that law to re-emphasise its enforcement:
Well Mr. Morris,you MUST follow and obey BVI Law sir,and you MUST fight for the officers welfare and well-being as written in Her Majesty's BVI Law-book-The Police Act-section 75..
Let me call on the Lord-God to give the C.O.P and the SMT wisdom,knowledge and understanding,that they the senior officers will follow the law in the police Act-Laws of the Virgin Islands,and that they-the senior officers will not be influenced by policies from other Government Departments to have effect over police officers,in CONTRAVENTION of section 75 of the police Act,where serving officers of Her Majesty's Police Force,continue to face difficulties accessing medical attention because of UNLAWFUL medical Insurance Policies!
Let me read section 75 of the Police Act-Laws of the V.I to Mr David Morris:-
The Law-Her Majesty's Laws, section 75 of the Act states-
"Hospital treatment and medical attention at Government expense-
(1) All members of the Force are entiltled to hospital treatment and medical and surgical attention-
(a)Within the Territory,if the treatment is immediately available in the Territory;
(b)Outside the Territory,if the treatment is not immediately available in the Territory;
That is what Her Majesty-The Queen declared in Her BVI Police Act!
Where is it written in the above BVI-Law that Her Majesty's Police Officers require an Insurance Card from an Insurance Company to access medical attention?Show me the law,I want to read it...
The BVI Law that I read from the law-book declared that medical treatment and attention is a charge on the "Consolidated Fund". Police Officers operate under the Police Act and Police Regulations!
The Attorney General is the "Principal Legal Advisor" to the Government,as declared in subsection (2) of section 58 of the Virgin Islands Constitution Order 2007..OK:
C.O.P Morris, Call on the A.G to advise you on section 75 of the police Act! You people are too law-less!!!!
Long live the BVI and RVIPF and God bless the beautiful and wonderful people of the BVI..
PS: "God" is ALWAYS written with a CAPITAL "G", unless you are talking about a lesser "god"!
i agree with the gentleman on how he explain the law on medical treatment for police and who have to pay,when pc patrice grant take up a gun and go and shoot cop barry webb in 2004,that was a case of animosity and resentment but i heard the rider once saying dont take weapons to fight a case,take the law and let the court decide,you looking at a man with that concept of the law and bcuz you hate him you saying he have animosity,may be you read to many articles of his on the law
mr morris said that he come to weed out the undesirable in the force,that is a statement of animosity bcuz he didnt know the officers but call us undesirables,he never apologise for the statement
It is my understanding that medical costs for Police Officers remain free, though as you have pointed out are now linked to a medical insurance scheme. This is not perfect as upfront costs are incurred prior to claiming the money back, but it remains free.
There are many businesses and persons suffering at the moment and The Police like others will have to do more with less resources. The Police also need to be seen to be value for money especially when others don't have the luxury of free medical.
It is better to be constructive with knowledge rather than be negative.
I don't tell people what to write;people chose to hide behind bloggnames,that's their right.
I don't support bloggers or agree or disagree and no one should support me:I don't want support:support the daam law.
I live my life,with guidance from the power of the holy spirit lead by God and when god is ready for me,I will live this world with goodness and respect for law and order..
My earthly sins have been forgiven,my sins are not worse than any body's
Take your ideas to the COP and The Governor
They are the ones in public life in the police force
I am just an ordinary citizen,blogging like any one else.
Thank you VINO,I will wait to read your next topic...
Today during church service,I took a moment of silence to focus on the brave members of Her Majesty's Police Force and the sacrifice that they make every day to protect the life of others and to defend this beautiful territory,
And to realise that the COP is parading Her Majesty's Police Officers,for photographic attention, to make a name for himself,while the WELFARE of Her Majesty's Royal Police Officers are not being addressed!
I prayed that God will protect our police officers from evil! Her Majesty-The Queen must be pleased with them for preserving Her-peace,Her citizens and Her BVI..
Long before Mr.David Morris became the COP,parliament passed the Police Act,which the Governor assent to on behalf of Her Majesty; so let us read two important sections in the BVI Statutory Laws-sections 4 & 21 of the Police Act,Chapter 165-Law of the BVI:
Section 4 [Objects of the force states:-
(1) The objects of the Force are-
(a) The maintenance of law and order
(b) The preservation of peace[Her Majesty's Peace]
(d) The Protection of LIFE and PROPERTY [The life of everyone in the BVI]
(e) The prevention and detection of Crime,and
(f) The enforcement of ALL LAWS that it is required to enforce""..
""Section 21 Duties of the Force-declared by parliament states:-
The general duties of EVERY MEMBER of the the Force-
(a) To preserve the peace,prevent and detect crimes and other breaches of the Law....""
And there are other duties defined...
My point to COP David Morris is on a Point-of-LAW: Not a point of distructive criticism,because I will encourage Her Majesty's Police Officer,to respect authority in the force and follow discipline..
But here we have section 75 of the same police Act,which parliament also passed into LAW,declaring to the COP and Police Administration,that ["The cost of Medical treatment and Medical attention is a charge on the Consolidated Funds"] Her Majesty's Consolidated Funds!
The Law did not call on Her Majesty's Police Officers to pay for medical attention from their own money,under any circumstance!!!!
How can you have Her Majesty's Police Officers,paying for medical attention from their own money & pocket,and then have them applying to get refund from Government? How dare you!
They obeyed section 4 and section 21 of the Police Act. They made an Oath to preserve Her Majesty's Peace,and they are preserving the peace!The officers are following the LAW:
It is now for you-COP David Morris,to follow BVI law [section 75 of the Act] to ensure that you put administrative measures and mechanism in place for the Government to pre-pay for the Medical Attention for Her Majesty's Police Officers from the Consolidated Funds:
Not from Medical Insurance! Medical Insurance is other Government workers and General Orders Policy:
The officers are doing a good job for Her Majesty's Territory-BVI according to the Police Act-BVI Laws!
What are you doing for them, Mr.David Morris under the same Police Act-BVI Law?
I that you have a new headline with Alwin James as DCP.May be allowed to blogg on that topic too?