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VI/UK high-profile meetings have begun

September 10th, 2024 | Tags: VI UK delegation meetings roundtable discussion
The Virgin Islands (VI) delegation currently in the United Kingdom (UK) began their high-profile meetings on Monday, September 9, 2024. Photo: Facebook/Lorna Creque Smith
, The Virgin Islands delegation currently in the United Kingdom, took part in the London Circle Briefings on Financial Services matters with a record-breaking number of 29 people in attendance. Photo: Facebook/Lorna Creque Smith
, The Virgin Islands delegation currently in the United Kingdom, took part in the London Circle Briefings on Financial Services matters with a record-breaking number of 29 people in attendance. Photo: Facebook/Lorna Creque Smith
Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D Wheatley (R7) and part of the Virgin Islands delegation in the United Kingdom met with Labour Members of Parliament. Photo: Facebook/Lorna Creque Smith
Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D Wheatley (R7) and part of the Virgin Islands delegation in the United Kingdom met with Labour Members of Parliament. Photo: Facebook/Lorna Creque Smith
LONDON, England, UK- The Virgin Islands (VI) delegation currently in the United Kingdom (UK) have begun their high-profile meetings.

The delegation consisting of Governor Daniel Pruce, Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), Deputy Premier Lorna G. Smith, OBE (AL), Executive Director of International Business Regulations Ayana I. Glasgow, Governance Reform Delivery Manager Kedrick E. Malone, and Director of the Financial Services Commission Kenneth Baker are in the UK where they are engaging with the newly appointed Minister for Overseas Territories, Stephen J. Doughy, MP and others from across the new Parliament.

Opposition Leader Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL) and Opposition Members Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) are also part of the delegation in the UK.

Record-breaking attendance at Financial Services Meeting

In an update on social media, Hon Smith said yesterday, Monday, September 9, 2024, the delegation took part in the London Circle Briefings on Financial Services matters with a record-breaking number of 29 people in attendance.

The London Circle she explained “mirrors BVI’s Financial Services Industry”. Hon Smith said it was a great opportunity to provide them with an in-person briefing.

Following this briefing, the delegation attended a Climate/Environment roundtable with experts from as far of Switzerland during which discussions on matters such as Insurance and Investments in the Blue Economy were held. This she said was important as the VI is on the frontline of climate change.

Premier Wheatley and part of the delegation later met with Labour Members of Parliament.

10 Responses to “VI/UK high-profile meetings have begun”

  • WHAT!!! (10/09/2024, 11:02) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
    And as usual we will never be told the results of the meetings or the cost to us of the delegations visit.
    • Reassuringly expensive (10/09/2024, 12:41) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
      The team flew over in first class, and are staying in the best hotel available in London. All meals and drinks are on the Govt Mastercard, and there is plenty of time for shopping. The meeting is so high profile that none of the English newspapers have referred to it.
  • 2024 (10/09/2024, 12:03) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
    do Remember the Days of Slavery
  • WTF (10/09/2024, 12:56) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    A whiole 29 people. Wow. Record numbers!
  • high profile (10/09/2024, 13:01) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Ask them when they will pass the cannabis bill. Many meetings no results.
  • Wa Dem Say (10/09/2024, 13:21) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dem goin cancel de thing or wa.
  • hmm (10/09/2024, 13:25) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    What a shame that them is who representing us!! 2 clowns! To you both just enjoy the English rum
  • Ronnie Agenda. (10/09/2024, 15:06) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    New elections. The people have no confidence in this government....That's what Ronnie will be pushing......I like Sowande, he read the blogs. He is a good man He care about what the people have to say...I am not voting for anyone that openly says they do not read the blogs becauae I love to blog my opinion and suggestions without getting oppressed and victimized
  • Bias (10/09/2024, 20:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    why are we not seeing photos of Marlon and Ronnie?

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